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The Young and the Restless News: Sharon Case Admits Things Aren’t The Same Without Jordi Vilasuso

Girl, we feel you. We definitely feel you on this. The Young and the Restless star Sharon Case, who plays Sharon Newman on the hit CBS soap, admits that things simply aren’t the same for her now that her on-screen husband Jordi Vilasuso (Rey Rosales) is no longer on the show. Here’s what she has to say!

The Young and the Restless News: Sharon Case Admits Things Aren’t The Same Without Jordi Vilasuso

Speaking to Soap Opera Digest in a new interview, Sharon admitted that Rey’s tragic death – in which he died in a car crash – should start off an interesting, new chapter in her life. She said, “Yeah, Sharon has never been a widow before, so it’s a challenging time to lose your husband or someone so close to you. The last time I played that was when Cassie died.”

Sharon also admitted that  Rey’s death did some at the expense of The Young and the Restless losing the handsome and talented actor, Jordi Vilasuso. She said, “Yes, I know [sighs], that’s what these storylines do. Thankfully, this doesn’t happen very often but we are very sad to lose Jordi. However, the loss or death of one character can spin out many storylines for years to come, just like what happened with Cassie’s death.”

Now, as far as whether or not Sharon will be okay after her husband’s death, her portrayer offered, “Well, it’s hard to say because this is early in the game of her grieving process. You just don’t know. When someone goes through all the stages of grief and they’re finally done, they land somewhere but you don’t know where they’re going to land. It could be as a stronger person, or they could become weaker, and get hooked on drugs or alcohol. That’s a common thing that happens to people as they try to find their way out of their grief and in search for stable ground. Maybe Sharon will decide to change her life or career, be a big badass and just drive in a new direction. I just don’t know, but it’s exciting.”

The Young and the Restless News: What’s Next For Sharon?

With that said, The Young and the Restless fan will have to tune in each and every day to find out what is in store next! Be sure to catch up with everything on Y&R right now. Come back here often for The Young and the Restless spoilers, news and updates.



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