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General Hospital News: This Is What Nancy Lee Grahn Is Boycotting Now

General Hospital spoilers say that if there’s one person that is incredibly outspoken, both on and off the canvas, it most certainly is actress Nancy Lee Grahn, who plays Alex Davis on the hit CBS soap. While there’s no doubt that Nancy has shared her opinions on just about everything from COVID-19 vaccine mandates to what’s going on in the political sphere, she’s just revealed that she’s been boycotting a huge corporation. Here’s what she has to say.

General Hospital News: This Is What Nancy Lee Grahn Is Boycotting Now

It looks like Nancy has become a Dunkin’ Donuts girl (for the coffee, of course) as she’s no longer making runs to the ‘Buck anymore. That’s because she’s decides to get rid of Starbucks in her life and for a good reason, too. 

When Bernie Sanders tweeted, “Starbucks could give every one of its 383,000 workers a $5,000 bonus & still keep $2.6 billion in profits from last year. Instead they’re raising prices while spending $20 billion on stock buybacks & dividends when profits are up 31%” Nancy followed up with, “It’s been 4 months since I’ve had a #Starbucks. I’ve saved good money while feeling good about not contributing to their corporate greed.”

General Hospital News: Nancy Is Disgusted With Corporate Greed

Of course, it didn’t take very long for Nancy’s fans and followers to comment on her new stance. Many of them wrote, “I’m too cheap to go to places like that, but when I do I go to Dunkin because it is in walking distance! Otherwise, I sit at home and make my own coffee,” along with, “I used to go there 4-5 times a week and now 0 because of the latest price hike.”

Another fan wrote, “Corporate greed has always existed. It could not survive without the help of republicans. If you support greed, like the republicans do, then don’t talk about making America great while you let others starve and die. BTW Nancy, you work for Disney.”

Let us know what you think in your comments section below. Also, don’t forget that General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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Nora Mauk
Nora Mauk
2 years ago

People Always Have To Play The Race Card Or Try To Blame Republicans For Everything That Goes Wrong, We Are Talking About Some Damn Coffee Here And A Company That Is Too Greedy To Care About People But Of course one Of The Comments Had To Be About Blaming The Republicans.

2 years ago

Wow….this woman, Nancy Grahn, needs to set some higher goals for herself!!
Cutting out Starbucks …. Wow
But it says a lot that this was even turned into a story and printed!!

Heather Laurin
Heather Laurin
2 years ago
Reply to  Just123

Nancy Lee is a narrow minded moron who needs to be fired. The vitriol she spews online on a daily basis is disgusting.

2 years ago

First, Nancy works for ABC/General Hospital.
Second, I do feel strongly in our Freedom of Speech.
Third, does she ALWAYS have to share her opinion?????
I stopped Buck’s years ago for their wokeness and greed.

2 years ago

I think Nancy is a total nut job. She has blocked everyone that has said anything to differ with her so all you will see on her Twitter is Go Nancy BS. How do I know this?. Go to Facebook’s firenancyleegrahn and see how many there are of us. 💪 If she were a conservative she would have been fired long ago. #generalhospitalabc #hypocrites #firenancyleegrahn #bringbacksteveandingo #defeatthemandate

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim

What a nasty person who totally ruined this show, lost a lot of long time viewers from her ignorance and nasty posts. If she was a conservative she would of been fired for her foul mouth a long time ago, telling a sitting congress woman f.u and their mives don’t matter. I really thought g.h had more class than this, apparently they don’t care about all their viewers only those who agree with this nasty person.

Joe Lipari
Joe Lipari
2 years ago

Shareholders like myself invested their hard earned money into these public companies and DESERVE the increased dividends and the company stock buybacks. End of story.

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