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Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Suspicious Sarah Questions Sweaty Xander About The Cryptic Message On His Phone

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Suspicious Sarah Questions Sweaty Xander About The Cryptic Message On His Phone

Days of Our Lives spoilers and updates tease a suspicious Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey) will question a sweaty Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) about the cryptic message on his phone.

He’d gone out for a run in the middle of the night and left his phone behind, and Sarah saw a text message from an unknown number come in asking if it “was done”!

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Did He Or Didn’t He-Only Harris Michaels Knows For Sure!

A shooter matching Xander’s description shot Harris Michaels (Steve Burton) point blank in the heart twice behind the Bistro, but Harris isn’t talking-he laid bleeding out for a while.

Harris recognized his shooter, and several days prior Xander got a cryptic call from an unknown number, the caller disguising his voice, Xander never did tell the caller he’d take it.

The caller knew Xander had been a hit man in his past and wanted to hire him-he thought the call may have come from EJ DiMera (Dan Feurreriegel).

Xander went to Stefan DiMera (Brandon Barash) and asked him, and told him about the call-but Stefan denied knowledge, telling him it wasn’t him. They argued after Xander thought it might be EJ and accused Xander of making the call up-Xander left in a huff.

DOOL Spoilers: Several Days Pass, Someone Calls While Xander Cook Is Running

Several days pass, and Xander goes out for a run, leaving his phone behind-he’d dismissed the call wanting to hire him for a hit job. Sarah sees a text as the phone beeps, and wonders what the texter is asking about that’s done; she waits up for him to return home from his run.

She tells him he left his phone behind and there’s a text on it for him asking if something’s done, he says it’s not important and probably just spam.

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Suspicious Sarah Questions Sweaty Xander About The Cryptic Message On His Phone

Xander never took the caller up on his offer so while this text makes him nervous, he decides to ignore it and take advantage of the baby being asleep. He needs to get in the shower before the landlord calls the fumigator, and Sarah laughs and agrees-he’s pretty rank!

Days Of Our Lives Spoilers: Slippery Sexy Time

Sarah’s not suspicious about the text right away, and for now, it’s slippery sexy time as she sneaks into the shower with Xander, who’d been resisting her advances.

But they are early in their reconciliation, that’s why Xander has been moving so slow-he doesn’t want to jump in with both feet only to be rejected again. The two have some soapy slippery sexy fun and then go to bed for the night.

But later, when the news comes in that a cop was shot behind the Bistro, Sarah suffers suspicions from the past, when she thought it was all okay but it wasn’t.

Xander was involved back then, and then she questions him about the shooting-not accusing, but wanting to know if he was nearby-Xander worries secretly and denies it.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with DOOL right now. Come back here often for Days Of Our Lives spoilers, news, and updates.


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