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General Hospital Poll: Should Sonny Choose Nina Over Carly?

General Hospital spoilers say that Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) has sure found himself in a pickle. For the longest time, Sonny and his wife Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) have always been considered as a solid couple in this fictional town of Port Charles. No one or nothing could break them. However, that all changed the moment he began having an emotional affair with Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) while they were in Nixon Falls together. Of course, he might not have been the right “Sonny” in the right state of mind while there, but the fact that he got close with Nina is enough for Carly to walk out on him and potentially walk out of their marriage. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital Poll: Should Sonny Choose Nina Over Carly?

If there’s anything we’ve learned about Carly Corinthos over the years, it’s that she’s basically the female version of her husband. She is someone who fights for her family and as the wife of the most powerful mob boss on the streets of Port Charles, she’s also someone that you don’t want to mess with. 

That said, Carly and Sonny’s marriage hasn’t really looked like a typical one over the years. Each time Carly needed Sonny in her life – like when she gave birth to their baby Donna – Sonny wasn’t there. Instead, it was her best friend Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) who always provided the support and understanding that she needed, and especially during times of crisis.

That said, a lot of General Hospital fans have made it pretty clear that they are tired of the ‘Carly’ show during each and every episode. Some even believe that despite all of the years they’ve been together, Sonny would be better off with someone like Nina. Clearly, the chemistry is there between them. And while it might have been ‘Mike’ who had the affair with Nina, it’s Sonny who can’t stop thinking about her. Do you agree? Tell us, who do you think Sonny should end up with: Nina or Carly?

General Hospital Poll: Sonny’s Marriage Is In Crisis

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.


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3 years ago

Carly over Nina I don’t like Nina at all don’t watch very much any more with out Jason on there and not too fond of Alexis either

3 years ago
Reply to  Marie

Carly not Nina don’t like her at all

2 years ago
Reply to  Marie

I can’t stand Nina. She bugs the heck out of me!!! She always has this sad look going on that is annoying, to say the least.

Kathleen Klingle
Kathleen Klingle
3 years ago

I say Sonny and Carly should both go to counseling together and Sonny needs to be back on his meds before he goes off the deep end. No more excuses. Nina should go away and find someone else to be with…

3 years ago

Early and Sonny belong together! Nina needs to leave!

3 years ago

I think Sonny should stay with Carly! Nina could have called Jason or Michael. Nina also knew he was a married man. She flicked out when Jax came to see her in NF. She could of been honest with Jax. And Nina should have tired to tell Sonny the truth. Nina hated when everyone lied to her.
I just don’t understand.

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

They need to end this story line period sick of it sonny and Carly belong together Nina needs to go can’t said her whiny attitude and thinking she did anything wrong GH is losing viewer’s fast get rid of writer’s and Frank V enough is enough they are destroying Gh

3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Carly for sure their definitely a power couple have those kids together they need to work this out and grow together. Nina not strong enough to handle a man like sonny

3 years ago

Sonny & Carly need to stay together. Nina is too wishy washy; falling in love when someone shows an interest and out of love when they disappoint her. We all know that Sonny will definitely disappoint her sooner rather than later.

3 years ago

No No No No No

Leslie Hammon
Leslie Hammon
3 years ago

I have not liked Carly for a very long time. She is a bully. Nina is a much better person.

3 years ago
Reply to  Leslie Hammon

I don’t like Nina and think she is a terrible person for what she did to Sonny and Carly, she knew Sonny was married and still went after him and did not tell him who he was! She was wrong and is still wrong in trying to reason her actions!

3 years ago
Reply to  Patricia

Carly and Sonny are meant to be together, Nina should go to jail for all she has done. Shiny should be furious with Nina for not telling him who he was,

3 years ago
Reply to  Vic

Carly needs to be with Sonny. I can’t stand Nina. She needs to go away. If Sonny stays with Carly I will continue to watch GH. If he is with Nina I refuse to watch GH.

2 years ago
Reply to  Patricia

Nina knew full well she couldn’t get Sonny away from Carly in a fair competition so she played dirty. Decided to go after a married man. And that on its own was deplorable but to keep his identity from him and everyone else so she could keep her delusion alive is the WORST thing any woman has done, ever on GH. She took Carly, & Ava’s bitch crowns!

ann boever
3 years ago

Nina sick of Carly

Gwen Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  ann boever

Carly should be with her husband..Nina should not get the rewards of her husband when she was the one who cheated that family out of their dad, husband and friend..also telling her so call grandson about her mother. That child was to young for that..could have told him that later when he could understand..I am so sick and tried of soap writers acting like babies can understand grown up situations..

Phyllis rosario
Phyllis rosario
3 years ago

No sonny should stay w carly. Nina is living a fantasy

Gwen Williams
3 years ago

Carly should be with her husband..Nina should not get the rewards of her husband when she was the one who cheated that family out of their dad, husband and friend..also telling her so call grandson about her mother. That child was to young for that..could have told him that later when he could understand..I am so sick and tried of soap writers acting like babies can understand grown up situations..

Cam 728
Cam 728
3 years ago
Reply to  Gwen Williams

I agree and GH should hire WRITERS who know how to write a Good story, not this crap we are fed every day! It’s all about sadness we don’t need that we need GH the way it was “before these so-called WRITERS took over and RUINED GH!

3 years ago

Carley most certainly has her flaws but please DO NOT pair Sonny and ninny Nina together. She reminds me of a love struck teenager that writes the boys name over and over and then does the He loves me he lives me not! Sonny and Carley are a perfect team but he’s about to lose her! People say well she was about to marry Jason, difference they believed Sonny was dead thanks to Nina and she told Sonny everything from the get go! Sonny has used every excuse he could muster not to tell Carley the truth about everything! Not to smart for a smart man that knows Carley better than anyone!

3 years ago
Reply to  Cindy

No Nina!!

3 years ago

Get rid if Nina. She is delusional and nuts! Hasn’t faced reality in a long time.

Karla Kettler
Karla Kettler
3 years ago
Reply to  Stetny

Carly for sure!!!!! They are THE couple of GH, and, while the drama of watching them disagree, fight, and hate each other, the joy is watching them and hoping they reconnect.

3 years ago

Nina! Sonny and her have amazing chemistry. She is the peace he has even searching for.

3 years ago
Reply to  Harlock

No way do they have chemistry. Nina is dull

3 years ago
Reply to  Harlock

They do have good chemistry but while I am one of the ones that likes Nina I absolutely DO NOT want her with Sonny. Just keep Sonny and Carly together.

3 years ago

Sonny & Carly need to be together. The person playing Nina is not a very good one. I like the old Nina better, but just saying it won’t be the same without Sonny & Carly together.

3 years ago

Nina will never accept the mob life! Sonny won’t tell Nina everything and she won’t have that! Carly knows how the mob life works and deals with it…..sometimes more than she should.

3 years ago


Raymond Hayden
Raymond Hayden
3 years ago

Carly and Sonny belongs together. Nina is a liar.

3 years ago

Carly and Sonny are real together not contrived like Sonny and Nina. There just isn’t any charisma in Sonny/Nina. Carly and Sonny are so alike and understand each other and they have a family together.

Deb Loper
Deb Loper
3 years ago

Carly and Sonny!! Carly does not deserve the way Sonny is standing by Nina Get rid of that little snake Nina , can not believe she is playing victim when she is a homewrecker

Ashley Mako
Ashley Mako
3 years ago

No Sonny and Carly need to stay together. Nina is a homewrecker and has not suffered any real Consequences for her actions against the Conrithose family. She needs therapy and to leave Sonny alone. The other thing is Nina can’t handle Sonny’s life in the mob the way Carly can. Nina is a weak woman and she just needs to leave well enough alone.

Kaye Schrader
Kaye Schrader
3 years ago

Please don’t put sonny and Nina together. Nina has no place in sonnys world and they have absolutely no chemistry between. Nina should have to pay for what she did to sonnys family. Nina is CRAZY and needs to be run out of town

3 years ago


3 years ago

Team Nina! Carly is just as nutty as Nina, shake it up GH writers.

L. Long
L. Long
3 years ago

Please, please don’t put Sonny with Nina!!

Jo Ann Bennett
3 years ago

Carly over Nina

3 years ago

Carly can really be annoying with her rightist attitude. She can have the same feeling with Jason and she really didn’t confess the Sonny that her and Jason kissed several times and she didn’t admit her love for Jason that goes back a long time . She just told him about what happened just before he came home. BUT SONNY should be with Carly. Nina is whiny. With Nina it is always someone else’s fault. Never her. She has a had timed between knowing right from wrong unless it’s against her.

Brenda Price
3 years ago

Sonny and Carly, I refuse to watch Sonny with Nina

3 years ago

Carly!!! Nina and Donny boring.

David A Ewing
David A Ewing
3 years ago

Sonny should stay with Carly. Nina should go with someone else or move

Debra Hornsby
Debra Hornsby
3 years ago


Michaele Benjamin
3 years ago

Nina has to go by tomorrow if possible. She is coming off like the ANGEL and Carly as the BAD GUY. Ain’t no way. Nina caused a lot of sorrow.

3 years ago

Team Carly! Nina needs psychological help

3 years ago

I would never encourage a woman to have an emotional or sexual relationship with a woman’s husband. Carly and Sonny have a good relationship and I hope the writers continue making them a couple we can all look up to, ie, then working out a very tough situation, just like in real life.

3 years ago

Carly… tired of this story line

3 years ago

Carly and Sonny should be together. Team Carly forever! Hate. Nina. Totally

3 years ago

Carly all the way!!! Nina 👎🖕 is wacko!

3 years ago


3 years ago

NO NO AND NO keep Carly aba Sonny together they have family Nina needs help put her in the funny farm

3 years ago

Carly and sonny together ❤️. Love them together ❤️. Nina should find someone single. Nina home wrecker. Carly is beautiful and smart took the mob boss. What put Nina. Team Carly and sonny.

3 years ago

I don’t even see how this can be a debate Nina is horrible I don’t feel any chemistry with her and Sonny Carly and Sonny 100%
Nina needs a new man of her own period


[…] Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) have a long talk aboard The Haunted Star with Nina worried that Sonny is still not taking his meds. They also discuss everything that happened between them in Nixon Falls as Sonny has it in his head that Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) has given up on him. […]

3 years ago

Definitely Carly over lying homewrecker Nina. Nina uses men: Silas, Valentin, Jax, Mike/Sonny. Carly and Sonny are a power couple, while Nina and Sonny just don’t make sense.

2 years ago

Sonny and Carly should not stay together. Nina and sonny should not be together. Carly deserves someone better, sonny deserves to be alone and Carly should ruin Nina’s life. I won’t watch again until this story line is over I just can’t stomach Nina being made into the good person

2 years ago

It would be refreshing to see GH reunite Sonny and Carly (so tired of Nina!) and do a serious storyline of them attending marital counseling working on the 5 pillars of a healthy marriage this time. So many couples in pain could learn from such a story line, much as GH has explored more serious stories in the past about alcoholism, drug addiction, heart disease etc. Doses of realism can be extremely compelling and even educational – writers just need to do the research and stretch themselves a bit rather than shoveling out the usual drivel.

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