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General Hospital Spoilers: Producers Will Not Recast Jason Morgan

General Hospital spoilers say that it might be a very long time before fans get to see Jason Morgan on the canvas again, if at all. There’s a new report that says the producers of the hit ABC daytime television soap have decided against hiring a new actor to recast the role of Jason Morgan. The character was last played by Steve Burton, who was forced out of the soap after failing to comply with the network’s vaccine mandate. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Producers Will Not Recast Jason Morgan

According to Variety, there are no plans as of this time to replace Steve Burton with another actor. When the publication had asked a spokesperson from General Hospital if Jason could potentially return, whether it be Steve Burton or another actor, they did not get a response. However, at the same time it is presumed that Jason is dead. His brother Drew (Cameron Mathison) told their mother Monica (Leslie Charleson): “There was nothing left at the last place I saw Jason. There was just a pile of rocks and beams. They had crews on site within an hour, and they had their scanning equipment there. They couldn’t pick up a heartbeat.”

Needless to say, it didn’t get very long for General Hospital fans to weigh in on the matter. Many of them have taken to social media to write, “I have recorded and watched GH forever. I am no longer recording it because the powers that be decided to fire two actors over the vaccine. I am vaccinated—by choice—and I stopped watching GH—by choice. I will resume watching when their policies change,” along with, “Bring him back! I have watched General Hospital sense I was little with my grandma. If you dont bring him back I know of at least 4 of my family members and I am sure many more will quit watching you show!”

Another critic put it this way, “Jason’s character should be recast regardless of the actors status. His role has been important and vital to the show and many viewers. I was extremely happy when Steve Burton returned to his original role. I thought never thought the role could be played by anyone else but since his return, I would rather the role be recast if he can’t return. Too many storylines are left open with him. It just doesn’t make since.”

General Hospital Spoilers: Is Jason Dead?

So far the network has not made any additional comments. In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.


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arsolar clemons
2 years ago

Sorry that Steve Burton chose to leave GH instead of getting the shot, which makes no sense to me, myself,my children and my grand children have all been vaccinated, but anyway that was his choice, but the character of Jason Morgan is not in my opinion just another character,he is a very important part of GH and i really hope he will be recast, two characters i would hate to see leave GH is Sonny and Jason, i would of course rather have the original actors but if that is not possible then a recast is better than no Jason at all

2 years ago

I totally agree to have Jason continue to be on the canvas. Either Steve Burton returns or recast. Jason is Jason and a vital importance to Port Charles. I would certainly welcome a recast if that is what it comes down to. Not like it hasn’t happened before. We like and live with the new Nicolas, Spencer and Drew(Cameron)

I have been a loyal fan since the character of Laura came on canvas.

2 years ago

I totally agree to have Jason continue to be on the canvas. Either Steve Burton returns or recast. Jason is Jason and a vital importance to Port Charles. I would certainly welcome a recast if that is what it comes down to. Not like it hasn’t happened before. We like and live with the new Nicolas, Spencer and Drew(Cameron)

I have been a loyal fan since the character of Laura came on canvas.

2 years ago

Jason and Ingo should be there on scene….FREEDOM OF CHOICE….not force the issue with job security….God will handle all those playing the mind games with this mandate

2 years ago
Reply to  Nancy

I have watched since the very beginning. There is only ONE Jason Morgan. No recast. People should NOT be forced to get a shot by a president who is mentally unstable. He has done nothing but hurt our country and now he’s taking our actors away. GH is now making it look as though evil always succeeds with leaving Peter alive. Remember, all the evil going on in the world – don’t “help” it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Janet

I hope 🙏 they decide to recast the character of Jason Morgan, he’s a fan favorite, or bring him back as a different character. It’s done daily in soaps, why should GH not do it. They brought back Roger Haworth as a different character,

2 years ago
Reply to  Nancy

I dislike Jason is gone over some mandate. I don’t feel anyone should be able to pressure anyone into a vaccine. I do think the story line of Jason should continue even if played by another. Lets see what happens between Brit and Jason.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nancy

Right freedom to infect others with their disease. This could be done and over with now.

Valerie Saunders
2 years ago

So far they haven’t been able to locate his body…which is ridiculous. So of course that leaves it open for him to return or be recast…..from the dead! I will miss him, he is a major character & I love the story lines he’s part of. I am vaccinated but I agree that it is wrong to fire people for not getting the shots. It’s all political if you ask me. I think GH & the writers messed up with this issue. That is my opinion & I’m standing by it. Good luck GH, you’re gonna need it.

Patricia Mitchell Bryant

I believe that Jason should be recast. His storyline is important. It was his decision to leave the role.

2 years ago

I absolutely don’t care for GH anymore
What happened to our free country and our right to our bodies and what goes in them

Marjorie Butler
Marjorie Butler
2 years ago

I have been watching this show so long that I feel like I truly know them personally. And Jason is very favorite character on the show I stopped watching it once before and I guess I will stop again 😭😭

Kris Zellmann
Kris Zellmann
2 years ago

We love Steve Burton and want him back, but in the meanwhile please recast the role; Jason Morgan is to important to to many storylines!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kris Zellmann

I too have watched GH for many years, app 40. If i wasn’t able to watch each day I also recorded it daily. I do not have the interest to watch anymore. Bad move leaving Steve go.

2 years ago

It is APPALING that this program would fire two of their most long running, beloved actors over demands being made by a government who is obviously trying desperately to control our every move. Not to mention the fact that the law is being ignored. Medical decisions are no one’s business. The most that should be asked of these actors is that they get tested. I have been watching this program for 50 years -you will lose me and quite a few of my friends should this decision hold.

Shirley Freeman
2 years ago

Supreme Court says it’s a violation of the 4th Amendment to “require” a person to get vaccinated. It was wrong to fire Steve Burton. He is a important part in several story lines. Too many things left undone. I have watched GH for over 53 years and have never been as disappointed as I am right now

Sandra H Haddock
2 years ago

I wouldn’t care if they cast joey biden – I’m gone! Just hung around to see what would happen with Maxie and Brando. I’m so done! I watched when Leslie (Monika) began and now it is just like dirty laundry – redirected into more productive activities! Toodle-Loo, GH!

2 years ago

I think Steve Burton is the only character that can play Jason! Hopefully some time in the future the COVID situation will pass, and Steve will still be interested in coming back to GH.

I have been watching GH from day one, so I have seen Steve since he was a teenager.,I will miss him greatly, but I will continue to watch GH.

Pamela S Walker
2 years ago

I cannot believe the viewers have to mourn the character of Jason Morgan again.. He was a bright spot, esp with Brit. I don’t know the exact reasons, of course. If Gov. Newsome hadn’t put in a vaccine mandate, would this have even occurred? I am vaccinated by choice and something that happened to me in the hospital involving a ventilator years ago. , Steve Burton was on.air for a long time (2020) and NOW they just decide he HAS to be vaccinated?
Shame on GH. I have watched with my Mom since age 14.

2 years ago

I think you should recuse Jason. We need him back watcher Steve Burton or someone else .

2 years ago

Good for you all for wanting everyone to be vaccinated.
It’s a shame Steve Burton won’t get vaccinated.
I’m a loyal fan and have been for years.

Kim McCarty
Kim McCarty
2 years ago
Reply to  Betsy

I’m absolutely gutted over the loss of Steve and Ingo!!! I will continue to watch just because I’m a loyal fan and have been ever since I was a little girl watching with my mom who’s no longer with me. However, the show will NEVER be the same! I feel that everyone should have the choice whether or not they take the vaccine. It’s a total violation of rights! It’s a sad, sad, disappointing time!!! What’s next… Cancelling the entire show???!!!

2 years ago

I’m very disappointed in your treatment of Steve. Burton. I hope once the vaccine mandate is lifted you will Welcome him back. Jason Morgan is one of your main characters. Don’t ruin GH!!
I’ve been watching for 55 years an avid fan and will remain one.

Dana Brown
Dana Brown
2 years ago

Why can’t you just have him tested every week and bring him back on the show the show needs him

2 years ago

I have enjoyed watching Steve Burton over the years and I’m sad that he was let go. With that being said I don’t believe any actor/actress is irreplaceable. The same fans that say they won’t watch the show since he’s gone will be gone anyway according to their own written words. Recast after an appropriate amount of time that is necessary to find someone new.

2 years ago

You try and replace Steve Burton you have no GH! Steve is the show fir .any years we watched him grow up on GH! You wanna see this show go down and ratings real fast you keep it up with your mandates on the actors over a vaccine that is untested and does not work you will close the doors right now! Disney because we are gonna boycott Disney and we’re going to get rid of You to go broke! These vaccines are unconstitutional and are killing people you have no right though jeopardize anybody’s life over a vaccine that’s made trillions of dollars for big farmer and politicians🖕 you Disney

christina beason
christina beason
2 years ago

Why don’t yall change your policy and let him return i have watched general hospital since I was a kid with my granny and absolutely love Steve Burton the last time he left it wasn’t the same until he came back if Laura Wright Maurice Barnard and the rest dont have a problem working with him unvaxed then let them work together the ones that have a problem with it then dont have them recording on the same day if you can’t change your policy then please at least consider a recast until things change and steve comes back

2 years ago

If Steve does not return to GH, at least recast so he can continue to help Sonny and everyone that relays on him. Why leave his son without a father?
Sam already cares more about sleeping with people than how her son will feel about losing his dad.

Jean wright
Jean wright
2 years ago

So many people want Jason back (Steve Burton) GH will not be the same without him

Tracy Gratton
Tracy Gratton
2 years ago

Yes bring back Jason and Jax! And the actors who played them! They can’t be recast! I have been watching GH since the 70s! I’m a loyal fan who have seen some of my favorite people come and go. But I especially love Steve Burton!

Sherryl Bowman
2 years ago

I’d like to see the character recast. It’s hard to imagine Jason not being Steve but there is too much story to tell to continue without Jason. We can get used to a new Jason.

Doris Ball
Doris Ball
2 years ago

Jason not dead he will be back for xmas

2 years ago

I think they should recast the role of Jason Morgan. If in the future things change and you can bring Steve back into the role, bring him back, but in the meantime, allow someone else the opportunity to work. Just find someone who looks similar to Jason.

Karen E Barclay
Karen E Barclay
2 years ago

When they loose their ratings maybe the network will realize what a BIG mistake they have made!
Had watched GH for 30yrs. S.B. character is needed for the show, and only he can pull it off. ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO AN END! End of an Era.
Stopped watching, looking at another network.

Gail Verdon
Gail Verdon
2 years ago

You need to Bring Steve Burton back as Jason. I am so disappointed that the freedom of whether or not to get vaccinated can cause someone to lose their job. Steve Burton is paramount in the role of Jason. So many storylines rest on him and his character! Bring Steve Burton BACK!

2 years ago

I am also NOT watching GH anymore after nearly 40 years. The 3 Most important characters on the show for ages now are-SONNY, CARLY AND JASON!!!!! And Steve Burton OWNS the role of Jason as was proven when they tried recasting him with Billy, who is an Excellent actor! I am vaccinated and have received the booster as well because I CHOSE THAT! Freedom of choice is one of the reasons soooooo many lives have been lost in wars and several have been friends. Mandating vaccines is grossly unjust and goes against Everything this country stands for! Bring Steve back and stop trampling on our rights.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

After over 50 years of recording GH daily, I choose to no longer record it! Yes I am vaccinated, I choose to do so! I even got my booster! But it should be a choice!! The actors should have harder policies to follow to protect yours but it can be done! And their rights should not be taken away!! So, I stand with freedom of choice!

Deborah Bradley
Deborah Bradley
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Please bring Steve back

Darlene Scott
Darlene Scott
2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Bring Jason back-I will be another that quits watching GH if you don’t-sonny-Carly & Jason has to stay-vaccinated should be our choice and not shoved down our throats

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

Agreed. I won’t watch again until they right the wrong they did to Steve and Ingo. Bodily autonomy is a human right.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I’ve been so upset over Steve and Indgo ( did I spell his name right?) I really wish they could stay. I’m so glad they have stood up for their beliefs and wish we had more like them in the entertainment industry. I had quit watching when Steve left the last time started back when I heard he was returning. . I have watched Wednesday’s Thanksgiving episode but haven’t seen any this week.

2 years ago
Reply to  Annie

I agree with Annie. Steve Burton IS Jason Mirgan. I have been a loyal follower of GH only since Steve Burton was brought back to reprise the roll after the producers tried to replace him. I have no interest in continuing to watch now that Mr.Burton is gone.

Roald Frankenfield
2 years ago

Bring Steve back and no one else in his place shame on you for playing politics And I am done watching

2 years ago

General Hospital will become very boring if the character Jason Morgan does not return. He is the best and most honorable “stone cold mob enforcer” on TV.

2 years ago

Bring him back! You can just test him everyday and make sure he is Covid free! What you are doing is crazy! By the way, I am vaccinated, but it should be a choice!

2 years ago

No Steve Burton as Jason Morgan, then there will not be any General Hospital on my TV until Steve Burton returns to GH.

2 years ago

I agree with everyone else. I stopped watching when Sonny was not back for nine months!! NOW!! it’s Jason, Im also vaccinated but I believe it should be a personal choice and not pushed down our backs!!! I don’t lie the character Drew either, just doesn’t fit.

2 years ago

It would appear to with all these different variants that are going around he would want get it to protect the people around him

2 years ago

I’m So Upset over the loss of Jason, why can’t you test him everyday that he’s on site!! I wonder if you asked the other Actors how they feel, as long as he’s tested everytime his role is played !! Annie above has a Great Reason about GH, Sonny & Jason go together like salt & pepper, and no-one can replace him either!! I’ve been a Fan of GH for well Over 40yrs., and this will probably be my last !! Since the accident where Jason was killed I’ve had GH on but did housework, Paid Bills, not paying attention to the TV like when Jason is on!! It’s the whole package Jason has storylines with CARLY, BRITT, Monica, Sam, SPINELLI, SONNY, his children, and many more !! So he’s more than just one storyline, so Get With It GH, and bring Jason Back….

Pauline Kuckowicz
2 years ago

It’s hard for me to think about not having Jason on the show. It’ll never be the same. I’m really disappointed with this situation and hopefully one day he will return.

Kathy Polley
Kathy Polley
2 years ago

I think GH execs are wrong in letting Ingo and Steve go! If the courts say the president can’t mandate why can they?! I think it’s a bunch of malarkey! You’ll lose lots of viewer and a couple of your bigger draws. Bad move GH!
Disappointed viewer

2 years ago

He should be recast at some point, he wont be rolling up his sleeve anytime soon if at all. And I will still watch GH.

2 years ago

Cannot believe they’re doing this!!!! Steve Burton as Jason Morgan IS GENERAL HOSPITAL!! They should know that viewers and ratings will plummet. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? Your viewers deserve answers and I for o w would like to know why when he asked for both religious and medical exemptions?? GH is one of few tv programs that I and many others look forward to watching and have been loyal viewers for more than 30 years. Many times when the storylines were BORING Jason Morgan was what kept me watching GH. It just seems their should be a better resolution. If not, I and many other viewers will not be watching!!

Randi Chikofsky
Randi Chikofsky
2 years ago

I am fast forwarding any scenes with NLG. She instigated this and two people lost their jobs. She should be ashamed of herself. I wonder if she has a conscience. Sadly this pandemic has broken dreams, destroyed families and caused a myriad of issues. It should be noted that testing was available and if an actor displayed any symptoms they were put on leave.

2 years ago

I think that Steve Burton should follow the safe route and get the vaccine. He should set an example of protecting your fellow American in any way possible. I really like him on the show but I don’t think he should use the vaccine as a trading point.

Sharon Griffin
2 years ago

While I understand and respect the opinions of others, I strongly disagree on this subject and I have watched GH since its inception! Personal freedoms stop at the point that they put others at risk! I believe TPTB are justified in their decision to terminate Steve Burton and Ingo Rademaker for noncompliance! At some point, one must recognize their responsibility to protect the lives of others. I pray that both of these actors have a change of heart because their stand on personal freedom is endangering people who are high risk, and along with the anti-vaxxers, enabling this deadly virus to spread and mutate. The bottom line is this: There are well over 700,000 victims of covid who would testify, if they could, that what is at stake is far beyond personal freedom; it is about humanity’s ability to exist or to be wiped out by a cruel and relentless virus. Vaccination and masks are the only weapons currently available to us with which to combat our common enemy!

2 years ago

I understand the rules! This pandemic will never end until the vast majority of people ARE vaccinated! Being in that close position of an Actor DOES endanger others. I still watch my favorite soap, even though I do miss Steve B. jmo

2 years ago

I used to have to watch general hospital daily but since the firing of Jason Morgan and Jax. I haven’t watched the show at all. And I don’t think I will watch it anymore, it terrible to lose your job over getting a shot. What ever happen to freedom of choice.

2 years ago

When the pandemic was at its worse, you managed to keep the actors apart at a safe distance. Why couldn’t that have been done instead of firing Steve Burton. Do you even understand what damage you have done. A lot of people will stop watching GH. And why didn’t the remainder of the crew stick up for him & defend him? Some kind of compromise could have happened. I believe in the vaccine. But it is his decision.

Jean P. Goodsell
2 years ago

My vote is to recast. A very definite please do it.

Carolyn Stowell
2 years ago

So disgusted with GH. Now the favorite, Jason is gone, let him make up his mind about the shot, he ask for medical or religion, both denied!!! You are very wrong!! Now the new Spencer is terrible, and the little girlfriend of his is disgusting also. Many of us out here wait every day for our favorite story, and relate to it. The storyline is so old about Peter, kill him off and get on with the story. It took forever to bring Sonny back, you need new writers!!! I am not alone out here, may have to give up my favorite show of 40 years, and it is coming to that soon!!!!

Kathleen Collins
Kathleen Collins
2 years ago

I love Steve Burton as Jason but he was a major character in General Hospital. HIS character should be recast. If or when he comes back he can resume the part.

Mary D.
Mary D.
2 years ago

If you don’t bring Jason back ,you would just have another story pushed to the back a lot of us viewers along with fans really wanted to see him and Britt’s story is replace him (to many unfinished stories

Michele Ketchem
Michele Ketchem
2 years ago

The vaccine is a person’s personal choice.
To fire someone over it is childish. A person can get the virus with the vaccine as much ad without it. Plz bring steve back and let him and Britt fall in love.

2 years ago

I have watched General Hospital before Luke and Laura over 50 yrs and now you choose to take Steve burton off,,are you crazy ,on my site I’ve seen over a 1000 women andMen who say they will stop also. You people will lose credits and I promise I’ll go watch something else he makes the show ,,open your eyes,,you lost Luke don’t lose the best. With Jason you got the best group of actors don’t be stupid and lose the best bring him back

2 years ago

Bring Steve Back No Recast .. Also I started to lose interest in a show I have watched forever when the writers stopped writing for Jason & Sam GH desperately needs couples that no matter what they stay together. Then they decided to have Sonny lose his memory.. & try pair him with Nina that was a mistake !!! Stop ruining Great couples . As a soap fan I watch for core characters that can stay together!!! Sam & Dante was horrid.
Get some writers who respect couples History & Understand that there has to be some couples that stay together.. that is why I have watched GH so long..

2 years ago

Bring back billy Miller to play Jason Morgan he did an awesome job when he thought he was Jason but turned out to be drew

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