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General Hospital News: Should Ingo Rademacher Get His Job Back?

General Hospital news says that while no one really knows what the state of the world will look like this time next year when it comes to COVID-19 and any of the possible variants that it may continue to produce, there’s a lot of speculation on whether or not the government and some company issued vaccine mandates will still be in effect. Should the vaccine mandates not be enforced in the future, a lot of people can’t help but wonder if some actors like Ingo Rademacher (ex-Jasper Jacks) should get his job back at his former employer. Of course, his situation is a little complicated. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital News: Should Ingo Rademacher Get His Job Back?

As many fans know by now, Ingo filed a lawsuit against Disney-owned ABC for the network’s vaccine mandate. Both Ingo and his former co-star Steve Burton (ex-Jason Morgan) were let go from the hit daytime television show for refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate. It’s been since reported that Ingo filed documents alleging he had requested a religious exemption, which he was denied. The actor also pointed out that the lockdowns and regulations set forth to help curb the spread of COVID-19 are the “most draconian restrictions in modern history.”

And while Ingo is sticking to his guns when it comes to his anti-vaccine stance, his former co-star Steve Burton has made it pretty clear that he would love to one day go back to work on the set of General Hospital

General Hospital News: What’s Next For Ingo And Steve?

“I’ll always be grateful for my time on ‘General Hospital.’ I love it there, I grew up there. I believe that when one door closes, multiple doors open … so I am excited to see what the future brings. And maybe one day, if these mandates are lifted, I can return and can finish my career as Jason Morgan,” Steve Burton said back in November, while obviously leaving the door open for a possible return to the show in the future.

So, with that said, should Ingo or even Steve get their jobs back once the vaccine mandates have been lifted? Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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Debra Mason
2 years ago

If it is because he got fired for not getting the Virus shot, I say Hell Yes! No one Not even the GOVERNMENT agencies have the right to make/tell us what to put in our bodies! Especially when that could KILL US! But they still have no right to make us go against our bodies, let them play around with their own Lives!

2 years ago
Reply to  Debra Mason

They didnt make him vaccinate. He had a choice and chose not to.

Sondra Adam
Sondra Adam
2 years ago

People who don’t comply with job requirements and cause trouble at their place of employment or with their employers don’t usually deserve their jobs back.
Not caring about the health of others you work with and potentially exposing others to health problems is a good reason to deny future employment.
Personally, I wasn’t happy GH let Billy Miller go.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sondra Adam

If they get the vaccine , yes.. otherwise the other actors don’t want them back! They have children on the set that cannot be exposed to careless people! I feel bad for their families! The cop that lost his job because he wouldn’t get the vaccine was on Fox bragging about his rights. He has since died of Covid!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sandee

You do realize that every vaccinated person can transmit the virus, right?

Gail Althouse
2 years ago

YES!!! They should have NEVER been let go to start with over a dang shot, that NEVER (NEVER) worked anyway. People who have been vaccinated,(both covid shots & the booster) still caught covid..So WTH is the point anyway.. Call Morgan & Jax back immediately!!!

Veronica B.
Veronica B.
2 years ago
Reply to  Gail Althouse

1. Fully vaccinated don’t die. 2. They aren’t hospitalized.

2 years ago

No Ingo should not get his job back. Number one he put himself ahead of everyone else, rather than protecting everybody by getting a shot that can only help keep you healthy or less ill if you get a breakthrough case of Covid. Also he should not get his job back because of his post against trans people. The man is a selfish and prejudiced jackass. As for Steve, again, I have said this over and over, your choice ends when it can kill me. I like him as an actor but if he didn’t get the damn shot I wouldn’t even want them anywhere near me. Sorry guys, but that’s the real truth of this whole mess.

2 years ago

How does anyone know that Steve and Ingo would even WANT to return to G.H. after the way they were treated? Has anyone asked them? I mean, here we are, speculating over “if” they should be “allowed” to return to the show. How do we know if they would even want to return? To us, they are friends. To them, it’s a job. I don’t think we even have the right to debate whether they should return or not. It’s up to each of them.

Carol Conn
2 years ago

As much as I love these guys it would never be the same for them if they went back. Nancy would always make sure they were uncomfortable!!! The old saying “you can never go back “ both these guys have been so gracious and kind . They took the high road. Don’t lower themselves to Nancy’s level of pettiness. Love Ingo and Steve

2 years ago
Reply to  Carol Conn

Nancy seems to forget how outragedwhen people questioned her relationship with Lane Davis and if he is her daughter’s biological father.she has a right to a healthy work environment but her going to and making statements that she not have come from her.

2 years ago

Yes, both Ingo R and Steve Burton should both get re-hired.

They were treated horribly by enforcing mandates that are unconstitutional!! Very proud of both of them for standing for our inherent rights. It’s our bodies and NOBODY has a right to tell someone what to put I. Their body.

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