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The Young and the Restless News: CBS Soap Losing Viewers – Are The Storylines To Blame?

The Young and the Restless news says that a lot of fans can’t help but wonder what’s going on behind the scenes at the hit CBS soap these days. That’s because ratings for Y&R have been on the decline, which has prompted a lot of people to wonder if the current storylines are to blame. Here’s what you need to know.

The Young and the Restless News: CBS Soap Losing Viewers – Are The Storylines To Blame?

According to the latest rating numbers, The Young and the Restless is still the top rated daytime television soap, ahead of The Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital and Days of Our Lives. However, their ratings have been on a steady decline. Y&R only pulled in about 3,491,000 viewers last week, which is a decline of 93,000 from the previous week and 131,000 less compared to this time last year.

Of course, it didn’t take very long for fans to weigh in on the matter on social media. Many of them have said, “I think the writing is hurting the show more than anything. It is still my favorite show of the 4 remaining and the only one I even watch anymore, but there is nothing that just makes me want to rush home and watch. I often put off watching and will watch several episodes at a time,” along with, “I completely agree. Of course, Y&R has issues. It is slow and the writers need to make more of a consistent effort. That being said, I don’t think it’s fair for some posters to decree it boring because of talking. All soaps (and dramas for that matter) are just talking. That’s life: talking. It’s how compelling those conversations are that make or break the story.”

The Young and the Restless News: Viewership On The Decline

Another fan wrote, “I agree but the area which has improved are the daily dialogue so much better and it’s snappy. The over all stories in some instances fall flat at times but I’m loving that they made Phyllis such a smart ass again! That is how Phyllis was wrote in the beginning. I absolutely loved the day when Michael has spewing the sins of Phyllis in front of Amanda. Amanda was shocked hearing this not knowing Phyllis’s past, Phyllis was dumbfounded and trying to get Michael to shut up…priceless.”

In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. The Young and the Restless airs weekdays on the CBS network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on Y&R right now. Come back here often for The Young and the Restless spoilers, news and updates.


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2 years ago

I can’t stand Victoria/Ashland saga. She is a spoiled little brat. I hope Adam takes them down soon. I think Adam and Sally Spectra should run Newman Media and Neman Enterprises. Let it happen soon. Put Victoria down an notch. She arrogant and full of hate.

Judy smith
Judy smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Robin

What are they doing with the storyline. Ashland’s storyline is boring and the characters Adams and sally is going nowhere. Who designs the clothes for nicki and the other characters as the storyline they are working people going around with formal wear and outfits that do not suit the peop,e. You are loosing viewers and I will be one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Judy smith

Stop rehashing the same old story lines and love interest. Some people belong together while otherwise time has come and gone! Victor and Niki belong together and glad you have kept them together but Sharon and Nick time has past. Leave it alone…. Phillis has always been the love of Jacks life! Put them together. Jack deserves to be happy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Robin

I feel the same! She’s got a big head since she’s been in this position. And she needs to be brought back to her children. Stay out of the family business take clues from Nick! Can’t wait until Vi tot tells her about her husband! 😁

2 years ago
Reply to  P

The writing is just not very good and the storylines are taking way too long to play out!

2 years ago

No it’s not the storyline. CBS is falling apart. Not reporting the news. Trying to force feed us into voting in who they want in office. Basically trying to run the world. We had to learn through outside the US about almost everything that is effecting our lives. From gas shortage to toilet paper. They bury stuff or call it fake news. I have friends from foreign countries telling me stuff way before they put it out!

2 years ago
Reply to  Aleda

Totally agree with you!

James Santo
2 years ago

I love The Young and Restless very much, been a loyal fan for almost 40 years, and I can tell you that it certainly has alot to do with the storylines and lack of drama that the show used to have. Josh Griffith is not doing a good job, people shouldn’t be sitting around talking all the time, and the surrogate storyline is the worse , with, maybe the exception of the requelery storyline while back. This show needs a writing change. Needs a boost , also the lack of respect for the vets like Doug Davidson. Fix it please, I don’t want to lose the show. No major drama for characters like, Sharon, Elena, Phyllis , Rey, exc. Bring back Maria Bell, Jill Phelps, Kay Alden. If cbs gives up on the show, I will boycott CBS. I love this show very much, and I don’t want reality shows, talk shows , game shows . Bring back the drama and Doug Davidson. Poor writing is the reason. Thank you 🙏

Margaret Scott
Margaret Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  James Santo

Totally agree. Fans have been telling them this for months and it has fallen on deaf ears. They pick a subject and just hound it to death for months on end.

2 years ago

It’s pushing the lesbian storyline….from the fan pages, a lot of us have stopped watching!

2 years ago
Reply to  Maxie

Agree with this one. They are shoving the gays down our throat too much!

Carla Hennen
Carla Hennen
2 years ago
Reply to  Maxie

Totally agree! The lesbian storyline makes me sick, I fast forward thru it. They need to quit pandering to political correctness, know their audience, which mostly doesn’t want to see this garbage

2 years ago
Reply to  Maxie

Exactly. When they come on I change channels. Every soap from the past went down after trying this route. Don’t try forcing it down our throats. It doesn’t work. Also sick of the boring Devon baby saga.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maxie

Exactly. When they come on I change channels. Every soap from the past went down after trying this route. Don’t try forcing it down our throats. It doesn’t work. Also sick of the boring Devon baby saga. No I haven’t commented on this before!!

2 years ago

The storyline around Dominic has long been stupid and boring. I wish they would have less stories about rich white people and spent some time exploring the lives of ordinary people. I have no need to vicariously live through mega rich characters. Maybe it wouldn’t be Young and Restless if they focused on common folks, but it would be a welcome change. I have never been interested in Abby’s character: spoiled, rich, white, pouty, immature and over emotional. When she comes on screen my attention wanders off.

Anita Webb
2 years ago

The story lines are so off the wall. The baby one for sure none of it makes sense . Plus the actor playing Chance needs haircut and to take acting lessons. And the actress playing Sally I can’t stand watching her what is up with the lips?? Just give some decent story lines with Jack, Victor , Michael , all the old timers PLEASE.

Katherine Marsh
Katherine Marsh
2 years ago

It boring. The story line with Ashland is taking too long.

Debra Walters
Debra Walters
2 years ago

Abby, Devon, Noah, Rey, Chelsea, Faith and even Nick need to go. Such boring characters. Abby’s unbelievable baby story, the new Chance is a miserable choice, Devon’s useless dull life and Nick’s storylines have all been boring since he and Sharon divorced. We need new breath in the show. The appearance of all the shows characters except Nikki and Lily, look like they wear their personal clothing and do their own makeup. The sets look all worn and are cheaply done. The Club where they all used to hangout needs to be brought back. Need more backdrop than Society and Phyllis’s hotel. Looks like Jack’s new storyline is going to be boring as hell-not believable for a second. A storyline with him and Phyllis is a much better choice. Rey’s sister coming back is a bad idea. She’s as dull as her brother. Soaps used to be all about LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON. Just trash nowadays hopping in and out of each other’s beds and lives.
Let Adam become a power to be beckoned with. Sally as his love interest will have severe consequences. He and Sharon deserve to be together. Victoria is a loser in so many ways. Quit forcing her onto the viewers. Let Billy and Lily become a powerhouse couple.

2 years ago

Mariah and Tessa are boring, Rey and Sharon are boring, Bring back Paul for the last time. We keep asking. Bring Summer back with or without Kyle. She can seek revenge on Sally.

Georgia S
Georgia S
2 years ago

About 2 years ago, the characters started to change in personality. In real life, unless there is a catastrophic event, or mental illness, people do not suddenly become mean and sullen. It seemed that the writers forgot all the characters past history, creating big go nowhere gaps in the storylines. longtime viewers, don’t forget things that occurred in past relationships, or that someone had a child, or killed someone. Covid certainly ruined the daily conversations, and filming techniques too which might never fully recover. It doesn’t help either when actors quit, or get released and then the writers have to scramble to make up a reason. For continuity, I always felt it was better to hire a replacement immediately, and just make an announcement about the part now being played by…..viewers get used to new people.

Linda Clark
2 years ago

I’ve been a loyal fan since the beginning and in my opinion there should be some changes. We need a family that is not rich! Like it used to be. Just a family that we can all relate to. I love the Newman’s and the Abbotts. The Dominic story line is a real dud. I used to love Devon but now I can’t stand him! He agreed to be a sperm donor! Not the daddy! Abby I feel a little sorry for. She has a wus for a husband. He needs to man up o and be a man. All his whining makes me want to scream. Phyllis is awesome! I hope she and Jack get back together. I love Victor, Adam and Sally. I can’t wait for Ashland to be caught. Victoria needs to be brought down a peg or two. I love this show! Please fix it.

Shylo Carter
2 years ago

Yes ! It’s the story limes. I’ve been watching for 25 years and there used to be so much more drama .thays why women watch it duh! *It’s not for the love screens.* it’s been so boring .used to be a great show and in the past 2 years I fast forward alot . Someone needs þo go back and watch some of the past Years and see what it was all about . Excitement!! That’s why we watch the soaps .

2 years ago

Definitely the baby Dominic triangle. This ridiculous situation is incomprehensible. Who would ever want a donor or surrogate mother after watching this debacle. Cannit even watch when Devon is on screen and chance, what kind of husband or father is he. He is only happy when Dominic is over at devons for the night. Need new writers, please.

James Santo
2 years ago

The Young and restless is about the Newmans and the Abbotts and always will be , the show has always had diversity in the 37 years I have watched . And as far as them pushing lesbians down your throat, get with the times it’s 2022 not the 50s . The show needs drama , there is nothing wrong with the actors or characters. Tessa and Mariah are very popular . Bring back the excitement.

2 years ago

I’ve watched since it came on. I record now because gets so boring and I fast forward. Excitement has gone. You get on one subject and just drag it out. Need more drama like the good old days. This has always been the best but I’m now losing my interest. Please add drama.

Willie Mae McGee
Willie Mae McGee
2 years ago

Young and Restless is becoming the most boring soap. It’s almost like the storylines are long drawn out with no action. By now some of the following storylines should have been solved and we should be sitting on the edge of our seats waiting on the next day. Right now, all I do is fast forward or better yet sometimes I don’t even bother to look at the show because there is no mystery to solve, no action is taken, or the storyline is dropped before we even know the ending. Let me name a few: Billy Boy Abbott and Adam storyline is now getting to be petty with no action; Chloe and Chelsea trying to kill Rey and blame Adam with no consequences is ridiculous, (everybody knows they should have spent some time in jail), Nick still hasn’t found out about Summer and Billy Boy Abbott, that woman in the green dress drives me bonkers, all she does is walk back and forth, why is she there with no storyline? Victoria and Ashland has been going on for way too long, by now Victor should have solved this mess and we should be into another storyline. What happen when Stitch and his kidnapping of Mariah? NOTHING, ANOTHER CRIME NO SOLVED, Victoria never found out that her brother, Nick helped Phyllis to outbid Victoria on the hotel, The Grand Phoenix, Victor never found out that his daughter Victoria was the one helping Billy screw Adam over. Adam helped his father when needed to help Victoria get married without embrassing the family with all of Ashland’s secrets. Truly need to solve the death of Delia so Billy Boy can get over his hate of Adam. He needs to take some of that blame and so does Victoria, she is the one that called for him to stop for Rocky Road Ice Cream on the way home. Now Sally Spectra is on her way back to LA for her crimes, why send her back, Genoa City is where the criminals, like Chloe and Chelsea. I know we are still in a pandemic, but it’s also a time to beef up these storylines with so many people home watching. While I am on the subject of Sally Spectra, I don’t remember Flo getting any time for helping Zoe and Paris father steal Beth from Liam and Hope. Writers wait until they are fresh out of a storyline and now they want to punish Sally for a crime, while all the rest of the crimes are forgotten. Summer should be thanking Sally for helping her get a job in Milan, she finally learned something. She is so like Phyllis, her mother, who does nothing but create problems when she can’t get her way. I wonder what Nick and Victor would do if they ever found out about Summer and Billy Boy Abbott? We never found out what happen before she returned to Genoa City in her boyfriend’s car that she stole and drove to Genoa City. I appreciate the fact that you finally turned Adam around and made him a good guy. We now understand that there was a tragic that he couldn’t erase. I blame Victor for that, money can’t buy you a good personality. I think Hope did an excellent job of raising Adam. He wasn’t brought up in riches and wealth but raised on a farm with lots of love and no father. I could go on but at least somebody knows my frustration with Young and Restless. Come on writers give us your best, I am ready to sit on the edge of my seat, can’t sleep at night because I can’t wait for the next day to see Young and Restless.

Judy Keith
2 years ago

I LOVE Y & R! I do record all my shows and watch later sometimes due to medical problems and that may be part of the reason it is on a decline. I have watched it from the very first show in 1973! And when I worked I always used a VCR to record it. It is my #1 show!!!

2 years ago

I really think some of the storylines suck. The one with Billy and is Podcast is soooo boring, Mariah and Terssa are boring. The deal with Devon spending so much time with Dominic is just wrong but when Mariah felt an attachment they shoed her away! Also all this stuff going on in Abbys life and her father is never a part of any of it. Nina has never come to see her grandson, so many stupid things.

2 years ago

There is no chemistry between alot of the actor. Mariah with tessa, zero chemistry. Noah and tessa were interesting and for no reason, tessa left noah for his sister! So 180 and not even believable. Adam has no chemistry with Sally! Chelsea and Adam were a love story but writers ruined that too! Everything on the show is stale lately. Victoria and ashland, boring! Nate and elena, also boring. Victor, devon, jack , the new Allie are great..give them more stories

2 years ago

Time for a major change. Too boring same old Nick, Sharon, Elena, Nate, Devon, Noah, Chance and those two lesbians. You are throwing your money with those extras that don’t bring anything to the show.Bring back the good actors and get rid of these extras. What’s up with the wardrobe and sitting with legs crossed with the dresses rising up to their rear. Sally dresses like a tramp. That is not professional attire. And yes, please bring that arrogant Victoria down a few pegs with Victor and for once let Adam have his father on his side and his victory and run the company. Please…🙏

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