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General Hospital News: Calls Growing For Nancy Lee Grahn’s Dismissal

General Hospital news say that the drama off screen is heating up just as much as it is on screen in the soap’s fictional town of Port Charles. That’s because the stars of the show have been making a whole lot of headlines in the last several weeks and especially after it was announced that two prominent actors were forced to leave because they did not comply with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate: Ingo Rademacher and Steve Burton. Well, another General Hospital star has also been making a lot of waves, simply because she keeps commenting about each and every situation on Twitter, much to the dismay of both fans and critics alike: Nancy Lee Grahn. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital News: Calls Growing For Nancy Lee Grahn’s Dismissal

Apparently, it was Grahn who took it upon herself to announce Ingo Rademacher’s departure from the show before it was even made official by General Hospital producers. If that weren’t enough, when fellow co-star Carolyn Hennesy said on Twitter that she would miss having Steve Burton around on the set of the show by saying, “Politics absolutely aside from anything (because it’s not about that at the moment, it’s about loss,) he’s a kind, smart, funny, caring human who always made me feel terrific as an actor and friend,” Grahn bluntly replied with, “Actually it is. About loss. There are 5.6 million losses.” The actress was referring to the millions of people who have so far died because of the global pandemic that has been COVID-19.

In addition, Grahn has been very vocal about her personal views and the fact that General Hospital is the only soap that currently has a vaccine mandate, which she strongly supports. But not all GH fans are interested in hearing Grahn’s musings and opinions on social media, and that is why there are several petitions calling for her dismissal online. 

General Hospital News: Nancy Is Keeping Quiet About The Criticism Against Her

If that weren’t enough, some critics have even formed a Facebook group asking the producers of General Hospital to fire the actress. Many critics made it pretty clear that they didn’t appreciate Grahn announcing Rademacher’s departure prematurely or any of the comments she’s made to her Twitter followers who don’t agree with her opinions. So far Nancy Lee Grahn herself has not made any comments about the criticism that is growing against her.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.


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Georgia Umstead
3 years ago

I have lost much with the Covid. I think not getting vaccinated is EXTREMELY foolish. Having said that, I did appreciate Carolyn Hennesys kind words for a man who has been said to be a very decent co worker for years. Nancy G. should have let it lay. She is only an actor; not the Pope.

3 years ago

I think Disney & ABC have misread the majority of viewers feelings-they will pay the price when all the truth comes out about the vaccine & their numbers fall and they go by the way of all my children & one life to live. Why is ABC the only station requiring the mandate-ask yourselves that- they were in trouble-it was the fans that made the differnce. We could make the difference now in the opposite direction & get them cxled.

3 years ago

Yes I would wholeheartedly support Nancy Lee Grahn being FIRED!!!

Barbara Reinking
3 years ago

Nancy Lee Grahn might want to discuss how many lives were NOT lost, how many people that had COVID shots had break through cases and how much in such a short time fighting this Virus is still not known. Perhaps Ms Grahn might like to discuss how many of the rapid test for the virus show faults results. This is not about her acting ability, it is about her opinion and her belief that she is right and everyone else is wrong. If she believes the government and unelected officials should determine what she puts in her body, it is her right to an opinion guaranteed by the Constitution of the United Stayes; however her opinion is no more correct than those who choose otherwise. California’s blue state laws and obviously ABC’s decision to honor it does not make it sacrosanct. Two of GH’s best are gone and one might ask is it really COVID or ABC’s Politics. Where Nancy Lee Grahn fits in is the legend in her own mind.

3 years ago

I truly believe politics has played a role in these firings. I also believe screen time decisions are made based on liberal politics. The uproar when a transgender post compared to multiple bullying posts against right leaning fans is an example.

Judy In South Carolina
Judy In South Carolina
3 years ago

I am yet one more fan that is tired of NLG’s tweeting. The character of Alexis is NOT that integral to GH that she is indispensable!

cyndi m lenz
3 years ago

then don’t read it!

3 years ago

If you don’t like what Nancy says and obviously you’re friends with her if you’re reading it on Twitter and just unfriend her. This is her page and she’s allowed to post whatever she wants on there I don’t like what I’m waiting on anybody’s page either scroll by or I unfriend them and you have that right and she has the right to post what she wants on her page

3 years ago
Reply to  Gail

No one is “friending” her, that B is all over Twitter and the Internet, and can’t keep her disgusting mouth shut for five minutes

Cynthia Peerenboom
Cynthia Peerenboom
3 years ago

She’s vile, hope she finds another gig somewhere else.

Harriet Mathieu
Harriet Mathieu
3 years ago

I’m going to miss Jason too but that doesn’t mean Nancy is wrong. GH set the mandate. Nancy just agreed.I hope Steve Burton will return to the show eventually.

3 years ago

Nancy Lee Grahn is disgusting. She spews hate all over the place and if someone disagrees she blocks you or calls you names. It is time for this woman to go. She is as bad as her general hospital character Alexis.

3 years ago

I think it should be up to them if they want the vaccine. Some who got the shot still got the virus

3 years ago

Join us on Facebook at #firenancyleegrahn. She uses the F word on Twitter like crazy. SHE NEEDS TO GO.

3 years ago

If people don’t like what Nancy has to say then don’t follow her on Twitter. She is an actor yes, but first a person who can express her opinions on Twitter like everyone else. Those who want her fired are really reaching IMO and need someone to blame for the dismissal of Ingo and Steve. They are grown men who should be smart enough to protect themselves and others by vaccinating. Don’t punish Nancy for those two who are too stubborn or ignorant to follow the rules.

Janice Harvey
Janice Harvey
3 years ago

They need to keep Politics OUT of the work place. If the actors want, just have they take a covid test, instead of getting a shot that is against their faith

Emily Vansant
3 years ago

Nancy Lee Grahn, should be fired. She always has something to say about other people. She will never air her own dirty linen.

Former viewer
Former viewer
3 years ago

Please fire Nancy Gran. Her Alexis chsrscter’sincessant head jerking to toss her ragged bangs is endlessly annoying. Her editing has ruined GH. How about kill off Alexis and bring back Jason and Jax?

3 years ago

I have watched GH for years. I use to adore Alexis. Then I seen some mean tweets and I just could not believe it. She is a vile disgrace. She could care less about her fans or she wouldn’t say the things she saids. She should be removed from the show. Her character is a waste of airtime

Debbie Molina
3 years ago

Yay. Fire her big mouth. She’s not a huge star like Steve and Ingo. She has NO BUSINESS running her yapping mouth,. She needs to be on the View and not GH.

3 years ago

Did she break her contract? If no, it seems like she was exercising her right to free speech.

Maria Shivery
Maria Shivery
3 years ago

I stopped watching GH mainly because Ingo and Steve left because of the vaccine mandates and because I did not want to watch that bitch Nancy, she is so full of shit and when she is gone I will watch again! I have watched GH since 1977 and this week has been very hard for me not having GH to watch. Let me know when Nancy is gone and I will return!


[…] reports that Lee Grahn had apparently taken upon herself to announce Ingo Rademacher’s exit from the soap. It was even before General Hospital producers had made that official. Not only that, recently, when Carolyn Hennesy (Diane Miller) took onto Twitter to tell everyone that she will miss having Steve Burton around, Nancy had to say something about it. Hennesy had said, “Politics absolutely aside from anything (because it’s not about that at the moment, it’s about loss,) he’s a kind, smart, funny, caring human who always made me feel terrific as an actor and friend.” […]

3 years ago

I happen to love Nancy and support her 1000%. She has every right to voice her opinions on her own social media, if yall don’t like what she has to say don’t follow her…. its that simple.

3 years ago

Anyone that reads her Twitter will realize how hateful she is. She judges people based only on their political party, hates Republicans, Trump, etc. generalizes that they are all the same. She is alienating half of the GH viewers and has been for years. I would be very happy to not have to watch her anymore. She should go into politics because that is her true interest. She is not a nice person nor does she care who she offends, it is her way or no way.

Darlene Clinton
Darlene Clinton
3 years ago

Please get rid of Nancy Lee Grahn ! She is nothing but boring on General Hospital ! You think she would stop with the Hateful words on her Twitter ! Gosh when Rosanne Barr said one bad thing she got fired ! Nancy can say whatever she wants ..Thats so wrong time to fire NLG ! #FireNancyLeeGrahn ! I been watching since the 70s but if keep on having a hatful person as her keep on putting people down with hatful things i will no longer watch.i been thinking about it already to stop ! Bring back SB n IR .SB had your rating up there so high .I bet the ratings going down since you fired him !

3 years ago

I have been watching this show since I was little and it’s always been my favorite, with that being said, Nancy is a disgusting piece of TRASH and needs to be GONE!!! She is hateful human being and a no it all BITCH and shame on you for letting the good ones go and continue to entertain her and her nasty mouth and ways! With any other job if she did that she would have been fired right then because it’s not her story or place to tell, and remember all us viewers and fans we keep the show running and pay ur bills so before u lose my fans that stop watching, just fire her and kill her off the show because we will all watch a cheer the hole time!!!!!!!

3 years ago

If she had kept her politics to herself this would not be happening. We still have freedom of speech in this part of America but it comes with consequences. We will see which fans get their way when it comes to whether Nancy Lee Graham is fires for her opinions or she will stay in spite of them. I don’t really care one way or the other. I don’t follow her on social media. As far as her storyline on GH it is not important in my opinion. If she left the show in the next hour I would not miss her at all.

3 years ago

She seems to think her view is the only view that means anything. She needs to go. She is a rude and mean brave behind her keyboard . Curse words and all she doesn’t seems to get kicked off for some reason. There are many opinions that can live together but she is a demon. #firenancyleegrahn #generalhospital

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