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General Hospital POLL: Should Wes Ramsey Come Back As Jason Morgan?

General Hospital spoilers say that if there’s anything that we’ve learned about this fictional town of Port Charles, it’s that no one ever meets their demise, even when that final nail is hammered into their coffin, right? While both Peter August and Jason Morgan are presumed to be dead, there’s some speculation that one of the two characters might come back. And when they do, jaws are going to drop to the floor. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital POLL: Should Wes Ramsey Come Back As Jason Morgan?

As many fans already know, Jason Morgan was last played by Steve Burton. But because Steve refused to comply with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate, he was let go. The last time that the character was seen on the canvas was back in November of last year. Wes Ramsey’s character Peter August also met his fate back in February. And while a lot of people let out a huge sigh of relief over Peter’s death, some people would love to see Jason back.

That said, there’s been some Twitter speculation about Jason possibly coming back. Seeing how Steve Burton has made no indication that he will be returning to the soap anytime soon, some are suggesting that Wes Ramsey should take his place. That would sure make for some great television seeing how Wes Ramsey is dating Laura West (Carly Corinthos) in real life, right?

General Hospital POLL: What’s Next For Wes Ramsey?

So far Wes has not made any comments about a possible return to the daytime television world but it’s not like he hasn’t left he show only to come back a few months later, right? Plus, fans would go wild seeing Jason Morgan back in Port Charles, even if it’s in the form of a new face and actor. Do you agree? After all, if there’s anyone who could use Jason in her life right now, it would be Carly. And how wonderful it would be if Wes played the role, right? Of course, not every General Hospital fan will agree, though.

Meanwhile, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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2 years ago

I think that is fantastic idea. Ramsey is a great actor, most of us would agree with that. That is some crafty thinking on someone’s part. Hooking him up with Carly on the show would be great.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christmas

I’m loving that idea…. I love Wes.. I can see chemistry between him and Britt

Judy Rhoades
Judy Rhoades
2 years ago
Reply to  Evelyn

No! Just no!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Judy Rhoades

No no and NO. Not even a little bit maybe. Just No.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carol


2 years ago
Reply to  Evelyn

Never bring back Ramsey is no good actor and character,only thing is married to Carly in real life.

There is only one Jason Steve burton . Sad very sad
The only person who can do so many good and bad characters is the actor who was on Todd on one life to live and now on gh as Franco and new person Austin
Love him the best exsaple to say some actors can do it all

But Ramsey never he don’t have that sorry
But nit this guy

2 years ago
Reply to  Soapfanabcgh1

Laura and Wes are not married in real life yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christmas

No! Thst would be awful! Wes as Jason would totally spoil the character of Jason.

Colleen McDevitt
2 years ago
Reply to  Les

No, omg NO! Please don’t. I’m fine with Jason coming back just don’t make it Wes!

2 years ago
Reply to  Christmas

I think is stupid don’t bring back the actor Ramsey to come back .he is bad actor and bad character,only thing he has to help him is his wife is on the show gh ,helping him back
And she betrade her friends who get screw off the show
Leave Jason dead
I wish Ava brother comes back to save her

2 years ago
Reply to  Christmas

Are you crazy? There is only one hunk of Jason and it’s not Wes. I can’t picture a mean guy like Peter being Jason…. Really if you are that hard up for actors you should have kept Steve!

Evie Feagin
Evie Feagin
2 years ago

NO!!! Bring the real Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) back…

Charles David Haskell
2 years ago

I still would love to see the return of Steve Burton back as Jason Morgan. It would interesting to see how the Longtime GH fan will handle the fact that Wes Ramsey playing the new Jason Morgan. I want to wish him all the luck in the world because he will need it. It sounds better than him coming back as Peter August’s twin brother.

2 years ago

Wes Ramsey is a Giant NO NO NO !!!!! To playing Jason Morgan !!!!!

Gwen Wenrich
2 years ago

Don’t bring back Wes Ramsey, he so not a good actor

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen Wenrich

Wes Ramsey would make a great Jason and the chemistry between him and Laura is already there big time ❤

Eunice Robbins
2 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Yes him and Britt not Carly .They were about to be a couple then he went off and got himself supposely killed.The writers do not write what fans like anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gwen Wenrich

Please do not bring him back bad idea

2 years ago

Do not bring back Wes Ramsay as Jason Morgan. He would be a terrible Jason. If Steve Burton isn’t coming back then don’t bring him back at all (Jason)

2 years ago

Absolutely not! Nothing against Wes Ramsay – he played his role of Peter to sick perfection- but enough re-casts and recycling of actors. It’s annoying. If you must resurrect the character of Jason Morgan, keep searching! Better yet, (while I do not condone his vaccination stance), at this point it might be best to make amends with Steve Burton. “Lightning strikes “ only so often and honestly, he’s kind of irreplaceable.

Mae Coxe
Mae Coxe
2 years ago
Reply to  ER

I have to agree with you! If they don’t let Steve come back or if he doesn’t want to come back, leave it be, nobody can replace him! Don’t forget he does have a side job that is doing great so he might not want to come back! Nothing against Wes, he was a great actor, but don’t replace Jason with him!

2 years ago

No, I do not think bringing Wes Ramsey back as Jason Morgan would be a good idea at all! No one except Steve Burton could effectly play Jason! If Steve Burton can’t return as Jason, just leave Jason out! It would hurt GH by trying to pass off Peter as Jason!

Deborrah Holland
2 years ago

Absolutely NOT

2 years ago

I think that’s a wrong doing pick another actor

2 years ago

I like Wes Ramsay, but please Jason bring E
(Steven Burton) back!!
Everyone I know has absolutely loved Steve Burton for for years.

Deborah Gray
Deborah Gray
2 years ago
Reply to  Diane

I vote yes. Wes Ramsey could be a believable Jason especially the chemistry between him and Carly will be so honest.

Shelley Decker
Shelley Decker
2 years ago

NO NO NO a big fat no!!!!!

2 years ago

If Steve is not coming back then a new character needs to be created !!! Someone similar to Steve but a totally different actor and name. Bringing Wes back could be that new character he could easily play an enforcer…… maybe he quit Selena’s to bring tales of her back stabbing evil double cross of Sonny. But character needs his own name and back story !!!!!

2 years ago

Bringing Wes back BUT make a brand new character!! he could easily play an enforcer…… maybe he quit Selena’s to bring tales of her back stabbing evil double cross of Sonny. But character needs his own name and back story !!!!!

2 years ago

Definitely not. It’s distracting enough with Austin and Franco. Bring back Franco and Steve Burton. There is only one Jason!!

2 years ago

Definitely not. It’s distracting enough with Austin and Franco. Bring back Franco and the real Jason (Steve)!!

2 years ago

No there’s no replacing Steve Burton as Jason Morgan

2 years ago
Reply to  Susan

That would be a Hard Pass! You just can’t replace Burton for that role, only he owns it, would be like trying to replace butter for margarine… Love you Wes but if you come back you need a “ new” character altogether!

2 years ago


2 years ago

God help us! NO

2 years ago

Not no but hell no I’m sorry he is a good actor but not a Jason actor If you have to get another Jason get somebody else.

2 years ago

No, Peter was well know for a particular character and I don’t think he would be the right fit for Jason’s shoes.

joanie torre
2 years ago

No, a thousand times NO

2 years ago

No, he is gone and should stay gone. There are many other actors who can take on that role.

Jean Alvarez
2 years ago

No way Steve Burton should be brought back as ASAP. But no way should Wes be given that role. Time for ABC to let Steve back in.

Sands Playground
2 years ago

Wes Ramsey will ALWAYS be seen as that psychotic Peter guy…NO WAY is he a Jason Morgan and will NEVER be accepted as such…..moving on from this thought!

2 years ago

Either bring back STEVE BURTON or leave “Jason Morgan” dead!!

2 years ago

no no no no did I say no strong enough ! If no Steve Burton then Jason is most sincerely dead . Leave it be. Bring Billy Miller back he was awesome and Wes is awesome they just don’t need to be Jason. And whats say we don’t kill anyone else for awhile, that would be fun !

Robin Price
Robin Price
2 years ago

Yessssss! I love Wes bring him back!

2 years ago

No absolutely not… bring Steve Burton back, no one can fill his shoes!

Joan M Tuberosa
Joan M Tuberosa
2 years ago

Steve Burton is Jason. Do not bring back Wes Ramsey

Louise Bailey
2 years ago

Absolutely NOT! GH should do WHATEVER it can to get the original Jason back! While Wes Ramsey is an excellent actor, that character is an exclusive for Steve Burton! If you can’t get him back, leave him dead! There’s no replacement!

2 years ago

Would love to see him back but not as Jason – there is only ONE Jason!!!

2 years ago

Not no but Hell No! There is only one Jason Morgan and that is Steve Burton! I would love him back, I miss him every day!

2 years ago

Absolutely not!

Dave Lindsey
2 years ago

HELL NO! Wes Ramsey was hated by many as Peter, and would be a terrible mistake as a Jason re-cast. He’s too young for a major fact. Someone about Steve Burton’s age, 51, would be better. It’s a shame Cameron Mathison came on before Burton quit/was fired, since he’s about the same age, which is why he works so well as Jason’s twin, Drew.

Cheryl K Carver
Cheryl K Carver
2 years ago

Absolutely no way no how. Either bring back Steve Burton to play his character or just leave him
dead until Steve can or will come back. Putting Wes Ramsey in as Jason would be an insult to the character.

2 years ago

Bring back Jason, but make it Steve Birton! No matter what it takes!

Port CharlesFan
Port CharlesFan
2 years ago

No, let Wes Ramsey stay out of the show. He is done. Bring Jason or Billy Miller back as Jason or just recast him with someone that is not wes. It would be too weird and would feel too much like Peter returning. Casting Wes as Jason is blah.. what I mean is its not the same.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Steve Burton is the only person who can play Jason Morgan. He should not have been let go.

2 years ago

Bring him back, yes, but NOT as Jason Morgan.

Debra L. Haynes Breen or Michael Breen
Debra L. Haynes Breen or Michael Breen
2 years ago

No way!

2 years ago

No no a thousand times NO. Get steve burton back. Nothing against Wes, but don’t bring him on as Jason. There’s only 1 Jason. That’s Steve Burton.

2 years ago

Why can’t he come back as a different person. He’s a good actor but he’ll always be compared to Jason. He can’t and shouldn’t be expected to fill Jason’s shoes.

Shirley Woods
2 years ago

If they bring him back to any role, I am done!!!

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