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Jennifer Lopez Blaming Ben Affleck For Her Failures

It looks like things aren’t looking very good for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. In fact, there’s a new report that suggests J.Lo might be blaming her husband for all of her professional failures these days. Her Amazon album, “This is Me… Now: A Love Story,” tanked horribly. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Celeb News: Jennifer Lopez Blaming Ben Affleck For Her Failures

Apparently, Jennifer would love for her husband Ben Affleck to help keep up with the appearance that they are a happy couple that are in love, but he’s just not feeling it. And because of it, sources say that J.Lo is quite upset because her personal life is negatively impacting her professional one. And if things don’t change, it’s going to force Jennifer to make some drastic changes on her end. 

One source close to the situation even put it this way, “Ben has gotten very good at biting his tongue, but it’s known that he’s not happy at all about J. Lo’s endless need for attention. Ben loves J. Lo dearly, and he knew what he was getting into, to an extent. But his fear is that by putting so much of herself out there.”

Celeb News: What’s Next For Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck?

The tipster added, “J. Lo’s just opening them up to way too much public scrutiny, and that hasn’t helped their relationship historically — far from it.”

It goes without saying that Jennifer herself hasn’t made any comments about the matter but many critics have noticed that she and Ben look anything but happy whenever they are together. The actor has made it clear that he hates the red carpet and anything that has to do with promotions, cameras and the spotlight. But those are all the things that Jennifer Lopez craves the most. Some are even betting that the couple might not even make it by the end of the year, especially if Ben doesn’t change his attitude. There’s just so much Jennifer can tolerate from her husband.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. 

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