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General Hospital News: Did A Martinez Just Go Off On Steve Burton?

General Hospital news says that a lot of people just can’t get over the fact that Steve Burton (ex-Jason Morgan) is no longer on the hit ABC soap and that he also hasn’t gotten the COVID-19 vaccine… yet. One such person who wanted to make his thoughts clear on the matter is A Martinez, who is best known for his role as Roy DiLucca on the show. Here’s what he has to say.

General Hospital News: Did A Martinez Just Go Off On Steve Burton?

Both Steve Burton and his former co-star Ingo Rademacher were let go from General Hospital for refusing to comply with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate. And apparently, A Martninez has some things to say about it. 

After Steve posted an Instagram about living his best life and exercising his rights to do what he thinks best, it didn’t take very long for A Martinez to reply. He said, “It’s possible to cast oneself as a Man of Principle — an implicitly attractive role — while still doing immeasurable harm. Immeasurable because — though we know that long Covid and death are much more prevalent among the sea of non-vaccinated — no one can say for sure who exactly caused the next infections in the burgeoning pandemic to occur. You support the transmission mechanism, irrefutably, but can’t be personally blamed or anything — there’s an attractive proposition for ya!”

A Martniez then said that because the threat of COVID-19 and the Omicron variant is still very real and still very much out there, he hopes that people like Steve Burton will get his vaccination.

General Hospital News: A Martinez Wants To See Everyone Vaccinated

“Meanwhile, we take refuge in the relative mildness of the latest variant, betting recklessly that the next one won’t be catastrophic, as we help enable its genesis by keeping the massive pool of illness alive and spreading,” he wrote. “The losses, some of them so close to home, are heartbreaking. As is the stance you’ve taken — for which you’re so widely adored. Though I know you have [your] reasons, and have built your place in this with the care of an architect, it’s just heartbreaking, brother.”

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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2 years ago

I still stand by Steve and his choice. Miss watching him as Jason on gh but I will support his choice

2 years ago

Don’t get the vaccine because the government is telling you too…do it for yourself and your love ones so you have a lesser chance of getting the virus or spreading the virus. Come on people common sense.
Just saying❤️

2 years ago

Steve Burton is being reckless in his decision to not get vaccinated. He calls himself a health enthusiast but seriously I question his judgment on his health decisions.
He already had covid-19 and was lucky to have recovered. Next time he might not be so lucky. His grandiose behavior and his defiance of following medical advice are just wrong. He is an actor who has a big mega-phone to reach many people. He is giving reckless, dangerous thoughts to his fans who follow every word he says. Thereby having the potential to kill people. He and every other actor needs to be aware of these consequences.

2 years ago
Reply to  Venna

True. I agree with A Martinez

2 years ago

I’m all for Steve and Ingo I’m not vaccinated either!! Keep your immune system up!! Two years went by and finally got covid, and only had a mild case of it. I know to many people that did one shot and did not take the second one. It just about killed them!! IMMUNE SYSTEM KEEP IT UP!!!

2 years ago

It’s frustrating to those of us who have actually researched what this so call vaccine really is, then have the ill informed mount their high horses when they are the ones doing the harm with their sheer ignorance. Many are dying and seriously ill from this kill shot, and those who are fully vaccinated is not only gettin COVID but spreading it and dying from it. Keep standing Steve, the truth will be reveal and many of these idiots will have egg on their faces.

2 years ago

Why are the vaccinated so concerned with those that don’t want to get the vaccine? The vaccine does not prevent you from getting or spreading Covid. If you’re vaccinated fine, if your not vaccinated that’s your choice. My understanding is, you shouldn’t get as ill if you are vaccinated. Mandates have not worked. Ingo and Steve were long gone but yet production was still shut down because of Covid. Well everyone on the set is vaccinated. Makes no sense!😡

2 years ago

I can certainly understand Steve and Ingo not getting the vaccine when long term effects of it are unknown. These vaccines were rushed and did not have years of trials. Look how many drugs have been removed and you certainly see the commercials personal injury lawyers wanting to sue if you have taken a certain drug. I think a mandate is the wrong way, people should be able to choose.

2 years ago

This is misinformation because there is only one difference between the vacciated and the unvaccinated. Because both can get Covid spread Covid and die from Covid so the only difference is a experimental 💉that has caused its own problems and deaths. So no thank you. I will always stand for freedom to choose.

2 years ago

Everyone needs to mind their own business. If you chose to get the vaccine fine that is and was YOUR CHOICE. Now if someone else chooses not to get it guess what it’s THEIR CHOICE. It’s no bones business. #istandwithsteve.

2 years ago

It Steve’s personal medical choice. We have proof that the vaccine doesn’t keep you from getting or spreading Covid. What are fully vaccinated people concerned with? It failed and they know it. Kirsten Storms(Maxie) and Kelly T. also got Covid after being fully vaccinated as per GH requirements. Even Nancy Lee Grahn’s daughter has Covid and is fully vaccinated. So looks like firing the unvaccinated didn’t help one bit.

2 years ago

I’m just sick of the whole covid thing. Recast Jason. He doesn’t care I guess for his fans so it’s time people recast Jason !!!! I love him but it’s a no win situation. So let’s find a new hunk who we can idol.

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