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General Hospital Star Rebecca Herbst Offers A Little Insight Into Liz

General Hospital spoilers say that when it comes to the world of soaps, something you think you know a character well, until you realize that you don’t know much about them at all. Thankfully, actress Rebecca Herbst is giving fans a little insight into her on-screen alter ego, Liz Webber. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital Star Rebecca Herbst Offers A Little Insight Into Liz

Speaking to Soap Opera Digest in a new interview, Rebecca opened up about what she likes and dislikes about her character. She started off by saying, “I like that most of the time, especially over the past few years, Liz puts her children first. She definitely is mama bear when it comes to her boys and she works her tail off to be a great single mom. She’s done it for years and years on her own and I think that’s her best quality, that she loves her boys fiercely and will do anything for them.”

Rebecca then added, “Well, I dislike that she sometimes forgets how people have hurt her and she moves past that really quickly instead of holding people accountable. Especially with Nikolas — Nikolas has done some pretty shady things with Liz, and yet she still invites him into her life.”

Now, as far as what she considers to be Elizabeth’s most signature storyline, Rebecca put it this way, “The Liz and Lucky romance. I think that’s what got most of the viewers hooked on Liz, was that very sweet and innocent relationship that she had with Lucky. It was true soap opera romance. The writers did such an amazing job. Back then, we had Michele Val Jean [on the writing team], who took such great care of Elizabeth and wrote for her beautifully. That storyline was precious.”

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Rebecca also says this was the happiest time of her life: “I think there were a few times. I think she was the happiest being a teenager with Lucky; I think Lucky really showed her love for the first time. I don’t think she received that unconditional love from her parents and Lucky really showed her what love is and embraced her. So, as a child, Lucky was a really bright spot in her life. And then there were some brief moments where she was especially happy with Jason. Jason took care of her, protected her and I think she really loved that because she was not protected by her parents. She felt very safe with him, even though that was short-lived. But the longest time that she was the happiest was with Franco.”

Clearly, a lot of fans would agree with that! 

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