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British Royal News: Dominic West Has Some Interesting Things To Say About King Charles III

British Royal News says that Dominic West is making it pretty clear that he’s on Team Prince Charles. The actor, who plays the new King of England on the fifth season of The Crown, recently opened up about why he thinks people should give Charles more of a chance in the latest issue of Town and Country. Here’s what he has to say.

British Royal News: Dominic West Has Some Interesting Things To Say About King Charles III

In his interview, West said that he certainly understood Charles’ frustrations, especially when he was often left in his wife Princess Diana’s shadow while they were still married. He said, “There can only be one star in the relationship. The trouble was Diana was such a superstar. She’s got such star quality that he doesn’t have. None of the royals does, and good, thank God, because their job is quite boring. We’re finding it now with our prime ministers, and you with your presidents: It’s exhausting having a high-octane leader who’s very media savvy. We long for the rather boring, sensible ones who are functionaries who get on with the job.”

When asked about Charles’ marriage to Camilla Parker Bowles, West reflect, “I think she’s happy to be—what’s the word?—in the background, reflecting, just trying to make him look good. There’s a generosity and a humility about that, which I think is what we wanted to put across.”

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With that said though, West added that Brits have every reason to dramatize and criticize their unelected leaders and especially those in the royal family. He said, “Who wears the crown has been a legitimate subject for dramatization since well before Shakespeare. Inquiry and scrutiny” of the sovereign and the powerful institution around the throne is entirely fair game, as he sees it. “It makes anything stronger to be tested. We’re bowing to these people—who are they? What are they doing? Do they deserve our reverence? Frankly, the monarchy’s been through wars. If we can’t get through a TV show, then it’s not on very firm foundations.”

In the meantime, let us know what you think with your thoughts in our comments section again. Be sure to catch up with everything on the British Royal Family right now. Come back here often for the British Royal Family news and updates.


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