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General Hospital News: Ingo Rademacher Slammed For Not Being ‘Classy’ Like Steve Burton

General Hospital alum Ingo Rademacher is being slammed for not remaining ‘classy’ like his former co-star Steve Burton. While Steve has managed to get rehired on the hit ABC soap, Ingo is still without a job. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital News: Ingo Rademacher Slammed For Not Being ‘Classy’ Like Steve Burton

There are a lot of fans out there that think this soap opera star just needs to get off his soap box. Both Ingo and Steve got let go from General Hospital at the same time for not complying with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate back in 2021.In a video that he posted on Instagram, Ingo started off by saying, “I was fired for not complying for the vaccine mandate but in the discovery process, we found out they were actually trying to fire me before the vaccine mandate because they didn’t like my political and social views.”

Of course, many of Ingo’s fans certainly had a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some have even commented with, “Unfortunately Ingo, this seems to have become a platform for politics, bullying and yes hate. GH fired you- probably for multiple reasons, not just the vaccine. You sued them. You lost, They are never going to hire you back. I loved the character of Jax but that is long gone and you know it. You burned every bridge down and now what. You are going to make yourself unhireable- you should have taken a look at how Steve handled himself. Please move on- you have a beautiful family to care for,” along with, “You need to get on with your life. General hospital is done with you. You aren’t even an American citizen. Your political views don’t pertain to the USA. If you want a say in things become a citizen. Until that time stop running your mouth. You aren’t part of the process you are part of the problem.”

General Hospital News: Ingo Is Still Without A Job

Another critic wrote, “ Sounds like Ingo has proof in emails that specifically say, let’s fire him because he is a Republican and we don’t like his social media posts. Doubtful. There are alot of republicans with different political/religious views working on GH. Imagine taking this so far just to find out that there were other issues about his work performance or behavior that also contributed to his exit. He wants to pursue this until the end so no other soap/network hires a loudmouth troublemaker, then so be it.”

Of course, GH fans will have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next. General Hospital airs on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.


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[…] At the hospital, Portia and Curtis make an urgent decision upon receiving frightening news from Laura Collins (Genie Francis). In front of the snack machines, Laura tells them they all should know this-Esme Prince (Avery Kristen Pohl) wasn’t in Toronto. The bad news is, she was Paris bound, a corporate credit card charge found for a ticket to Paris. […]

Carole Young
Carole Young
1 year ago

U are also a homophobe. GOOD RIDDANCE!!!

1 year ago

I agree with the article. Become a citizen,I also agree with Carole. Good riddance! Bye

1 year ago

Don’t even go there!!!!Ingo has class and good morals. Now you want to put trash out to start a ugly mess with Ingo and Steve Burton..That’s trashy ,Pathic, Disgusting…..All GH Writers and ugly duckling manager of GH are destroying GH…Steve and Ingo are great guys ..Stop this trash talk…Or just end GH ..You Valentino and writers are being so destructive to the actors…You put LW on a peddle stool in everything and we can’t stand her..
.. And Nancy (Alexis) evil personal attacks she done on actors she needs to go

1 year ago
Reply to  Nanlee

WOW Nanlee. You are a simple, nasty, mean mouth little woman aren’t you? Although, its not surprising. You’re not even bright enough to stay on topic..

1 year ago

I agree with all the above comments, especially the one saying he isn’t a citizen and therefore needs to keep his nose out of politics. He is also a homophobe. Good luck getting work! The world is full of Trans and gay people who deserve respect which he will never give. He is/has ruined his career. If he wants work, he needs to drop the vendetta and move on already!

1 year ago

Unfortunately he is exactly where he put himself, unemployed and ostracized.
Should he ever get another opportunity, hopefully he’ll have learned to temper his words with forethought, wisdom and grace. Words are just like toothpaste, once said you can’t even put them back in the tube..

1 year ago

Good luck finding work on the other two remaining soaps or on any show that is hosted by Angel Studios.

1 year ago

I do not like to leave comments anywhere but this ganging up on Ingo is terrible, it makes me want to stop watching GH, people are entitled to their political views no matter where you stand! So why should Ingo not be able to express his views? I do know others on this show express theirs. Socialism is on the rise and sooner or later people will understand why it is not a good idea.

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