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Royal Family News: Kate Middleton Forbids Her Children To Shout At Home

Does this mean that Prince William can’t let it all out as well? British Royal News says that if Kate Middleton has one rule in her home, it’s that no one her children are allowed to shout. That might be hard seeing how they are all at the age in which kids love to test their vocal chords to the highest degree, right? Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Kate Middleton Forbids Her Children To Shout At Home

According to The Sun, one source close to the situation says that the Princess of Wales likes to have everyone talk about their feelings rather than shout or scream at one another. The insider said that “shouting is absolutely off limits” and if one child dares to do so, he or she is “dealt with by removal.”

“They are taken away from the scene of the row or disruption and talked to calmly by either Kate or William,” the insider explained.

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Well, that sounds like a good way of teaching kids the difference between right and wrong. With that said, it seems like Kate Middleton’s parenting techniques. Some took to social media to express comments such as, “ I do believe George, Charlotte, and Louis will be better adjusted as adults than either William or Harry or any of QEII’s kids as she has kept things far more consistent for them than the last 2 generations of royals. I think she deserves to get some credit for that,” along with, “Hmmm seems like this is a reaction to behavior being displayed by the kids – likely they are copying what they see their parents do. We KNOW that William love a good screaming matching match with each other – we all saw how Louis treats his mother.”

Another critic wrote, “This is one of the few areas where I do feel any sympathy for Kate. She has shown herself to be a truly awful person and we have also seen that William clearly has massive anger issues and I can’t believe these aren’t apparent at home and she’s not regularly on the receiving end. Good luck sheltering the kids from that, even with palaces and nanny’s.”

Tell us British Royal Family fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. We’ll make sure to update you with all of the latest information about King Charles, Prince William, Kate Middleton and the rest of the firm right here.



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