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General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Stirs Controversy With Latest Tweets

General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn is at it again. The actress, who is best known for her role as Alexis Davis in Port Charles, is once again stirring controversy with her latest tweets online. But this time it’s not about the show and which one of her co-stars is leaving or staying, but instead it’s about her own opinion when it comes to vaccinations and those who refuse to get the additional booster shots that have been recommended by the CDC. Here’s what she has to say.

General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Stirs Controversy With Latest Tweets

By now, many fans know that Grahn has been very vocal about her support for vaccine mandates. In fact, she’s often reminded her followers on Twitter that General Hospital is the only daytime television show that has a vaccine mandate, which she fully supports.

After re-tweeting a statement that said there are about 100 million Americans who are eligible for boosters, but still haven’t gotten them, Grahn said, Anti vaxed should’ve gotten it yesterday. They’re why this is mutating & unending. Let them all live together on some Island away from everyone else & see how their ‘natural immunity’ works? Cause I’ve zero empathy left thanks to them.

Of course, it didn’t take very long for Grahn’s fans and followers to respond to her statement. While there were a lot of people that agreed with the actress, there were also others that disagreed. And of course, there was also plenty of people who once again pointed out that Grahn should stick to what she does best, and that’s playing Alexis Davis on the canvas.

In fact, many prefer to see Nancy on the small screen than hearing her share her political musings on social media so much so that some people have even started a petition to have General Hospital remove the actress from the show. 

General Hospital News: Grahn Is Making Her Personal Views Clear

In addition to all of the above, Grahn has been very vocal about her personal views on many other political topics. The actress hasn’t responded to the calls made for the producers of the show to fire her, but at this point it’s doubtful that she will. In the meantime, don’t forget that General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for time. 

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.


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3 years ago

Nancy is a citizen as well as an actress. Her comments reflect her beliefs like anyone else on Twitter. Her politics and beliefs in no way should be used against her. Don’t like her comments? Don’t follow. Ingo certainly stayed his ani-vax and political beliefs on Twitter as have others. Just scroll on and leave her alone. It’s her right to say what she wishes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cat

So what you’re saying is mean tweets are alright for some.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Absolutely and totally agree with you 100%…..we all have a right to our own views and opinions, if someone does not like them that is on them period.

Cathy Carol
Cathy Carol
3 years ago
Reply to  Sherry

Nancy needs to shut up. GH is my fantasy storyline. That vaccine is between me and Not Nancy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cathy Carol

Nancy has a right to her opinion. But needs to shut up and keep it to herself. Do not want her opinions, and would love to see her fired from the show. I have watched since the beginning of GH, and she and her character are unlikable.

Kathleen Goulet
Kathleen Goulet
3 years ago

She has a right to her opinion and so does everyone else – if you don’t agree then stop following her on all social media !!

Just 12345
Just 12345
3 years ago

Nancy Grahn needs to educate herself when it comes to the science!!! And although I am NOT anti-vax I AM pro freedom of choice. Nancy should stick to what she does best and that is playing Alexis Davis.
I completely support Ingo Rademaker and Steve Burton. They have a right to their opinions and their choices just as much as Nancy believes that she does.

3 years ago
Reply to  Just 12345

I agree with you 199%. Besides, if they were all on an island together, then wouldn’t they be safe since none of them would have it so how would it get passed ? Just asking????

3 years ago

Nancy should do her Research if she’s so smart. The Biden administration is not following the science and Dr. Fauci is a bureaucrat and has never treated a patient, at least in the last 40 years.
She should not be so sure of what she think she’s knows because she’s wrong.

3 years ago

Biden is not making any sense at all when it comes to the mandates. If it is so urgent that all Americans get vaccinated or boosters and wants to keep people in quarantine when coming back from overs seas, then why the hell won’t he close our southern boarders. Because if it was such an emergency he would. It has gotten to be about power now. But no one who is criticizing others wants to admit that. And yes, I have had mine.

3 years ago
Reply to  April

You are absolutely right. We are in more danger from the people coming across the border and being dumped in certain states without any testing or vaccinations. Without any kind of background checks. And now with the ability to vote in our elections !!! How absurd.
I have had the virus and been vaccinated. It was my choice to get the shots and both made me as sick as when I had the virus ! So I will not take any boosters.
This will not be the America we know and love , so I would take a free trip to an island as long as all like minded people go with me .
If you want to know what would happen then , read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

3 years ago

I like Nancy Grahn. I agree with what she is saying. She might not want to talk about it because she is making some ppl mad. I would be sad if she left.

3 years ago

I hate when celebrities put their two cents worth in on political issues. All it does is alienate fans and causes strife.

Emma Jo Rust
Emma Jo Rust
3 years ago

Agree should be taken off show if you do not follow rules. Only way to shut down the Covid!

3 years ago

As I said be for she needs to go she has no Wright to be all miss high and Mattie she is going to have people hating her that don’t already hate her when those shot she claims are so good for you cause her a lot of trouble she will see why people don’t won’t them she need to shut her face and do the job she payed to do but better yet get rid of her if Steve can’t play his part she doesn’t need to be there anyway let her get drunk and go back to we’re even

3 years ago
Reply to  Deborah

I completely agree with Nancy. She can state her opinion just like every other citizen. Getting vaccinated should be required if we’re gonna survive Covid-19 and the related viruses. We all enjoy personal freedoms, but those rights shouldn’t include increasing the chances of millions becoming critically I’ll or dying. Ex. I can drink all the alcohol I want, but then I don’t have the right after doing so, to drive my car on public streets. HIV positive people have been prosecuted for deliberately infecting others. Even children experiencing mumps or other childhood communicable diseases are kept home from other kids and pregnant women. Freedom to carry a loaded gun does not mean that person has the right to shoot people. Freedom never trumps SAFETY! Trying to stay alive should not be a POLITiCAL battle. There are some who medically should not take the vaccine, some even for legitimate religious reasons, but to refuse because you want to show comradeship or political party solidarity or even because you listen to statements from everyone but the doctors, is unbelievable and unacceptable in a highly educated society. I totally love “Jason Morgan” (even my husband is tired of me singing his praises) and I like “Jax” but working on a set where you’re hugging and kissing and talking in very close proximity, come on! Of course you have the right to not get vaccinated, but then those who are or maybe can’t, have the right to NOT have you around. Covid-19 is real, not reality tv.

3 years ago
Reply to  Deborah

Wow haters gonna hate! Actually why is it okay for others to voice their opinions and not her? BTW you need to learn how to spell.

3 years ago

I am so sick of how politicized this whole vaccine has gotten. This is the United States of America people!!! What happened to freedom of choice? What happened to freedom, period??? When abortion was the “BIG TOPIC” it was, “My body, my choice” and that was that! Oh but that was all about the bleeding heart liberals, so they got their way!!! Guess what, I DON’T WANT THE SHOT!!! I won’t even call it a vaccine because it’s NOT!!! There’s not been enough research and it wasn’t even approved by the FDA before they were jabbing people!!! They were silencing Drs and scientists who had PROOF that their were problems. WHAT WERE THEY AFRAID OF??? There’s been proof that Fauci has lied all along about the early days in Wuhan. So bottom line, I think actors should stick to entertaining us and shut up about what we should do with our health. I can turn my TV off as quick as I turn it on. Please, Nancy Lee Grahan…don’t get the one GREAT soap canceled because you can’t keep your politics to yourself!!! I don’t care about your opinions. Just do your friggin job!!!

Cynthia Wicker Myers
Cynthia Wicker Myers
3 years ago

I think she should keep her filthy mouth shut. I know she has opinion however to say those unvaccinated should go somewhere and live together is so far from being stupid. Who does she think she is?
She’s a disgrace to GH!!
FIRE HER!! No real storyline anyway.

3 years ago

OK so Nancy show me any kind of proof any doctor that will stand up and say the vaccine stops the spread of Covid. You’re never going to find it even Fauci 48 hours ago said it does not stop the spread of Covid. All it does is ease the symptoms. People fully vaccinated can and will die from it.

3 years ago

Nancy is a Narcissist and a activist.. She thinks she is 100% right and everyone who disagrees with her is wrong ! I remember when she blasted Viola Davis for winning an award. Says she was a better actress than her. Women’s rights, if you wasn’t fully onboard with that, then you wasn’t a true woman, and then how she put you down if you were a Trump supporter.. Everyone has a right to choose no matter what it is..If you already had Covid then you don’t need to lose your job.. Do people know that the shot can also kill you for people who are allergic to it. You have a right to refuse anything that can harm you.. Steve is a fitness guru.. He doesn’t put anything in his body that would harm him.. Why is that so wrong?

Curwen Janice
Curwen Janice
3 years ago

Nancy not to be disrespectful but you had your say so drop it we know where you stand like the other lady said stick to acting your to good for politics.

Priscilla Rundle
Priscilla Rundle
3 years ago

It is the vaccinated that infect the un-vaccinated,. check it out for yourself.

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