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Sheree Burton Deletes Her Instagram Account After Steve Burton’s Fans Attack Her Over Pregnancy

It looks like this situation is getting a little out of hand. Steve Burton’s estranged wife Sheree Burton deleted her Instagram account after the ex-General Hospital star’s fans began to bully her online. Earlier in the week Sheree has posted a photo of her baby bump, with a lot of people assuming that the child belonged to Steve. However, Steve clarified that he and Sheree are separated and that the baby belongs to another man. This prompted a huge backlash on social media. Here’s what you need to know.

Sheree Burton Deletes Her Instagram Account After Steve Burton’s Fans Attack Her Over Pregnancy

Needless to say, a lot of daytime television fans are absolutely shocked over Steve and Sheree’s situation, and that’s because neither one of them has said anything about their marriage or separation until Steve released a message on Instagram. In it, he wrote, “I wanted to clear something up. Sheree and I are separated. She recently announced that she is expecting her 4th child. The child is not mine. We are still co-parenting our three beautiful kids. We would appreciate privacy at this time. Much luv, Steve.”

But a day before Steve announced the pregnancy, it was actually Sheree who shared a photo of her baby bump on Instagram. She captioned it with, “Life sure is full of surprises!”

Soon after many fans noticed that Sheree had deleted her Instagram account, soap fans took to Twitter to weigh in on the matter. Many of them wrote, “All these people defending him but he’s petty and mean. It was his post that was shared by all the news outlets. He has children this will effect them,” along with, “Steve Burton is trash. He never should have made it public about the child. Karma will get his ass again. Mark my words.”

Sheree Is Staying Under The Radar For Now

Another critic wrote, “Yep, like I told somebody today, he knew exactly what would happen when he posted it.  He knew his rabid stans would go after her, the mother of his kids.”

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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2 years ago

she had a miracle pregnancy at 45 its a 4% chance to get pregnant at that age!!!! hope it was worth lossing Steve Burton!!!!!! he is the best!!!!!

Nancy Johnston
Nancy Johnston
2 years ago
Reply to  jessica

She is 47 years old

2 years ago
Reply to  Nancy Johnston

Their business , but what choice did he have but to clarify when everyone thought it was his baby . They were together April 4th according to pictures. She got pregnant pretty quick , just saying. I would Imagine people congratulating him on his baby stung quite a bit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nancy Johnston

Steve’s post was neither right nor wrong. He did what he felt he should do at that moment! Why keep letting fans think it is his child. By the way she knew what fans would think when she posted. Sheree most likely posted her pregnancy intentionally being a woman and it backfired on her.

2 years ago
Reply to  jessica

this isn’t anyone’s business or should it be gossip Steve Burton himself said to let us have PRIVACY. There are 3 sides to every story so don’t judge his wife or him and maybe we will know in time or not….take this dirty gossip off!

2 years ago

Stop blaming Steve for telling the world about the baby! Sheree was the one who posted about it first! I’m sure he was getting congratulations from people on the upcoming new baby so he had a right to clarify it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Cdf

Hey People” Live* & Let Live” It’s
Thier Lives & Not For Anyone To Have A Say About It, Even His Fans
Should Back Off & Give Them The PRIVACY THAT STEVE ASKED FOR!

2 years ago
Reply to  Cdf

You’re absolutely right. She’s the one who made the pregnancy announcement on social media knowing that Steve is very much in the public eye. He in the past has ALWAYS spoke wonderfully about his wife. You could tell he worshiped the ground she walk on. It was deceptive of her to put that out there in the context that she did. Any husband would be humiliated, anger, confused and hurt to find his wife was pregnant by another man. One hundred behind Steve on this one.

Linda Moore
Linda Moore
2 years ago
Reply to  Cdf

So true! She opened the can of worms, did she think they wouldn’t crawl out. I am sure his children are aware of what is going on. This has got to be painful for Steve.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cdf


2 years ago

He was getting congratulated on the impending birth of a child that isn’t biologically his. All he did was clarify that he is not the expectant father of the unborn child. He did nothing wrong with saying he isn’t expecting another child with his soon to be ex wife

2 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

I agree! If she posted it she should expect him to clarify the situation if it is not his. Why should he get hurt time and time again when people would be congratulating him. They have some type of health and fitness business together… wonder how that will work… I love Steve! Wish he was back on GH!

2 years ago

In some states if a married woman gives birth, her husband’s name goes on the birth certificate. Probably not in CA though.

Amy Strutt
Amy Strutt
2 years ago

I don’t think Steve was wrong. He wanted to get ahead of the situation. Sheree put it out there that she was pregnant so she opened a can of worms! She obviously has moved on with someone else.

2 years ago

I think the whole thing is awful. What kind of example is she setting by getting pregnant, & what example is he setting? I’m a huge fan of Steve’s, but he’s right, give them some privacy….what a shame, 3 kids & you cheat…

2 years ago

Steve is probably trying to hold it together…..he has to get some pressure off his shoulders too!! This sad, it had to hit him right between the eyes!

Lisa Bucaro
Lisa Bucaro
2 years ago

She cheated on her husband and got caught. Then she made it very public by posting about her pregnancy knowing that people would think it was his. All he did was tell the truth. How is any of this his fault? How can people be defending her and blaming him?

2 years ago

There is always two sides, so personally it is their business! But, she posted her bump first and fans and friends were congratulating Jason! So, he posted that he was separated from his wife and the 4th baby wasn’t his but they were coparenting their 3 kids nicely! So, really Jason was just stating the facts and that they were congratulating the wrong man! It wasn’t nasty about it, was worded nicely under the circumstances!

2 years ago

Do any of you who are downing her know what has actually transpired in their relationship? So fast to blame the woman for everything. I am sure there is much more story to be told and would not be surprised at all if Steve was the first to cheat. However, I don’t know if that is a fact or not.

No, she should not have come out and made it look like the baby is Steve’s unless they don’t really know???

2 years ago

He has a right to left his fans know that he’s not the father. It’s better his kids knows the truth than a lie. It’s not his child. And he don’t have to let the world believe it’s his child.

2 years ago

Why is she a topic of conversation??? She’s not on GH and she is no longer with. Steve. End conversation

2 years ago

Steve’s post was neither right nor wrong. He did what he felt he should do at that moment! Why keep letting fans think it is his child. By the way she knew what fans would think when she posted. Sheree most likely posted her pregnancy intentionally being a woman and it backfired on her.

2 years ago

I think it was insensitive of Sherry Burton to post that picture of her baby bump. She had to predict with accuracy exactly how that would play out.

2 years ago

Steve did nothing wrong by posting his comment his wife gets what she deserves

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