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General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Breaks Her Promise

General Hospital news suggests that Nancy Lee Grahn might have broken her promise to her fans. Soon after it was announced that Elon Musk had bought Twitter for a cool $40 billion, the actress, who is best known for her role as Alexis Davis on the hit ABC soap, said that she would quit the micro-blogging platform in protest. Well, several days later it looks like she’s still tweeting to her fans, prompting some to wonder: could she be addicted to tweeting? Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Breaks Her Promise

Earlier this week, Nancy took to her Twitter account to write this to her fans, “For now, until I can figure out how to remove myself from@twitter without losing connection with my community, I’m asking those on my page to follow me on Instagram where I will try to bring my truths/rants/funnies over there. My handle is NancyLeeGrahn. Thank you.”

Well, it seemed like her promise to quit Twitter didn’t last long because just a few hours after her declaration, she was back to tweeting again! In fact, when Elon tweeted, “For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally,” Nancy was quick to respond with, “Cool #Elon if both parties were equal but they aren’t. 1 is decent & plays by the rules & the other is indecent & bulldozes over them. Public trust comes when there’s integrity & truth. Should Musk turn this into playground 4 unacceptable posting, we’ll take r party elsewhere.”

General Hospital News: Nancy Can’t Stop Tweeting

Many of her fans commented on the matter with, “That’s why you showed up (yet again) on my Twitter  feed. They sure are trying to push you on people, are you paying Twitter so you get attention?” along with, “Bye! It’s our turn to be able to have free speech too. You’ve harassed and bullied people for too long. I came back to Twitter because Elon Musk bought it not because you flap your fingers on the keyboard degrading anyone who disagrees with you.”

Tell us, why do you think Nancy came back on Twitter? Meanwhile, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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2 years ago

Are you kidding with this crap?! Seriously? She said the same day, when she calmed down, that she wouldn’t be pushed out. You people suck! What a trashy spin. You’re not a writer. You’re a hack. Do better or do nothing.

2 years ago

Did she really leave? I find it refreshing that now everyone will have a voice and if misinformation is posted on Twitter, each of us will make the decision of whether we believe it or not. Thousands of people will be glad that Nancy is gone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Barbara

Seems to me she’s not happy unless she’s stirring the pot. Got rid of two of the best actors on the soap, now quitting Twitter. Another case of “empty vessels make the loudest noise.” See ya Nancy. Good riddance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Barbara

I’m one of them. She’s so full of herself. Ugj

Mary Morales
Mary Morales
2 years ago

So glad she said she was leaving. I’ve been a fan of her for decades but these last few years it’s been tough to swallow. She’s so far left that she thinks anyone that thinks different are immediately far right and that is not the case. I hope Elon Musk does what he said and monitor a platform all have a chance to speak without the likes of bullies like Nancy Lee Grahn.

2 years ago

See ya, Nancy.

2 years ago

Like anything else it is difficult to quit on something you are so used to. Give her time to wean off tweeter. We as fans are so quick to criticize.

2 years ago

LOL….Grahn is no different than the rest of the Leftists. She runs her mouth that she’s leaving Twitter but never leaves. Her comments show how ignorant and biased she actually is.
She’s probably also one of those Hollywood types who swore she would leave the country if Trump became president ….. LOL …. But never went anywhere!!
On a side note, I suggest that she do some research and educate herself to the true meaning of “Free Speech”.
Free speech does not mean ‘free speech for only one side’!!!’ Ironically Musk is taking Twitter back to it’s original format where EVERYBODY is allowed to speak unlike what it became when the Democratic elitists decided it was their personal arm of the DNC.

Jessie Attaway
2 years ago

Has this loud mouth idiot lost her mind? Someone should muzzle her. She and her “I know what’s best for everybody because I’m smarter than all of you” attitude is what’s responsible for Steve’s termination. Keep the Alexis fill-in and let this virus go…..

2 years ago

You only want to remain relevant but you’re not Nancy. I used to respect you until you started spewing your left wing garbage down our throats. If you want to do something honorable the. contribute something POSITIVE instead of your own personal hatred towards anything conservative.

2 years ago

I’m one of them

Diane Bergman
Diane Bergman
2 years ago

Good riddance, Nancy! I like the new actress that replaced you. I hope they keep her!!!

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