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General Hospital Spoilers: Here’s What Fans Really Think About Carly Corinthos

General Hospital spoilers say that if there’s one character that you certainly can’t ignore in this fictional town of Port Charles, it’s definitely Carly Corinthos. That might mostly be because she’s everywhere these days but at the same time, there’s no denying that she’s got quite the presence, too. While there’s no doubt that being a mob boss’ wife is not easy, actress Laura Wright recently revealed that there are going to be a lot of changes in her character’s life in the coming weeks. That said, General Hospital fans have their take on what should happen next for the character. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Here’s What Fans Really Think About Carly Corinthos

Many General Hospital fans have taken to social media in recent weeks to share their thoughts about Carly Corinthos and what direction the character should go in. Some comments included, “I think Laura Wright is a terrific actress but I do feel that Carly is inserted into (way too many) GH storylines where she’s not necessary. That being said, the Carly we know has always been a right-fighter…so why WOULDN’T she nullify Nina’s lease for Crimson? Crimson is a large $$$ tenant, but Carly wouldn’t care. She’d send Nina (and Crimson) packing, no matter the cost to her bottom line,” along with, “Carly is someone sane people would run away from in real life. Loud, narcissistic, embroiled in violence and criminality, petty, vain, nasty, unself-aware…like what is she talking about? Best I can say is that she’d be an easy mark for a con because she’s rich and oblivious.”

And then there was this comment: “How do you solve a problem like Carly? For starters, mature the character. Carly is as wretched, unlikable and hypocritical as the day she blew into PC 26 years ago. IMO, there has been zero character growth since Carly was introduced and that makes it very hard to invest or root for her. The only time I ever side with Carly is when there is a character more hateful than her and then its usually a psycho like Esme. Unfortunately I think we are a small minority here, as Carly detractors, as her antics are lapped up and fully supported on the official GH Facebook and Instagram accounts and on other message boards as well which just gives more incentive for the network brass to leave Carly status quo.”

General Hospital Spoilers: Is Too Much Carly A Bad Thing?

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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