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General Hospital Star William deVry Shares His Thoughts On The Situation In Ukraine

General Hospital star William deVry (Julian Jerome) is glued to the television reports and social media updates coming out of Ukraine just like millions of other people all around the world. After weeks of escalating tensions, the nearly 200,000 Russian troops assembled at the border of Ukraine began a broad military strike in the European country, resulting in mass casualties and bloodshed that Europe has not seen since World War II.

General Hospital Star William deVry Shares His Thoughts On The Situation In Ukraine

William, who doesn’t often share his political musings online, took to his Twitter account to write, “The world has changed overnight & USA is 2 busy infighting about health mandates & masks. Serious regional war that could become a global nightmare in a split second. When can we all start making comprises as neighbors, politicians & humans so we can finally accomplish something?”

Of course, it didn’t take very long for his fans and followers to weigh in on the matter, too. Many of them said, “When the politicians get the same common sense you have Will. I taught elementary & middle school for over 20 years, my students could find better & quicker solutions than Congress could. Also anyone who believes Putin is going to stop at Ukraine needs to wake up,” along with, “So true. I have said this more times for the last several years. We definitely aren’t coming from a position of strength. Hurts my heart.”

General Hospital Star Nancy Shares Her Thoughts Too

General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis) also shared her thoughts on the ongoing crisis developing in Ukraine. She said, “Putin is Dr No. He’s a Bond Villain on steroids. He’s an evil megalomaniac and the world hates him. He will ultimately be painfully crushed by forces greater than him. Until then, safe blessings to all Ukrainians. There are no words.”

As of press time, massive explosions have been reported near the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, while the U.S., with the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada, are backing the expulsion of certain Russian banks from SWIFT, the high-security network that connects thousands of financial institutions around the world.

Let us know what you think in your comments section below. Also, don’t forget that General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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