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General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Says She’s Suffering From ‘Covid Brain’

General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn is someone who always speaks her mind, regardless of what other people have to say about it. The actress, who is best known for her role as Alexis Davis on the hit ABC soap, admits that she is suffering from “COVID brain.” Here’s what she has to say.

General Hospital News: Nancy Lee Grahn Says She’s Suffering From ‘Covid Brain’

Nancy took to her Twitter account to write, “Been isolated since Jan 3rd sans 4 days with Covid brain so I’ve  been wordling, quordling, crosswordling, crosswording, reading & watching weird things. I claim insanity but watched Casey Anthony thing. I’ve no idea what happened but that George is a guilty mess of something bad.”

Many of her fans commented with, “Hope you are feeling better. I was laid up for a while too and watched too much C-Span. The wisest man I knew (my grandpa Ed) once told me that the hardest thing to kill is time,” along with, “If you need yet another word game, try contexto. It’s a new one I was introduced to today.”

General Hospital News: What’s Next For Nancy?

Earlier in the week and while sharing a photo of her in bed, Nancy took to her Instagram account to write, “Why anyone would willingly and cavalierly put themselves into a position to catch or spread Covid is so unquestionably stupid regarding their own health and thoughtless regarding others. 96% of planes have passengers with Covid. Very few ppl are masked anywhere now. Americans have made it clear they don’t want to be inconvenienced by them. Ok, but unfortunately it’s not over yet. Thankfully science has found ways to mitigate a lot of dangers but still to not do ur part in preventing the spread of it is callous. No one knows how Covid is going to land on you. In any case, it ain’t fun and you don’t want it. At the very least keep ur masks on in public places. BTW, I’ll be fine… just thought a visual of what Covid looks like in a relatively good scenario would be motivating ( scare you) into putting ur masks back on.”

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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