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British Royal News: Prince Charles Still Doesn’t Get To See Much Of Prince George

British Royal News suggests that Prince Charles still doesn’t get to see much of his grandson, Prince George. Or at least, that’s what a new report suggests. The future king of England is apparently upset that he still doesn’t have much access to his grandson, as he wants to make sure that the young boy gets all the training that he needs for his future, too. Here’s what you need to know.

British Royal News: Prince Charles Still Doesn’t Get To See Much Of Prince George

Apparently, Charles has always been upset that Kate Middleton’s parents, Mike and Carole Middleton have had more access to the Cambridge children than he has. This problem stems back to when George was a wee tot and Charles didn’t have much of a say in his grandson’s life. One source back in 2016 even said, “Charles didn’t want to miss his grandson’s birthday, but the fact that the whole thing was essentially a Middleton event with Carole orchestrating the whole thing is exactly what upsets him. Charles feels rather left out. He gets very little time with his grandchildren and I know he gets upset about it because he has said so.”

Apparently, the problem still persists today for Charles as he only gets to see his grandchildren for the occasionally photo op, and that’s it. Of course, many royal fans have commented on the matter with, “I thought that the desire for a picture with just the heirs was part of the reason for the Queen’s second balcony appearance – the way it was Charles, George, William and Charlotte all grouped around her was very deliberate in my mind. You can tell that William was standing where he was told to block out Kate (or else it would have made more sense for William to stand closer to the Queen, but then Kate would have been behind Charlotte),” along with, “Maybe this another reason why Will is dissing his mother in death. His dad is unhappy with the state of things with the with the grand kids. Kate better get it together or the money may not flow all that freely from Charles.”

British Royal News: What’s Next For Prince George?

Another fan wrote, “I would not be terribly surprised if Charles wants to extricate George from the Middleton influence. Yet, how very Windsor of Charles to want greater access to George and not the rest of his grandchildren. Especially the two from his younger son.”

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter.

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