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General Hospital Fans Are Anxious For The New Spencer Recast

Now that it seems like actor Nicholas Chavez won’t be returning to General Hospital, it seems like a lot of fans out there are on pins and needles over who the recast might be. Seeing how the entire Molly recast situation left a sour taste for fans last year, they don’t want the same thing to happen with the new Spencer Cassadine in Port Charles. In other words, they want to make sure that whichever actor gets the part, fits the part. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Fans Are Anxious For The New Spencer Recast

Actor Nicholas Chavez is taking some time off to work on his new project, the Netflix anthology Monster. And while no one knows when Nicholas will be back to reprise his role, there are some fans out there who of course have their own ideas as to what the writers of the show should do with the character. Many are even suggesting that Spencer be recast until Nicholas comes back. That is, if he even does.

Of course, many General Hospital fans have had a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some have even commented with, “Hopefully the inevitable Spencer recast will be handsome, talented and has just gotten his wife or girlfriend pregnant so he needs a stable job,” along with, “We need an extremely bad Spencer recast who’s on for a few months. Then recast him with who you want. It’s the only way it works tbh. Carly with Braun to JB to Wright, Molly with Pullos to Old Lady to Vaganos. Nobody can live up to NAC but a bad recast b4 an okay one will work.”

Another critic wrote, “Next to impossible recasting NC he can act, he has the looks and charisma. Good luck with that.”

General Hospital: Is Spencer Cassadine Coming Back To Port Charles?

General Hospital fans will have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next. General Hospital airs on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.


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[…] ALSO READ – General Hospital Fans Are Anxious For The New Spencer Recast […]


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4 months ago

I think a Spencer needs to come back NOW!!!!!!! J ason needs to vo back to the old way an be for with SONNY!!!!!!! IF THIS IS GUNNA STAY STUPID…IM A GONER, NOT A FAN NO MORE!!!!! I MEAN LOOK AT CURTIS, HE STILL ISNT WALKING, THATS PLUM STUPID!!!!!!! JUST SAYING!!!!! GET YALLS ACT TOGETHER…PLEASE!!!!!

4 months ago
Reply to  Tracy

Actually, I’m glad Curtis isn’t walking yet. It makes it more realistic. Those things don’t happen overnight or quickly!

4 months ago

Who says NAC isn’t coming back?

4 months ago

I do think Spencer is coming back, whether it’s NC or a new actor. I believe the high drama of Trina’s grief is leading to an emotional reunion!

Patricia Royer
Patricia Royer
4 months ago
Reply to  LJR

Do NOT recast Spencer! Wait for Nicholas to return to his role!!!

Luanne Sarkisian
Luanne Sarkisian
4 months ago

No recast. Wait for Chavez to vome back. He gave plenty of warning he was going to be gone for some time it does not seem fair to recast the role. Not to mention his chemistry with Trina I think it would be a massive mistake to recast. Knowing GH fans if the role was recadt everyone would be complaining about the recast. Leave well enough alone. Patience people PATIENCE

2 months ago

They need to bring Spencer back. If Nicholas is not coming back then recast him. He is needed

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