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General Hospital News: Maurice Benard Has Nothing But Love For Laura Wright And The GH Cast

Now this is the kind of (flirty) love that daytime television fans love to see. Forget all of the drama between who is vaccinated and who is unvaccinated, as General Hospital star Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) has nothing but love for his co-stars both on screen and off. In fact, the handsome actor recently shared an adorable (if not also sexy) video of himself and his co-star Laura Wright (Carly Corinthos) in which he says that working on the show makes him feel like he’s back in high school every day. Here’s what he has to say.

General Hospital News: Maurice Benard Has Nothing But Love For Laura Wright And The GH Cast

With Laura right behind him, Maurice captioned his video with, “To me @generalhospitalabc feels like my senior year of high school. It’s just about having fun, working with great people @welcometolaurasworld @officialghfc@generalhospital227 #love #happy.” 

Maurice also said in the clip, “We are always having a great time,” while Laura chimed in with, “We always do.” Maurice also complimented his on-screen wife by saying, “Laura can never look bad.” Laura responded with, “It’s the magic of the hair and make up room. You walk in there and you come out and you look totally different.” Maurice then joked, “I always look like someone beat me up.” 

Of course, many of Maurice’s Instagram followers commented on the clip with, “OMG I just love you two so much. Don’t ever change! Lots of Love and happiness and peace and merry Christmas to all of you,” along with, “You guys are absolutely perfect. I love seeing you guys laugh together, that’s why you have so much chemistry both on and off screen. This definitely made my day.”

General Hospital News: GH Fans Miss Seeing Ingo And Steve On The Small Screen, Too

Another fan wrote, “This is why General Hospital has always been my favorite soap. It’s the stellar cast. Keep doing what you are doing and don’t pay attention to any of the background noise. However it is sad that Ingo Rademacher and Steve Burton are no longer on, but they are sorely missed.”

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.


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3 years ago

I want Steve Burton back. There could be so many good story lines with him. I also really liked Ingo Rademacher. I am so upset that these two were let go. I realize there are always changing story lines. However there should be some happiness in watching these kind of shows. Right now I don’t look forward to watching General Hospital. There is really nothing to look forward to by watching this show now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sandi LENEGAR

Even though I agree. Carly needs Jason right now however a mandate is a mandate. My staff had to get vaccinated as well.

3 years ago

It’s about time the whole matter is put to rest and not discussed anymore. There is no need to keep trashing the matter over and over again. What is done is done and accepted in some ways by those involved, so let’s just move on.

3 years ago

Both Steve and Ingo made their choice to leave GH. They were not forced out. The powers that be at GH had a moral duty to protect the entire cast as best as they could during this deadly pandemic. I guess it didn’t matter to Steve and Ingo that they were letting their fans down. Oh well, they’ll be missed, but it is, what it is.

3 years ago

I am glad it’s out in the open now Nina can relax a little bit sue for custody’s grandparents has right

3 years ago

We want Steve back no one can play him

2 years ago

I want Steve burton back Carly needs help

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