British Royal News: Prince Harry Says It’s Not Fair That The Palace Cut Him Off From His Royal Security Protection
British Royal News says that Prince Harry is still quite upset that the royal family pulled the plug on his royal protection when he and his wife Meghan Markle stepped down from their roles as full-time working royals. In fact, the Duke of Sussex says that it was “not fair” that the palace had a say on the plan to cut his security. That, and the High Court also told Harry that they did not know the royal household was involved in the decision to withdraw his permanent protection. Here’s what you need to know.
British Royal News: Prince Harry Says It’s Not Fair That The Palace Cut Him Off From His Royal Security Protection
Earlier in the year, Harry launched a legal challenge in which he argued that it was unfair that he did not know the details surrounding the decision to withdraw his permanent security team. Apparently, this all come about soon after Harry and Meghan pulled the plug on their working relationship with the royal family. Harry has stated in the past that he felt it was dangerous to bring his family back home to the UK because of his lack of security detail.
In February 2020, the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures (known as Ravec) announced that the Sussexes would no longer get security protection. Shaheed Fatima QC, representing the duke, told a hearing on Thursday: “He should have been told so he could have considered things properly and made representations.If there had been a fair process, Ravek would or could have reached a different decision… the role of the royal household as equal partner in the process was inappropriate.”
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However, Sir James Eadie QC, representing the Home Office, begs to differ. He told the court: “He [Prince Harry] knew that his security status was being reviewed on the basis of whether automatic provision should continue, as he would cease to be a working royal, and that was plenty enough to enable anything he wanted to say about that to be said.”
Of course, it didn’t take long at all for both royal fans and critics to weigh in on the matter. Some of them commented with, “The benefits accorded members of the Royal Family are nor rights, they’re privileges that can be removed without any form of due process. Take away the Dukedom, HRH has already gone, just let him be known as plain old Harry Windsor and he’d soon come running back,” along with, “Life is not fair, Harry, yet after all you have been given you wanted out. You chose to live in the land of nutters who constantly bang on about Jesus and guns, so run along and go and lie in that bed you’ve made for yourself, where all your so-called ‘friends’ are plastic and everyone kisses your you know what.”
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