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General Hospital News: Ingo Rademacher Takes The Classy Approach With Nancy Lee Grahn

General Hospital’s Ingo Rademacher (ex-Jasper Jacks) has taken the classy approach with his former co-star Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis). The actor addressed the issue he had with Nancy announcing his departure from the show before he even got a chance to. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital News: Ingo Rademacher Takes The Classy Approach With Nancy Lee Grahn

Back in November, Nancy took to her Instagram account to write, “The fellow actor, #IngoRademacher, is mercifully no longer a part of the [‘General Hospital’] cast,” which apparently Ingo did not appreciate at all. Ingo left the hit ABC soap after he refused to comply with the network’s vaccine mandate.

Ingo did take to his own Instagram account to clarify a few things along with how he felt about Nancy’s announcement. He started off his clip by saying, “Hello guys. This is my official video to say that I’m no longer on the show, which is something I never got to do because Nancy announced it on Twitter.”

He continued, “She said that I was mercifully no longer on the show, which was a huge disappointment to me. I thought that after you’d work with someone for 25 years they would show some more respect and a little more integrity to allow me to make that announcement to my fans.”

Ingo went on to say that he will have more to say about Nancy later, but wanted to thank his fans for supporting him through the good times and well, the bad, too. And while Ingo did say that Nancy has the freedom to express her opinion just as much as he does, many of his fans took to his comments section to weigh in on the matter. Some of them wrote, “I am vaxxed, but that was MY choice and would never force that on to anyone!! I’m SO sorry this happened to you ..I have a feeling you are gonna end up in a way better place,” along with, “You and Steve will be missed. Disappointed in Nancy big time. Glad to be able to follow you on IG. Looking forward to seeing you do great things in the future.”

General Hospital News: Nancy Stays Silent

Another fan wrote, “You are amazing! I have been a lifetime watcher of GH. You took the high road… which Nancy could never find even with a GPS!”

So far Nancy Lee Grahn herself has not made any additional comments about the matter, nor has she took the time to wish Ingo the best after his departure from General Hospital. Watch this space.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.



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Doralee A Boles
3 years ago

Hooray for the likes of IngoRademacher, I loved his character on GH and am equally impressed by his stand on the vaccine manadate. The show has lost two major figures in it’s programming and make it hard to continue watching.
Both he and Steve Burton are men of conviction to be supported and admired.

3 years ago

Nancy has turned into an obnoxious opinionated loud mouth!! No Class, Big mouth. I’m team Ingo!

Eileen Piazza
3 years ago
Reply to  Annie

You got it Nancy needs to get a life and stop and think that people to make there own choices and what’s right for one person maybe not right for another. Same goes with politics not everybody agrees with you Nancy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eileen Piazza

Well she wants to stay alive and not get Covid… He’s a radical anyway

3 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Taking the classy way around is too good for NLG.
I’m a conservative and a supporter of…our previous administration.
Obviously she’s been rude and vile for those 4 years.
It’s just continuing now.
I FF through every scene she’s in.
(Sorry Shawn and Sam)

Anna Grubbs
3 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Yes shes pretty mean!

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Exactly right. She is th.e definition of b***h.

3 years ago

Nancy should shut her mouth. Maybe someone should talk to Mr. Valentin. She’s a soap actress nothing more. Maybe they should get rid of her. Her acting is terrible.

Linda Pasqua
Linda Pasqua
3 years ago
Reply to  Liz

Absolutely true. She’s an obnoxious loudmouth.

3 years ago

I have lost all respect for Nancy and I have always liked her. She has become too opinionated for my taste.

3 years ago

Nancy Grahn needs to go. Woke Hospital has done a terrible thing in letting both Ingo and Steve need to stay. Get that Classless Nancy off our show. Thank Ingo and Steve for Standing up and not taking it. Pathetic how GH is ending up with people who aren’t going to watch your show due to my body, my choice!

3 years ago
Reply to  Susiefreeze

No vaccine, no work. You are in close proximity to the other actors. I am a SAG member. We need to all be Vaxxed or we don’t work…. period!

Margie Santoro
Margie Santoro
3 years ago
Reply to  dk

Then why doesn’t GH get rid of the actor/actress that gave Steve Burton Covid to begin with? It’s already been said that he got Covid on the SET of GH??? Hmmmm maybe it was Nancy Lee Grahn that gave it to him??? Of course they won’t get rid of that Liberal hatefull Beotch, GET RID OF Nancy!!!! Different set of rules for different people, I stand with Steve and Ingo, my body, my decision, not the governments or anyone elses!

3 years ago

Classy? Ingo is far from classy. He’s a transphobe and didn’t care enough about his costars to protect them by getting vaccinated. Steve Burton is classy. He said he understood and didn’t point fingers.

3 years ago

Can’t stand Nancy. Mandates for the jab are NOT the law. So disappointed in GH getting rid of two great actors.

3 years ago

But you can still give and get it …doesn’t matter,~a dates aren’t legal and it’s still my body ,my choice just like abortion says..doesn’t just work for one thing but all things…we still have freedoms…

3 years ago

I’m very disappointed in Nancy. Quite frankly, her recent story line has been uneventful as far as I’m concerned, a bit boring. Jason had a much bigger influence on GH than she. He at least has the antibodies from having had Covid. I do believe all people should be vaccinated so Ingo is in a different situation. I’m disappointed in this turn of events. Been a fan of GH for 40 + years. I’ll watch with a little less enthusiasm.

Diana Roby
Diana Roby
3 years ago

Such sad comments. I support NLG and GH.

Norma Withrow
Norma Withrow
3 years ago

I am going to miss Ingo tremendously, he brought class and good looks to the show! Would love to see him back. As for Nancy Grahn, never liked her, she is not a good actress and adds nothing to the show. I do believe everyone has a choice to choose what goes in their bodies but I can kinda see that it could be dangerous for other actors on set unless they’re was social distancing. I have taken all vaccinations but that was my choice and I did it for me and for my family. I believe in live and let live. But Nancy must go!

E Russell
E Russell
3 years ago

Nancy and the rest of the cast didn’t want to be exposed to Covid just because Ingo didn’t want to take the shots so he should have just quit same with Steve good luck both

3 years ago

It is disrespectful and selfish to refuse to keep all cast members safe from disease. I’d be glad he’s leaving, too, if I were a member of the cast. It’s not a matter of liking or not. It is about protecting fellow actors. Nancy is one of the best actors on the show. Love her!!!

3 years ago

Very disappointed in Nancy. She should be ashamed. She was never a friend of yours. Everyone has the right to get or not get the vaccine. I’m vaccinated but not mad at anyone that chooses not to. Freedom of choice. Very sad to see you and Steve go. GH has made a very poor decision. Don’t think I will be watching any longer. Good luck to you and Steve.

3 years ago

Ingo will be miss along with Jason. We will not be watching we’re boycotting general hospital from here on out brought out and take Nancy for her big mouth to notify everybody on Twitter about him leaving without her permission she she should be the one leaving general hospital she doesn’t belong there app.

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