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Prince Harry A Desperate Daddy? ‘Archie Won’t Remember His 4th Birthday’

Is Prince Harry acting a little too much like a desperate daddy? That’s what some fans can’t help but wonder, seeing how the Duke of Sussex will be flying home from London on the day of the coronation just so he can attend his son Archie’s 4th birthday party. However, a lot of critics out there have pointed out that the little tot won’t even remember the day, given his age. So why are Harry and Meghan making such a big deal out of it?

Prince Harry A Desperate Daddy? ‘Archie Won’t Remember His 4th Birthday’

Reports say that Prince Harry plans on taking the first flight out of London back to Los Angeles the moment that King Charles’ coronation ceremony is over. With the time change, this means that Harry should arrive in Los Angeles some time by 10pm, California time. It sure will be a long day for the prince as he’s determined to attend both events on the same day. 

Needless to say, there sure were a lot of royal fans and critics alike that had a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some commented with, “I don’t remember my 4th birthday and I definitely don’t remember my 4th birthday party. I remember my 5th because my mom made me a Barbie cake. Why does Harry even bother going to the coronation if he has to turn around and immediately fly back? Why can’t they have the party (that Archie won’t even remember) the following weekend?” along with, “Even if it was for a no drama trip, Harry is gonna be shot to shit for his kid’s Bday party unless it starts at 10 pm. I don’t remember my 4th, so you’ll luck out Archie.”

Is Prince Harry Making a Huge Mistake?

Another critic wrote, “Are Meghan and Harry actually going to pretend planning Archie’s birthday party on the same day as the coronation was an accident? Nevermind, stupid question, of course they are. It’s kind of crazy that he’s doing this given that the kid won’t even remember anything from that day.”

Needless to say, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle themselves have not made any comments about the matter. However, many royal fans can’t help but wonder if the Sussexes will share a photo from the actual birthday party of Archie and his father when he gets there. Watch this space.

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