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General Hospital News: Ingo Rademacher Suing Disney-Owned ABC Network Over Vaccine Mandate

General Hospital news says that Ingo Rademacher (ex-Jasper Jacks) is suing the Disney-owned ABC network over their vaccine mandate. Both Rademacher and his former co-star Steve Burton (ex-Jason Morgan) were both let go from the hit daytime television show for refusing to comply with the vaccine mandate. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital News: Ingo Rademacher Suing Disney-Owned ABC Network Over Vaccine Mandate

According to Variety, Rademacher says in his lawsuit that the COVID vaccine mandate is unconstitutional and amounts to religious discrimination. He is also being repped by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and John W. Howard, an attorney who has already filed several lawsuits challenging the vaccine mandates.

“I am entitled to a religious exemption against mandatory vaccination for COVID-19 on the basis of my deeply and sincerely held moral belief that my body is endowed by my creator with natural processes to protect me and that its natural integrity cannot ethically be violated by the administration of artificially created copies of genetic material, foreign to nature and experimental,” Rademacher wrote in an Oct. 11 email to Disney’s HR department.

The lawsuit further states that the actor was then asked to participate in an interview with an HR lawyer about his religious exemption, which he likened to a “cross-examination.” 

In addition, Rademacher’s lawsuit also claims that the vaccine mandate violated his right to privacy. “This should not be a political issue,” the suit states. “There is no need for everybody to get the COVID-19 shot, even if the president demands it.”

General Hospital News: Does Ingo Rademacher Have A Chance With His Lawsuit?

So far Disney has not made any comments about the lawsuit. Rademacher is yet to make any comments on social media as well.

However, in a statement to People,  Rademacher’s lawyer, Scott Street of JW Howard Attorneys, says, “This case is about freedom, including freedom of religion and the right to privacy that all Californians have under our state constitution. Cases decided a hundred years ago don’t change that. The world has evolved since then. The law has evolved since then. We look forward to litigating those issues in court.”

Let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

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2 years ago

I applaud your decision Ingo. Don’t let them strong arm you. You have rights.

2 years ago


2 years ago

i would not watch him on any show now. what makes him think he is so special? If his religion doesnt believe in shots then he should not be around people at all.. because he is not thinking about protecting others just his body. he seems very self centered . what a downer!

2 years ago

I TOTALLY agree with Ingo and hope he wins his lawsuit

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

While I believe in the vaccine even before it was mandated I think it is a worker’s right to decide for themselves whether they will get the vaccine. However, whether you have been vaccinated or not there have been protocols put in place for Covid 19 in the NFL, baseball, etc and I think those protocols should be available for workers to be able to continue their livelihood if they have not been vaccinated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

You have to be kidding!!!!

Mary Julia Boyd
2 years ago

Go Ingo!! God Bless

2 years ago

I hope he goes back to Australia – we don’t need him here – never liked Jasper Jax anyway. I’ve watch GH since it began over 50 years ago.

2 years ago

I agree with Ingo and Steve it is their right to decide if they want the shot or not. Freedom of speech.

Angela Lucido
Angela Lucido
2 years ago

I think Ingo and Steve should sue Disney, ABC and GH for them been discriminated against Re them not wanting to receive the vaccination. Biden is a buffoon and I don’t know why CEO’s of corporations and hospitals are going along with an unconstitutional mandate.

Snuffy Montgomery
Snuffy Montgomery
2 years ago

It’s very simple. He has a perfect right to not be vaccinated, but his employer and co-workers also have rights to a safe workplace, particularly when working in close quarters on a tv show. Mr. Rademacher is free to remain unvaccinated, but not to compromise his co-workers’ health.

Wanda Foster
Wanda Foster
2 years ago

Yes I agree with Ingo. Proud of him for standing up for his beliefs.

2 years ago

Way to go!! Stand your ground; Everyone has the right to get the shot or NOT get the shot!:

2 years ago

I totally agree with Ingo…my body my choice…no dictatorship…this has gotten way out of hand🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Mary Lou M
Mary Lou M
2 years ago

I applaud him! A mandate is NOT law. He should have been exempt for his beliefs and I cannot wait to see how this goes! I hope he wins. I am so on his side!! I hope this is just the beginning of lawsuits against Disney/ABC and companies that fire people who decline the vaccine. In my opinion, he did what was right for him, as did Steve Burton. Kudos to you, Ingo!!

2 years ago

Yea for ingo- you’ve got this- hope Steve follows suit also. Again why is Disney the only co making it a mandate from the other soaps. People your freedom is at stake here. We are the US with a constitution. Not nazi germany

Mary Davidson
Mary Davidson
2 years ago

I agree no 1 should be forced to do anything against there will I also hope he wins
You can lead a horse to water but you can not make the horse drink the water]

Philomena TRAPANI
2 years ago

Where to go Ingo and I think you are 100% right

Nancy Covino
Nancy Covino
2 years ago

Jax is an asshole! Like I said about Steve I believe in freedom but not at the risks of many people dying then during GH he’s just making an ass out of himself I feel he doesn’t care about his cast mates lives or anyone else’s! I hope he stays in isolation by himself also he doesn’t care much about his family either! Good ridden!

2 years ago

Amen!!! Way to go!! MyBody My Choice!! What happened to HIPPA LAW! Privacy about your medical information!! More lawsuits are needed to Protect Your Privacy!! Totally Agree!! Woke Hospital needs to wake up! Shame on you Disney!

2 years ago

I disagree with Ingo. No one gave him the right to work while endangering everyone else on the set. The company set its rules and if he disagreed he had the right to leave.

June Leathers
2 years ago

He won’t win this lawsuit. He just gives excuses of not getting vaccinated of being a religious thing. I think that he’s just afraid of needles. What about people around him that need to be protected? Doesn’t he care if he gives COVID or one of the contagious variant viruses especially this OMNICRON that is completely contagious to them? Most of the people that are in the hospital weren’t vaccinated and some of them are begging to be vaccinated but the doctors can’t do it then.

2 years ago
Reply to  June Leathers

He will win! Actually against the constitution, if you read it!

Linda Daley
2 years ago

I totally agree with Ingo, I’m not to keen on this Religion excuse !! I also feel all should be vaccinated, but now with all the instant nasal swabs they have he could use them !! These New Instant Nasal Swabs show you instantly if you have Corvid !! Why doesn’t Disney offer that, This way maybe Jason & Ingo would come back, I’ve about given up on GH anyways with all their new Rolls !! I wish INGO the BEST OF LUCK with this Law Suit, but I don’t think it will go anywhere otherwise everyone would be having a Lawsuit….

Celestine Bobby Porter
Celestine Bobby Porter
2 years ago
Reply to  Linda Daley

I do not agree with Ingo. This is not about freedom, this is about saving likes. We are Americans and should be helping one another not fighting. Something has happened to us as a country. What people do not understand there is a price for Freedom. So Mr. Ingo suck it up. You made your choice and ABC made theirs. ABC has rights and Freedom just like you.

I do not understand people. They take medication for cows, horses, etc. for COVID-19. However they will not take the vaccine which has been proven to slow down deaths in people with no pre-existing conditions.

Before COVID-19, in the USA majority of children who attend schools are required to take vaccines. Military and some Government officials are required to take vaccines, especially if they are going to foriegn countries. Sports require certain vaccines. I can keep going on and on…..



Anna Marsh
Anna Marsh
2 years ago

I think Ingo is being totally selfish. What about protecting others I’m pretty sure Jesus, since he’s claiming a religious exemption would be getting a vaccine to protect his people. Not a very good reason to sue. Same thing with Steve Burton, I don’t think he’ll sue but his excuses are lame as well. I’m sure their children needed vaccinations to go to school. This is much different it’s a pandemic and everyone should be doing their part.

2 years ago

Good for you Ingo. I stand right with you. Good Luck!

2 years ago

He’s not going to win. Disney is just trying to protect their employees and a safe working environment. The president made the mandate because people still not getting the shot and more people are still ending up in the hospital. The ones not getting the shot is the ones giving it to other people and their families. If you especially care about you’re family then get the shot. If you don’t get the shot means you don’t care about your family at all.

2 years ago

Totally agree with Ingo! this country has deteriorated in less than a year into a place where personal freedom and choice no longer exist if you live in a blue state! Hope Steve Burton files a suit as well! Vaccinated people are getting and spreading the virus too so why fire the unvaccinated?

Max Fi
Max Fi
2 years ago

You made a choice not to follow the rules and get the vaccine, and ABC/Disney made the choice to fire you. So stop whining, you are no different than anyone else. Go away Ingo/Jax.

2 years ago

I hope he wins – just like Hunter Tylo did against Aaron Spelling/Melrose Place for firing her for being pregnant. ABC/Disney could have worked around his (and everyone else who chooses not to intentionally put poison into their system) not being vaccinated with daily Covid testing.

2 years ago

I hope he sues the hell out of them and wins. Then maybe Steve will follow. The government is to high and mighty.

2 years ago

I stand with Ingo and wish him the best in his lawsuit against ABC. He is greatly missed.

2 years ago

Way to go !!
I support Ingo and agree with him. This is still experimental and I don’t think anyone should be made to such a personal “mandate”.
Long term effects are not known

2 years ago

Bravo! I thank you Ingo and Steve for going against an unlawful unconstitutional mandate that requires anyone to be forced to take an experimental shot that has been proven to be unsafe and cause illness and even death. We must demand freedom over our health. I pray you win your lawsuit. Bless you for standing up for yourself and for all who agree.

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