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Disturbing Rumors About Harry And Meghan’s Son Archie Surface Online

It seems like a day simply doesn’t go by that the Sussexes aren’t dealing with one bizarre rumor after another. There’s a new report that suggests there’s a lot of speculation about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son Archie and whether or not he might be on ‘the spectrum.’ While there’s no medical evidence that seems to prove so, a lot of Sussex fans and critics alike can’t help but refer to all of the past videos that Harry and Meghan have shared of their son in the past. And for them, something just doesn’t seem to be adding up. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Disturbing Rumors About Harry And Meghan’s Son Archie Surface Online

Is Prince Archie on the spectrum? That’s what a lot of fans can’t help but wonder as disturbing rumors about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son have surfaced online. There are some critics who really truly believe that little Archie might be diagnosed with a health matter, even though both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have never spoken about it in the past.

Some have even commented with, “Why is the dork playing with the ball as if he’s on a soccer pitch with other adults ? Kid just got bored. Notice how when Harold opens his arms for a hug the child moves away ? And then runs off,” along with, “No fan of H&M, sometimes kids don’t wanna be touched or hugged. Especially when they’re busy with an activity. If they’re neurodivergent such kids aren’t comfortable with physical contact, even from the parents they love very much.”

Royal Family News: What’s Really Going On With The Sussexes?

Another critic wrote, “What’s more noticeable is Harry doesn’t grab his son and give him a big cuddle, it’s not his kid or he has barely spent time with the child band child bonded to the nanny. Yeah something definitely isn’t right here but of course they won’t tell the truth about it.”

Tell us, what do you think about this story? Leave us your thoughts in our comments section below.

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Linea app
Linea app
9 months ago

I think it’s just the British are not a hugging culture. I’m Swedish and there’s not much physical hugging and kissing there too. And I feel uncomfortable with a lot of affection in public. Then you go down to southern Europe and theirs hugging all over.

Diane trant
9 months ago

This shit upsets me so much because of the evil that comes from her. That little boy looks so sad and lifeless Do they feed him he looks small for 5 year old
How can people that know them let them do this to there so called kids.Anyone??? Please help the kids!!!!!!!

9 months ago
Reply to  Diane trant

How? Your family? Or r u physic?

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