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Prince William and Kate Middleton Want To Keep Their Son Prince George Away From His Uncle?

If you are wondering which uncle we are talking about, no it’s not the one that everyone in society should be keeping their distance from. Instead, there’s a new report that suggests Prince William and Kate Middleton want to keep their eldest son, Prince George, away from his uncle Prince Harry. That’s because they are worried that Harry might become a bad influence on the young tyke. Yikes. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince William and Kate Middleton Want To Keep Their Son Prince George Away From His Uncle?

As many royal fans already know, Prince George is second in line to the throne, right after his father, the Prince of Wales. Seeing how King Charles and Prince William are doing everything they can to prep the little boy for a life full of service and duty to the crown, the last thing they need is for him to write a tell-all book just like his uncle Harry did earlier this year.

Royal expert Angela Levin says that William and Kate are being warned to keep their children away from Harry as the last thing the monarchy needs is another wayward member of the royal family spilling all the little dirty details about their family in a trashy book. George following in his footsteps would certainly be a bad idea.

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Levin put it this way, “Kate and William are there to help him [George]. But he needs to be kept away from Harry’s negative influence.”

For now, the Prince and Princess of Wales don’t have to worry about Prince George spending too much time with his uncle, seeing how he lives thousands of miles away with his wife Meghan Markle in California. But sooner or later he might become a little interested in his now-American uncle and might even reach out to him when he’s old enough to do so on his own. Only then will William and Kate have a reason to worry about their son and what kind of influence his uncle might be on him. Time will only tell if that will happen. Watch this space.

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