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GH Star Nancy Lee Grahn Attacks This Days of Our Lives Actress

When General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn has something to say, there’s no doubt that everyone in the room sits up and listens.

GH Star Nancy Lee Grahn Attacks This Days of Our Lives Actress

This time around the actress couldn’t help but unleash an attack on Days of Our Lives star Arianne Zucker.

That’s because Arianne revealed on the Miss Understood podcast that she was a fan of Donald Trump. Or at least a fan of his policies from four years ago.

This, despite the fact that she was part of the infamous Access Hollywood tape. And knowing Trump’s own history, she still voiced her support for him.

When one X user wrote, “A woman has a lawsuit about sexual harassment on the set of #DAYS now doesn’t care that Donald Trump has sexually assaulted women because it’s just that she thinks he could say things better? Did I get that right?” it didn’t take long for Nancy to reply.

She said, “Nope. Not even gonna sugar coat this. She’s had years to think this through and this response is just clueless and indefensible.”

The actress continued, “Her silence back then was questionable now I believe she was best served not speaking. It was truly less offensive.”

General Hospital Star Nancy Lee Grahn Voices Her Opinion

Of course, many of Nancy’s fans and followers sure did have a lot to say about the matter as well. Some commented with, “I’m sad because she is one of my favorite daytime actors. (Seriously, when the DOOL writers are floundering, they just set her on a bench and give her a soliloquy.)”

“This just finished her for me. Anyone who can’t see fascism on the horizon is purposefully blind.”

Another critic wrote, “I always wondered why she never said anything when that was released years ago. But she’s being so hypocritical by being MAGA.”

“It really hurts my heart. I heard rumors she was MAGA but never believed them. I’m shook!”

And then there was this comment as well, “I just can’t get over this. So disappointed in Ari. And why didnt I know she was the one in the Entertainment Tonight clip. Ugh.”

“Glad she’s gone. Now i question everything she’s alleging in her lawsuit. So disheartening. Over her. Recast and move on.”

In the meantime, come back right here for all the latest updates and spoilers on your favorite daytime television shows including The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful, General Hospital and Days of Our Lives.



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4 months ago

Holier than thou Nancy is the moral police. Watch out because she may come for you next if she objects to what you think, say or do.

4 months ago
Reply to  Valerie

Right, exactly

4 months ago

I was a fan of Nancy, no longer… anyone who supports the person at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is crazy!

4 months ago
Reply to  Kathy

Amen to that


[…] Trending! GH Star Nancy Lee Grahn Attacks This Days Of Our Lives Actress […]

4 months ago

MAGA is make America great again and Donald Trump is a victim! The Joe Biden Regime is going after their political enemies just like in the days of Stalin in the 1930s of Germany. Somethings wrong with Nancy Lee Grahn if she can’t see what’s happening.

4 months ago

Be careful what you wish for. Fascism is alive and well in the Republican Party. Personally, I would never vote for anyone who associates themselves with Nazis, and who calls them good people, who don’t believe what happened on 1/6, and says it was just a bunch of tourists. Do they think we’re blind? Maybe some of you are. You will have less freedoms under a Republican administration, less clean air and water. This is the party who are taking away women’s rights, and the right to vote by gerrymandering. They should be calling themselves the Trump party , because that is truly what they are. The real Republican Party is dead.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gloria

Boy i hope you think about biden and Your grandkids.Trump always got the job done a lot more active in all things and biden only says what his ear piece tells him..Biden is a.joke and his so called relatives are letting him make a fool of himself.president Trump is the only chance America has.Trump will weed out smelly swamp peope.MAGA all the wa love you Mr.President Trump yes.yes for the best

4 months ago

U are so right!!!

4 months ago

Nancy Everyone Has Opinions & Choices So Let’s Just Clear This
Up, Ms ZUCKER’S Choices Are
Hers & None Of Your Business,
& Your’s Are None Of Her’s, Let’s
Just Keep Out Of Each Other’s
Way & Your Opinions To Your
Self, We Know California &
Hollyweird Are Mostly DEMONIC- RAT’S & You Can Vote For Anyone
You Want, That’s Between You &
GOD, But Voting For A Dunce With
Balance Issues & Entering Dementia
As We Speak, That’s Your Choice,

4 months ago
Reply to  Lesley

Very well said. Everyone is entitled to their choices. All this mess with Trump is a witch hunt because “they” don’t want him in the White House. Good for Ari for standing her ground.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lesley

I totally agree

4 months ago
Reply to  Lesley

Yes you got yhst right.he ann’t even tie his shoes.A vote for Biden is a vote.for a worse same ofd crap and .don’t even know names of his on staff .don’t know congres he.don’t even Biden is worse presadent ever he need to read a script and and stll don’t knows.he has a name Biden is csrupt and eill be.on tria soon yesh

4 months ago

Nancy always attacks anyone that she doesn’t agree with. GH needs to rein her in because she alienates fans. She should go into politics or shut up and keep her opinion to herself. Who does she think she is that she is that people can’t have their own opinion and that hers is the only one that counts?

4 months ago

This is why I can’t stand Nancy Lee Grahn, and FF through as much Alexis as possible.
No one has a right to publicly criticize another’s personal views.
Grahn has been making nasty political statements for several years now.
Other GH performers might have done it, but I haven’t seen it.
She needs to do her job, and not get involved in politics, and views different from hers, on social media.
She’s free to express her stand, independent of attacking those that are different than hers.
Arianne Zucker’s views are just as valid as Grahn’s. And I bet she won’t come back with vile comments.

sue hunt
sue hunt
4 months ago
Reply to  Redrage502

Remember. Empty vessels make the loudest noise.

4 months ago
Reply to  Redrage502

Redrage I agree 100

4 months ago

It’s true that everyone’s entitled to their opinions and beliefs. But that doesn’t entitle them to be hateful. I love NLG as an actress. But some if the things she’s said about Trump, his family, and anyone who ever even thought one of his ideas was good, are outrageous. One example, wishing Melania dead! Why does NLG think it’s her job to chastise and judge anyone – especially other actors – who have a different opinion? How does Arianne’s feelings affect her? They don’t!! It’s not her place to set everyone else “straight”. And I’m not defending Trump. At this point, I’m not inclined to vote for either one of them. She, and anyone else is free to sy whatever we was (although others have been fired for the same or much less) but she doesn’t have the right to tell anyone else how to vote, or bad mouth them publicly because they aren’t pausing her every word and agreeing with her.
And anyone stupid enough to stop liking a favorite actor because of their political beliefs is just ridiculous. They’re still the same person, and just as talented, as before they voiced the opinion you didn’t like. Heck, if we knew even half the views and/or values our fave actors believe or what activities they engage in, we probably wouldn’t like any of them.
AND thus is all because Ari said she liked a policy or 2 Trump had in the past. Not she lives and worships him or likes anything he’s doing now!! And HOW is it ANYONE ELSE’S business anyway??!
We all need to growup and mind our Own business and take care of our own houses!!

4 months ago

agree with comments below

4 months ago
Reply to  meme

she never minds her own business

4 months ago


4 months ago

I would like to know why Nancy still has her job. For years now we have tolerated her personal opinions and her barbed remarks. I think she likes starting all this commotion and thrives on it. Mind your own business. I can’t stand Alexis or Nancy. She has even turned on her own fellow actors on the show and now she is picking on Ari from another show. I think she is in the wrong occupation. If she feels so strongly about her opinions she should get herself into politics with the rest of the outspoken pols. I also fast forward through most of her on GH.

4 months ago

Why can’t NLG just keep her politics to herself??? She openly trashes ANYONE and EVERYONE who doesn’t share her leftist views WAY beyond “Freedom of Speech”. I think if you poll the numbers (LOL!) you will find 1) there are a lot more conservatives in the entertainment business but they keep their political views to themselves and 2) most of GH loyalists wish NLG would just shut her trap since she always seems to have negative or controversial things to express.

She just doesn’t seem content unless she is “stirring the pot”.

4 months ago
Reply to  JudyG

No one wants to hear from her! Don’t like her!

Roman Rotko
Roman Rotko
4 months ago

Nancy is nothing but a trouble maker who needs to keep her mouth shut! She’s caused enough trouble for GH actors! She owes Steve Burton an apology as well as Ingo Radamacher. Her head shaking is annoying! As much as I enjoy her acting (to a point) I wouldn’t shed a tear if she left. And STOP attacking people/actors who support Donald Trump, as Barrack Biden her hero has destroyed America! Mind your own business Nancy Lee Grahn!

4 months ago
Reply to  Roman Rotko

I agree 💯 with everything u said.

4 months ago

Nancy is the most pathetic excuse for an actress. Shut your mouth Ms holy than thou.
can’t stand Alexis and don’t watch her on GH.
fast forward through her parts even when she is with Diane Miller who I love. Nancy is the worst!

4 months ago

I’m with Arianne when it comes to Donald’s politics, even though he should stay off the internet, don’gt agree with him about everything. Nancy Lee Grahn needs to keep her mouth shut!!! I used to like her but now can’t stand her for being so judgmental about EVERYTHING, even when it comes to her friends like Ingo Rademacher. When Donald Trump was in the WH he got things done, gas prices were down bcuz we were out from under OPEC, we had more money in our pockets, having the border wall built, but idiot Joe opened it again. Biden has done NOTHING GOOD for America, especially letting all the illegal immigrants in the US. Him wanting to close the border now is way too little, way too late. Biden being in the WH again would ruin America, wake up Democrats!!! Jill should be ashamed of herself letting Joe make a fool of himself & the Democratic party.

4 months ago

Nancy grahm/ Alexis has something negative to say about everyone.She should take a long.long.Look at herself before she judges everyone.i stop watching when she is on.

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