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General Hospital Star Wes Ramsey Pays Tribute To Laura Wright

General Hospital Star Wes Ramsey Pays Tribute To Laura Wright

General Hospital spoilers reveal Carly Corinthos continuing to want revenge on Nina Reeves and Peter August continuing to elude death. The characters barely ever cross paths, but in real-life, the performers, Laura Wright and Wes Ramsey are an item and have been for several years.

General Hospital Spoilers: Real-Life General Hospital Romance

Alongside a smiling picture of himself and Laura Wright, Wes Ramsey posted a lovely tribute to his girlfriend on Instagram saying:

“When you find the balance of laughter & trust, the freedom to embody & empower your truth, that best friend, listener & reflection of what feels magical about life, know that you’ve arrived where you were always meant to be, but also believe that you deserve to be there…Thank you for helping me to see the best man that I could be.”

Ramsey also celebrated four years of bringing Peter to life on General Hospital, although most of Port Charles would like Peter dead. Ramsey took to Instagram to reflect on his GH time.

General Hospital Star Wes Ramsey Pays Tribute To Laura Wright

“4 yrs ago today I had the privilege of bringing Peter August into the magical world of Port Charles for the very first time. It has been an honor (& a roller coaster) for me ever since. To all the fans who have stuck by me, to the ones I’ve won over from time to time & even all the rest that I’m still working on, it has been one of the great privileges of my life to perform for you & try to keep you entertained these last 4 years. So here’s to keeping the controversy stirring & still shaking the trees.”

Peter Can’t Be Killed

For some reason, Peter August is the one villain on GH who just can’t seem to die. From falling down stairs and being placed to a freezer to being shot TWICE, jumping off a Pennsylvania cliff, and having acid thrown at him, Peter just continues to live. Will he become that villain that shows up every few months just to cause trouble or will someone finally get him and bring him to justice?

There’s going to come a point where Maxie can’t hide that baby anymore and then what? Do we just accept Peter as a part of Port Charles? Or might he be redeemed and share more scenes with Laura Wright’s Carly? Stay tuned to General Hospital weekdays to find out.

General Hospital Star Wes Ramsey Pays Tribute To Laura Wright


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2 years ago

What a dirty trick I thought abc was different and care for there fans viewed people and now it’s crazy rules makes up using iris speech orders .going crazy take ing people out and in making there lives in real live crazy and then crazy when they go back on air and
We all waited for Maurice to get better and come back and he wanted to leave for a while and kept him so they did this mike with Nina no see because the frist Nina would not be so nice .and then finally sonny comes back to live but trick he is not totally him self and then The actor plays Jason decided to retired but not yet and then Jason and Carly but sonny is a live .
And then says again to remind us he is leaving like we are not dum.
And they sent him away wanted him back and has problem b3cauw they use another actor Jason but not Jason ,poor Steve burton and poor Sam and now Brit store and this is Carly /Laura fault I think this all of this yes ,and thought she like Steve/Jason on show but then this store of Peter gone to far and then he is her husmand in real life so see is her fault
the other Carly and Brenda would not do this .
Sorry sad mad miss gh and hope you guys don’t go a way

2 years ago

I just do not understand GH anymore, it is so far out in the galaxy that it makes no sense to me.

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