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Ingo Rademacher Slams “Silent” General Hospital Co-Stars On Tucker Carlson Show

Former General Hospital star Ingo Rademacher (ex-Jasper Jacks) sure had a lot to say during his appearance on the Tucker Carlson Show. The soap star slammed his former conservative co-stars who were too scared to voice their opinions about the ABC network’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, for fear that the show would have gotten canceled. Here’s what you need to know.

Ingo Rademacher Slams “Silent” General Hospital Co-Stars On Tucker Carlson Show

During his interview, Ingo said COVID-19 is like “a serious flu bug,” and suggested that vaccines don’t “do a good job at stopping the spread” of the coronavirus.

“To me, it’s staying healthy and dying healthy as well,” Ingo Rademacher said. “Being injected with something like this COVID vaccine – personally, I don’t think I need it, and I think I should be able to make that choice.”

He also said that the cast of General Hospital “kind of knew that the mandates were coming a few months ago because Disney had already started mandating for their theme park employees.”

“Let’s say everybody was standing up for me,” Ingo said, adding, “if we were all linking arms together and said, ‘We’re not taking this vaccine,’ Disney would have just canceled the show. That’s what I believe. We’re kind of that show over here on the side that has a slot. We’re always walking on thin ice.”

General Hospital News: Ingo Goes Off

The actor is currently suing Disney/ABC after his lost his job because he refused to comply with their vaccine mandate. Ingo says in his lawsuit that the COVID vaccine mandate is unconstitutional and amounts to religious discrimination. He is also being repped by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and John W. Howard, an attorney who has already filed several lawsuits challenging the vaccine mandates. Ingo was let go back in November when he refused to comply with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate.

It’s been noted that according  to the Centers For Disease Control: “COVID-19 vaccines are effective at protecting people from COVID-19 and help keep adults and children from getting seriously sick. COVID-19 vaccines can reduce the risk of people spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Getting everyone ages 5 years and older vaccinated can help the entire family, including siblings who are not eligible for vaccination and family members who may be at risk of getting very sick if they are infected.”

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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donna c wright
2 years ago

I hate that he’s off the show but am in agreement 100% on the vaccine mandate. The whole Covid-19 has been blown out of proportion and the “new normal” needs to just go back to being the United States of America.

2 years ago
Reply to  donna c wright

no it has not been blown out of poportion. we have 2 good friends and my sister in law die from
covid. People need to take it a little more serious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Brenda

No they were not standing with him because most of them know this pandemic is a killer . How many of you would want to be acting with someone who won’t get backed . There are young ppl on that show also . I say good for Disney . Ingo is mr know it all , he claims it like the flu . But it 100 times worse ppl are dying over 800,000 and going up . He has children He should be ashamed of himself . He had a choice he chose to leave . I hope he loses in court good riddance we don’t need him

2 years ago
Reply to  Brenda

I THINK IT’S SORRY FOR INGO TO SUE. If he wants to be IGNORANT and play God with his life and his families lives then more power to him but leave everyone else alone. It will be all on him if one of them gets sick or God forbids does. I used to like him but the fact that he is now going after his former coworkers people that he’s worked with for 25 years shows how SORRY HE IS!!!!! I am glad that GH is protecting their employees that shows that they care TO BAD INGO DOESN’T CARE ENOUGH ABOUT HIS FAMILY ESPECIALLY HIS CHILDREN I MEAN REALLY ITS PATHETIC THAT HE CARES THAT LITTLE ABOUT HIS CHILDREN THAT HE’S GOING TO RISK THEIR LIVES BECAUSE HE WANTS TO BE A STUBBORN IDIOT!!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  donna c wright

My personal opinion: I agree 200% with Ingo, he is correct! We live in the United States of America…Land of the free; to make our own decisions for ourselves and our families. Who do these people think they are to interfere in our personal lives and demand we put “anything” in our bodies that we disagree with for any reason? Letting the Dumocrats control us on this issue can lead to them controlling us on other issues that we cannot do anything about. Then doing the same thing with other things and pretty soon we have no rights!
I believe it you want to be vaccinated you should be vaccinated and if you do not want to be vaccinated then do not be vaccinated! Nobody has the right to force you to do something you do not wanna do!! As far as protecting others, wearing your mask and keeping your distance until we can get back to some normalcy is the best method. We have phones; use them! Our livelihood should NOT be in jeopardy! Do as I say or else!

2 years ago

Damn shame to fire not only Ingo, but Steve Burton as well. Two of the leading actors on the show. Thinking twice about continuing to watch GH. What happened to our rights over our bodies?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann

Support Ingo and Steve 💯. If I weren’t such a die-hard soap opera fan I would stop watching GH!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann

I agree, it seems to only apply when killing babies

cheri D camba
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann

Ingo & Steve do have the right to refuse to be vaccinated but by the same token GH management also has the right to fire them for refusing the vaccine. California has been a right to work state, which means they can fire you pretty much without cause, unless the entertainment industry is exempt from that law. I’ve been watching GH for almost 50 years & I’m sorry to see them gone…especially Steve. In Ingo’s case his firing may also have something to do with the snide comments he made regarding the transgender community.

Hopefully, what he’s doing & saying after being let go won’t interfere with his career if they find him to be somewhat of a lose cannon with his lawsuit against ABC & The Disney Corp.

These people may have a different opinion on the virus if they lost someone to this horrible virus as I did when my husband passed 1/5/21 from COVID. Just a thought
Good luck to them both.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann


melinda riddle
2 years ago

I totally agree with Ingo on this matter. Vaccine mandates are unconstitutional and should never have been implemented in the first place. We live in a free country and should have the right to decide what we put in our bodies.

Bletz Brenda
Bletz Brenda
2 years ago
Reply to  melinda riddle

Exactly. I hope he wins too. Whatever happened to our body our choice? Sad world.

Mad viewer
2 years ago

Is people right and I’m tired of politicians and businesses trying to take away people right if that’s what he felt was best for him only he could tell what’s best for him now on ABC/Disney once a mandate something they need to mandate better right and a better story line instead of being in other people’s business that’s a personal and private business

Sharon Griffin
2 years ago
Reply to  Mad viewer

I cannot believe the colossal ego and selfishness of people who think that their individual preference supersedes the welfare of the entire human race!! IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU INDIVIDUALLY!! MILLIIONS OF PEOPLE HAVE DIED A ND WILL DIE AS A RESULT OF YOUR SELFISHNESS. COVID19 IS A DEADLY VIRUS. IT IS NOT A “BAD FLU!” Health workers are overworked and pleading for relief. They keep begging over and over for unvaccinated people to please get the vaccine! Why? Because in addition to being exhausted they are emotionally devastated when an unvaccinated patient gasping for their last breaths beg them to save them when it’s too late, and admit on their death beds that they wish they would have taken the vaccine. STOP PLAYING RUSSIAN ROULETTE WITH A DISEASE THAT DOESN’T CARE ONE WIT HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

I totally agree with you! I’m so sick of him spewing his lies about covid, and the people who agree with him! It’s Disney’s company and it’s rules, go work somewhere else! He must be independently wealthy, he rather lose his job then get a shot!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

I agree with you 100% because I lost a few friends to Covid-19. My take on this matter is better safe than sorry. We as non-medical people will have to take doctors’ word, in same way we took their word on the other illnesses through the years [polio etc] Happy Holidays, stay safe

2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

Totally and absolutely agree with your comment. it is that these people have a sense of *entitlement* that they are better then the rest of us, they can do no wrong….yet there have been many who on their death bed said *I wish I had gotten the vaccine* and that falls on deaf ears. Let the show go on without them……that is their choice just as we have a choice also to listen to the health experts who spent their lives working on viruses and disease that save our lives.

Lisa Vito
2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

Exactly, Glad he’s gone

2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

You have said exactly what I wanted to say. PERFECTLY SAID.
Also, I was a fan of Ingo & Steve but I am so disappointed to see how little they both care about the safety of all the other actors & actresses on GH. Especially since they have to be up close face to face in most scenes.
Another thing is how in the world could Ingo go on the Tucker Carlson show & associate himself with him??? TUCKER CARLSON is a LYING, DESPICABLE PERSON.
The purpose of the vaccine is that if you do get Covid you won’t die from it.
Wake up you people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

Well said!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

Sharon, I agree 100% with you and Sherry! I can’t believe the ego’s of some people thinking they are more important than the lives of their co-workers and their own children! Goog actors,but not very bright!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

I agree with you 100%. IR has alot of nerve thinking everyone on the show should’ve riske losing their job to stand up for him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

He is so selfish, it would be one thing, if not getting vaccinated would only affect him and his family, but it affects the whole cast at gh, their families and loved ones, and anyone else that comes in contact with him, and the people that get Covid from him. I am so sick of him, and people just like him, and to make matters worse, he thinks it’s ok, to call his fans, idiots, morans, and bigots. It’s his way, or the highway with him. Then he expects us to care about him? I could care less what happens to him, and I pray he never gets his job back on general hospital, ever again. He got fired, for not listening to the mandate. Disney is the boss, not him. He deserved to lose his job. People that are mandated to take drug test at work, or lose their jobs, don’t then go and sue their place of business, because they lost their job, they just move on, silently, to another job. They also don’t go on the tucker Carlson show, to complain about the people they worked with, and throw them under the bus, just because they lost their job. I wish he would just shut up, and go away quietly. I am sick of his selfishness, and not caring about anyone else but himself.

Candace M.
2 years ago
Reply to  Sharon Griffin

100% agree with you Sharon! This is all getting old, people need to think about each other and not themselves

2 years ago
Reply to  Mad viewer

It,s no more things as your rights, once they have majority rules that it. Every one just fall in line, or hit the road. They will either kill you off, or bring some one in as you.

Peggy K
Peggy K
2 years ago
Reply to  Mad viewer

I have stopped watching G.H for several reasons this being one of them.

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Lee

That’s idiotic

2 years ago
Reply to  Lee

well then trump be damned also since it all started with him.. or did you forget that part? and lets see fox news who did this interview has a mandate on this..

2 years ago

100% behind Ingo. What happens when all the vaccinated actors on the show start getting sick with the new variant that is not protected by the current garbage being injected? No one in this country should lose their job because of this being forced on them.

2 years ago

You don’t want to get the vaccine? Then stay in your house & stop getting out around people who are trying to stay well. To say that Covid is just a bad flu instantly tells you everything you need to know about the IQ of these individuals. I just wonder how you will feel if someone you care about gets Covid & dies – oh I guess you’ll decide that person died from something else!

2 years ago
Reply to  Becky

Our family member fully vaccinated died from Covid. Very healthy. There should be No mandates. The vax killed him. Too many side effects. If you choose to be vaccinated then what are you scared of if you think the vax works???

2 years ago
Reply to  linda

Finally some one with common sense!! All these people crying saying he’s selfish but if they are vacc why the heck are they so worried then? If it works then why complain and worry about someone else’s choice!

2 years ago
Reply to  Becky

I got the vaccination but It should be everyones choice if they want the vaccination. Jax was one of my favorites on GH. I will miss him. But its his choice on the vaccination, I find no fault WITH HIM.

2 years ago
Reply to  Becky

It’s a free country last time I checked! I have a good idea; why don’t you self isolate in your home because there is proof that people who have received the jab and boosters are the ones spreading COVID to others, Becky. My I.Q. is just fine and you are making a blanket statement about individuals that you don’t even know. I don’t want anyone to die from the virus, but you have more research to do to be informed regarding everything relating to “COVID.”

Suzanne K Wolfe
Suzanne K Wolfe
2 years ago
Reply to  Becky

I absolutely completely agree with you. I lost my mom because of covid, so when people say it is just a bad flu pisses me off because I bet all these dumb people who losses someone they love from covid maybe they will change their attitude.

2 years ago
Reply to  Becky

Seems to me that just the fact that he’s on Tucker Carlson’s show demonstrates his low IQ. You have the right to do anything you want with your body AS LONG AS YOU REMAIN IN YOUR HOUSE AND AWAY FROM THE REST OF SOCIETY! The arrogance of anyone thinking that their God gave their body the immunity to fight any disease and therefore they can go about their daily lives infecting anyone else is mind boggling. As for slamming his fellow cast members – don’t THEY have the same right to make their own decisions? I’m not sure why he’s burning every bridge he’s ever built during his relatively unsuccessful career.

G Boss
G Boss
2 years ago
Reply to  Becky

All this shows is that people don’t actually have any real faith in the vaccines, and are instead trying to justify their own decision to themselves, which they may now regret. They are driven to make everyone complicit, like drunks in a bar.

Anne H. Gray
2 years ago

Because a soap opera star is better suited to determine vaccine effectiveness than the doctors. scientists and medical community? Good for ABC and good riddance to Ingo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne H. Gray

Very well said I totally agree

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne H. Gray

Exactly. And sinking so low as to go on Carlson’s rag of a show.
Politicizing getting vaccinated for the safety of yourself and your fellow citizens is selfish and irresponsible. There shouldn’t have to be any mandate. People should be sane enough to not need one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne H. Gray

I’m sick of Ingo. Didn’t think my opinion could sink lower that it already was. He acts like a whiney baby. He didn’t want to follow his employers rule, so he left. His choice. Stop bitching about it or get the vaccine.

Gail Evans
Gail Evans
2 years ago
Reply to  Anne H. Gray

I agree with you. He chose not to get the vaccine knowing the consequences. Now he is questioning why no one on the show spoke up. It’s his battle not their’s and maybe they are okay with him leaving.

2 years ago

Before passing down a stupid unconstitutional mandate, how about close the border. There’s millions of people coming in and no testing is done on them. Common sense is not a flower that grows in everyone’s garden.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elise

Absolutely agree, Elise. Wonder if that will ever happen!

2 years ago

He made his choice…I hope he stays healthy

2 years ago

Typical of these corporations refusing to honor our freedoms – have watched GH for most of the years it’s been on. Firing Ingo and Steve over policies which are clearly political and have absolutely nothing to do with our health, was the last straw! Done watching as are most of my friends and relatives.

Celestine Bobby Porter
Celestine Bobby Porter
2 years ago
Reply to  Li

Thank you and well said.

2 years ago

Well said Sharon!! Totally agree!!

Sandra H Haddock
2 years ago

No one should have the authority of citizens in violation of our HIPPA rights. The government is wrong and it should be a choice – like the pro-baby-killers say; “my body, my choice”! I’m willing to make a deal! LOL* You can kill unborn babies (and eliminate raising idiots your way) and you allow me to determine my own medical decisions! So there! High Five!

Dimple Reed
2 years ago

I have had the vanccine and i felt it was my choise but this viris is not just our country is the world .I think some people are more concerend about making a statement than healing the young and old ,the one your working with,the sick from getting sicker just to put a politcal statement .Our world is coming back and will get there if people like them works with everone .And after all it is their company and payes their sailery and both can be replaced with someone else .I was getting bord with Jacks story line any way and as much as i like Jason he was replaced with a new actor before and we was getting use to him and we can again after all plactic surgery is why this new one could fall right in place to be Jason .

2 years ago

You don’t want to get the Covid shot that you feel could effect your body understandable. You get COVID and get very sick then you have all those other drugs put in your body you have no idea what they are trying to get you better. Um

2 years ago

I hate mandates. Unfortunately if you work someplace and they have new rules and regulations either you get with the program or you leave. It’s a decision that only individuals can make for themselves and their families. I feel a little bad for Ingo because he worked in California and he worked as an actor. I hope he has enough money saved to support his family because Hollywood is not known for it’s tolerance for people with outspoken personal views on anything political. He could very well find himself blackballed in the industry.

2 years ago

Going on Tucker Carlson Show says all I want to know about Him.

2 years ago

No one should be forced to put the government “s poison in their bodies! It doesn’t stop the covid more people who are vaccinated are dying from it

Patricia Burnett
Patricia Burnett
2 years ago

I support Ingo and Steve. I hope they can both come back soon!

2 years ago

I believe Ingo is 100% right that it is his constitutional right to choose whether or not to take the vaccine and it is unlawful for anyone to lose their job over that personal decision. While I am fully vaccinated I defend to the death a person’s right to choose. When we let the government and big corporations like Disney start to mandate and take away our freedoms we are no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. And for those at GH like Nancy Grahn who cowered to Disney to save her job and didn’t support Rademacher and Steve Burton to exercise their rights you are the problem with this country and it’s you who should be ashamed and gone from the show. You are what’s wrong with this country and should be stopped from destroying it from within.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sheila

Seriously? You first say Ingo has a right to choose whether to take the vaccine or not then in another breath say Nancy Grahn is wrong for not speaking up which she has every right not to!! She did not cower, she chose not to speak up. Where is it written that a co-worker must stand up for another? Heck, you don’t even have to take up for family if you chose not to. Nancy made the choice to take the vaccine to save her job (or whatever her reasoning was to take it) which Ingo and Steve both had the same choice, they chose not to so they must endure the consequences of that choice and not cry about it after they make it. Ingo is still whining about _his_ choice. What makes you say that Nancy should have supported Ingo, after what he’s said about all his co-workers, I sure as hell wouldn’t speak up for him. If Ingo has a right to choose, so does Nancy. You seem to feel there are different set of rules for the people that choose not to take the vaccine and those that do take the vaccine. It is not unlawful for a corporation to fire someone for not following their rules that they made and _everyone_ has to follow. They made it a rule that you need to take the vaccine for health reason and that is their right as an employer. One of the things wrong with this country is people that speak out of both sides of their mouth.

2 years ago

What a joke from an actor who doesn’t want to take responsibility. Go back to your country INGO if you don’t like America. Plenty of actors who need jobs and won’t be such a baby. Why didn’t you follow Steve’s example of what a “real” man/actor/person does when faced with a decision. He didn’t bash the show and stated he is open to coming back if the mandate is lifted.
It is the RIGHT of the privately owned studio to set their rules. If you don’t want to follow you are welcome to leave, this is NOT new this something EVERY company has. He wasn’t fired, he had choices and what he choose cost his job. I BACK DISNEY and ABC – They need to be working in a SAFE environment.

Sour grapes because INGO lost his acting job and probably his job as a life guard (speculation) as who would want someone unvaccinated giving them mouth to mouth if necessary.

2 years ago

It’s his choice and his body… I was vaccinated which was my choice. This is his choice. We may not agree with him but it is his choice.

2 years ago

It,s no more things as your rights, once they have majority rules that it. Every one just fall in line, or hit the road. They will either kill you off, or bring some one in as you.

2 years ago

I am vaccinated and boosted. I wear a mask when I go out. But I believe in everyone’s right to choose for themselves. We need to be careful about mandates. It’s the tip of the iceburg going along with this covid mandate. It won’t stop there and will embolden them to demand more compliance in other areas.

2 years ago

I seriously think Ingo is acting like a spoiled child, he knew the policy and he made his choice. I think he looks foolish trying to sue considering the fact that it was his choice. The fact that you threw the rest of your co-workers under the bus speaks volumes about you! Move on gracefully!

2 years ago

Ingo, you have shown yourself to be not only selfish, but ignorant. Only a moron would go on Tucker Carlson to plead his case. You chose to ignore the mandate, and ABC/Disney chose to fire you. So long and good bye. I cannot believe you wimped out by going on Fox Faux News.

2 years ago

People who dont get the Covid vaccine apparently dont care about saving the lives of others or themself. I saw this posted by someone on facebook and it is meant to be passed on to others.

Get the Covid Vaccine

I’m fully vaccinated and, no, I don’t know what’s in it – neither this vaccine, the ones I had as a child. Nor in the 11 secret herbs and spices at KFC, or hot dogs,or Coca-Cola’s secrety recipe or other treatments…whether it’s for cancer, AIDS, the one for polyarthritis, or vaccines for infants or children.
I also don’t know what’s in Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, or other meds, it just cures my headaches & my pains.
I don’t know what’s in the ink for tattoos, vaping, Botox and fillers, or every ingredient in my soap or shampoo or even deodorants. I don’t know the long term effect of mobile phone use or whether or not that restaurant I just ate at REALLY used clean foods and washed their hands.
In short …
There’s a lot of things I don’t know and never will…
I just know one thing: life is short, very short, and I still want to do something other than just going to work every day or staying locked in my home. I still want to travel and hug people without fear and find a little feeling of life “before”.
As a child and as an adult I’ve been vaccinated for mumps, measles, polio, chickenpox, and quite a few others; my parents and I trusted the science and never had to suffer through or transmit any of the said diseases and,
I’m vaccinated, not to please the government but:
* To not die from Covid-19.
* To NOT clutter a hospital bed if I get sick.
* To hug my loved ones
* To Not have to do PCR or antigenic tests to go to a restaurant, go on holidays and many more things to come …
* To live my life.
* To see and hug my family and friends
* For Covid-19 to be an old memory.
* To protect us.

Janice Lord
Janice Lord
2 years ago

Hooray toe Jax. I agree 100 percent. The vaccination should be a personal decision. Too many people are getting bad side effects. I know a man, personally that lost his hearing after the vac. The dr has 4 others in the same situation . They don’t know the long term effects and don’t care. This is them controlling us.
NO children should be vaccinated. It could cause terrible side effects down the road.
Hopefully, Jason will sue too.
Alexis should be fired, she was in jail and not working with Jax anyway. She is usually a victim and the show doesn’t need her.

2 years ago

I agree. He was ready to exit anyway so why blame it on the Virus? In order to get another job maybe? He cam e off as he was better than anyone else and he found out he either goes by the law that was laid down by the way by the CDC until they get this Virus under control not GH???? So blast away and I am sure they are glad you are off the show, I know I am

2 years ago

If these storylines don’t get the show canceled standing together wouldn’t have either. However his response seems similar to those who refuse to wear seat belts or not speed. They just don’t think it will save their life so even though it’s the law.

2 years ago

I believe that IR is making hay while the sun is shining on him. That exchange between him and that Hannity guy was more of an audition than an interview. He may have lost his job at GH but he seems to also be allowing himself to be used as a poster boy for anti-vaxxers. He’s fairly well-spoken and obviously good looking. He’ll make a great talking head on the FOX network and I believe that is his end-game here.

Lisa Rouse
Lisa Rouse
2 years ago

I have a family member who is vaccinated and boosted but still got Covid. Because she was asymptomatic she could have spread it without knowing it. She was in lockdown because her 3 year old had Covid but if she wasn’t, she would have spread it all over. How is that safe? The decision to vaccinate should be personal and not mandated by an overreaching employer or government! Keep fighting for your rights, Ingo!

2 years ago

I think Disney did the right thing. We are trying to save lives but that is not what he wants to do. I’m GLAD he is off the show. I don’t want him back ever.

Nancy B
Nancy B
2 years ago

Ingo is right to sue. Vaccine mandates are unconstitutional, and I admire him for standing his ground. I say let Nancy Grahan go as both she and her character are sickening!

Doralee A Boles
2 years ago

I find it profoundly ironic that people believe that Ingo Rademacher’s response is ” selfish” when he is simply speaking out as an American . America is founded on the principle of free speech. People flee countries where their freedoms are denied. They flock to this country from all parts of the world in search of the rights this country was founded upon.Be afraid for history tells a wicked tale of those places in the world where people’s voices are silenced

I am truly grateful that people with influence our stepping to the plate and courageously taking a stand. When the media has completely lost it’s credibility unwilling to squarely and fairly address the multitude of issues surrounding these sometimes ” dead;y vaccinations” and treaing the vaccines as truely lifesaving answers while tacitly ignoring the growing eviidence for their lack of effectiveness.

2 years ago

Ingo is an idiot. Grow up, Ingo.

Debbie Morgan
2 years ago

I stand with Ingo

2 years ago

I believe in the vaccine but I don’t believe in mandates to have to get it

2 years ago

Your right to choose ends where your choices endanger me, my friends and family, and our communities at large. People certainly can opt out of receiving the vaccine, but they cannot expect to be able to opt out of the consequences of making that choice. ABC and Disney made it very clear early on that vaccinations would be mandatory because of an abundance of caution in order to protect all of their employees from contracting and spreading the COVID-19 virus. This is a workplace safety issue, and as such, ABC and Disney have the right to choose a policy that they feel will have the best chance of maintaining the health and welfare of all the people who work for them. If someone, including Mr. Rademacher, chooses not to follow the clearly stated policy of their employer, then they should expect to have to reap the consequences of defying that employer’s workplace safety rules.
Mr. Rademacher knew what the stated policy was, and he had the choice to adhere to that policy. This includes the following the vaccine mandate, and he chose not to follow those mandated rules. He is not a victim, he made his choice, but now he’s whining about the consequences, because he found out that he can’t have it both ways.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x