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Melania Trump’s Documentary Is Already Controversial

Melania Trump

No matter what she does or what she says, her critics are going to find a reason to be upset about one thing or another. Of course, we are talking about Melania Trump as it looks like her new documentary is already controversial. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Celeb News: Melania Trump’s Documentary Is Already Controversial

As many of our readers already know, Melania is having a camera crew follow her each and every move as she makes her transition back to the White House to prepare for her husband Donald Trump’s second term in office.

However, there are some people who think Melania might be causing an unnecessary security breach by having the cameras follow her behind the scenes at the White House. 

Not only that, but there’s also speculation suggesting none of the big critics are going to review the documentary, as they simply don’t want to give Melania Trump, Donald Trump, or the Trump administration more attention that they feel as though they deserve.

That means the doc will most likely fail as it won’t get the proper publicity it deserves. After all, the same thing happened to Melania Trump’s book late last year. The First Lady only went to Fox News to promote her memoir, which is probably why it did so poorly in sales. 

Melania only targeted a specific demographic in the hopes that they would pick up her book without considering those people on the left or maybe in the center that also want to take a peek at her book.

Celeb News: What’s Next For Melania Trump?

A lot of people believe the same thing is going to happen to Melania’s documentary, which will be available on Prime Video. It’s going to debut without anyone even knowing and as a result, will probably end up being one of the least watched docs on the streamer. Or at least, that’s what some critics believe.

So far Melania Trump has not made any comments about the matter although at this point it’s doubtful that anything will be said. Watch this space for more.

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