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General Hospital News: Fans Want Tyler Christopher As The New Jason Morgan

General Hospital spoilers say that this certainly would be an unexpected twist. Even though reports have said that the producers of General Hospital have no plans to recast the character of Jason Morgan now that Steve Burton is gone, fans want to see him back anyway. In fact, there are even some calls for former General Hospital and Days of Our Lives star Tyler Christoper to become the new Jason in Port Charles. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital News: Fans Want Tyler Christopher As The New Jason Morgan

It goes without saying that many General Hospital fans have been left quite upset knowing that Jason Morgan won’t be gracing the canvas any longer. Actor Steve Burton was forced out of the role after he refused to comply with the ABC network’s mandatory vaccine mandate. While there was some speculation that the producers would replace Jason with another actor, that hasn’t happened yet. However, the show’s frontrunners are yet to make any official statements about the matter.

With that said, many fans have been taking to social media to weigh in on the matter. They’ve also noticed that actor Tyler Christopher, who last played Nikolas Cassadine on General Hospital and Stefan DiMera on Days of Our Lives, has been more active on social media now than in the past year. But is he ready to work again? Many fans have said that they would love to see him back on daytime television and as the new Jason Morgan, seeing how he would be perfect to play the role.

General Hospital News: What’s Next For Tyler Christopher?

So far Tyler has not made any comments about his daytime television comeback, but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen. While Tyler has certainly had his fair share of issues in the past, it’s safe to say that he’s definitely turned his life around for the better and that his fans miss him incredibly. Plus, there’s no way Jason Morgan can be gone forever, right?

Of course, GH fans will have to tune in to find out what will happen next! Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.


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3 years ago

I want Steve Burton back as Jason. If not I will stop watching gh. He’s Jason. Nobody else can play him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jackie

I do not want any one in Jason Morgan place, but Burton if he is not coming back, Just like him stay died. Christopher Tyler can only be Nicholas.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tena

What if Tyler was held hostage and they found a replacement Nickolas. Maybe Luke has found him and is on they way back to Port Charles.

Jean Jackson
Jean Jackson
3 years ago
Reply to  Jackie

True no one but Steve is Jason…

Chantel I Underwood
3 years ago

That isn’t going to work. If hope that ABC comes to their senses and removes the mandate and brings Steve back! The original Jason, not Nikolas.

3 years ago

I don’t care who plays Jason just bring him back. Have Drew play Jason and Drew. You use Kevin for Ryan and Kevin. When mandate is over bring Steve Burton back. I also would love for Helena to come back. It was just a tease seeing her on video at Luke’s funeral even though Luke’s still alive and Victor has him hidden so he can try and take over port Charles. He said he has him neutralized . He keeps hinting he’s still alive and Luke never died . We will see

3 years ago

Would love to see Tyler back on GH but only as Nicholas! There is only one Jason and that will always be Steve Burton!

3 years ago
Reply to  Elyn

I would love to see Tyler as a bearded, dark, enforcer. He has the dark, moody , menacing thing down. He doesn’t have to be , “Jason”, but absolutely, menacing e forcer….

3 years ago
Reply to  Elyn

There’s only one Jason and that’s Steve Burton. I don’t see why he has to have the shot to work. Everyone has there rights. Give him back his job

3 years ago

I do not want any one in Jason Morgan place, but Burton if he is not coming back, Just like him stay died. Christopher Tyler can only be Nicholas.

Marilyn Meyer
Marilyn Meyer
3 years ago

While I do like Tyler Christopher as an actor, it seems silly to make him a new Jason, when tons of fans would only see him as Nicholas Cassadine. If there is to be a new Jason, it needs to be someone new to G.H.

Mary Suzanne Lively
Mary Suzanne Lively
3 years ago

I would love to see a recast of Jason Morgan. The cave in could have reversed some of the damage done to his brain all those years ago when his half brother drove drunk and caused the accident that changed Jason Q to Jason Morgan/Stone Cold. I’d love to see Jason come back with all of his memories and being a bit more like Jason Quartemaine. Sort of Half and Half . Jason’s story lines have been pretty lame in some ways and a little creativity for the character could make a huge difference. Billy Miller could pull it off but would he come back, only to be thrown aside again. ?

3 years ago

I want Steve Burton to come back as Jason. No one else can play that role like Steve. If you won’t bring him back I will not be looking at GH anymore.

3 years ago

Yes, Tyler Christopher absolutely, a great dark mysterious enforcer.. He would look much better as a mob enforcer… No Jab no job..sorry Burton…

Janna Thomas
3 years ago

Yes, plz let Tyler Christopher play Jason Morgan. Can u imagine the sparks between he and Britt? Also, just once on General Hospital, can a baby be born healthy, normal, with no extreme drama? Come on guys, there ate many babies born everyday. They all don’t die, or be born in the woods. They don’t all have sids. If the writers are having trouble developing story lines, let the fans have at it.

Steven Otero
Steven Otero
3 years ago

What ever happened to Trevor St John ?

3 years ago

There is only one good Jason . Tyler Christopher is not it!

Monica T.
Monica T.
3 years ago

Bring the original Jason back. Keep the originals from now on. No one can be Jason but Jason – the original. I like the original Cassidine but you brought back The imitation of a weaker one. And now you want to place the original cast died as Jason know even though I really like his style and look, no. However, Sunny does need someone like Jason to help him. But don’t let the name be Jason if you’re not going to bring back the original Jason.

Lisa Wyman
Lisa Wyman
3 years ago

I would rather see Tyler play as Nikolas.

3 years ago

Why? Tyler Christopher is from my hometown of Delaware, Ohio. He is a conceited ass!

3 years ago

Tyler Christopher should come back as Nicholas, not Jason. The guy playing him now is not old enough looking, or have the requisite character depth for a Cassidine, or to act opposite the Eva character. And while I’m at it I will say neither does Cameron Mathison strike the right tone for a no nonsense ex navy seal. He is too warm and fuzzy in a saccharine way in this role. Where is the director(s) when the casting crew has screwed up?

Mark W. Noonan
Mark W. Noonan
3 years ago

No! The only character that Tyler Christopher should play is Nikolas Cassadine. Especially after stabbing us in the back with that secret recast.


[…] us also not forget that Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) walked in on Sarah Brown’s Sonny and Carly. And then there was Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth), who really […]

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