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King Charles Doesn’t Care To See Archie And Lilibet Ever Again?

Does King Charles really not care about seeing his two California grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet, ever again? That’s the way Prince Harry took it when he reportedly called his father after the King of England evicted him and his wife Meghan Markle from Frogmore Cottage. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Royal Family News: King Charles Doesn’t Care To See Archie And Lilibet Ever Again?

Earlier this year, both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were left shocked when King Charles told them to leave their keys to Frogmore by the front door, take all of their belongings, and leave once and for all. Some royal critics think that the King of England might have done this in retaliation for Prince Harry’s tell-all book, Spare. But others think that King Charles wanted to make room so he could downgrade his brother Prince Andrew from the Royal Lodge and make him live at Frogmore instead.

Whatever the case, Prince Harry was none too pleased with his father’s decision and according to royal expert Omid Scobie, he even told his father on the phone: “Do you never want to see your grandchildren again?” That’s because Harry knows that without a stable home in the UK, it’s just too risky to take his kids to the UK without any concrete security behind them.

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Harry and Meghan?

Scobie writes this in his new book, Endgame, “Staying mum about Harry’s accusations and remaining publicly unconcerned for his son’s well-being while ending his family’s lease on a safe U.K. residence was not a decisive action by a resolute King; it was a cheap shot from a wounded father bound by an institutional system that is often intolerant of human emotion.”

Despite all of the royal drama in their family, Harry and Meghan still want peace and they still want Archie and Lilibet to be close to their royal family memes. Scobie said, “They want their children to know their grandfather.”

So far Kensington Palace has not made any comments about the matter. Watch this space.

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8 months ago

As a parent, we are always there for our children no matter what we cannot choose your life for them. We can only be the example. Grandchildren are not to blame Though I feel. that why should the king be against Prince Harry and Megan when yet he publicized his affair while married to Princess Diana, how can a child respect his parent, and not carry some of type of anger and resentment. As a parent always think before you react when you’ve had wrongdoings in your life yourself. In this world with the royal or not, nobody lives up to their standards for many reasons. We are not perfect.

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