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British Royal News: Prince William And Kate Middleton Slammed For Trying To Copy Harry And Meghan

British Royal News suggests that someone might be taking some notes on what Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been doing over in California. That’s because there’s some speculation that Prince William and Kate Middleton are trying to show the world that they can do anything that the Sussexes can do – or better – as they apparently recreating their own ‘kiss’ at William’s polo match recently. Here’s what you need to know.

British Royal News: Prince William And Kate Middleton Slammed For Trying To Copy Harry And Meghan

Back in June, Meghan gave her husband Prince Harry a whopper of a kiss after his team won a trophy at a charity tournament in Santa Barbara, Calif. Apparently, Kate and William tried to do the same thing but according to some people, the result was perhaps not what they were hoping for.

Of course, many royal fans and critics alike have taken to their social media accounts to write comments such as, “The kiss reminds me of the infamous Diana/Charles kiss. These two are on their last legs. No one can convince me otherwise. The only thing binding them is their one-upmanship of the Sussexes. Nothing about them is natural or spontaneous. On another note, when is William’s ‘baby’ due? Like someone said on social media, one half of the couple does not eat and the other eats too much,” along with, “She is TOTALLY keeping him at arm’s length there. That kiss was awkward…looks more like a kiss you’d give a good friend of the opposite sex…that is, you want to kiss that person hello but don’t want it to look/feel romantic or sexy. These two don’t like each other much.”

British Royal News: Are William And Kate Jealous Of The Sussexes?

Another critic wrote, “They look like acquaintances meeting and kissing on the cheek. The body language is super stiff and awkward. The video shows a double cheek kiss that you would see anywhere in Europe between strangers. They can freeze frame it all they want but Charles and Di also did this in the last years of their marriage before the public knew of the animosity. They remain excessively awkward for a married couple of over a decade.”

In the meantime, let us know what you think with your thoughts in our comments section again. Be sure to catch up with everything on the British Royal Family right now. Come back here often for the British Royal Family news and updates.


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