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General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer Cassadine Recast In The Works?

General Hospital spoilers say now that actor Nicholas Chavez is taking a break from Port Charles to work on his other projects until further notice, a lot of people can’t help but wonder what’s going to happen with his character, Spencer Cassadine. After all, he’s part of a huge storyline with his girlfriend, Trina, and all of the drama surrounding Esme. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer Cassadine Recast In The Works?

Actor Nicholas Chavez is taking some time off to work on his new project, the Netflix anthology Monster. And while no one knows when Nicholas will be back to reprise his role, there are some fans out there who of course have their own ideas as to what the writers of the show should do with the character. Many are even suggesting that Spencer be recast until Nicholas comes back.

Some General Hospital fans have commented on the matter with, “I still think they should have brought on a temp Spencer to use as a soft launch for the inevitable permanent recast. And given the number of temp recasts we’ve had over the last few years, #GH fans would have gone along with it,” along with, “My fear is that we are heading down the cin rabbit hole. They refused to recast Ciata so their story kept stalling and getting ridiculous. Tabyana and Sprina fans deserve better than that.”

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Next For Spencer?

Another critic wrote, “If they want Sprina to keep going, they’ll have to recast when NAC leaves when his contract is up. It would be too soon to have them riding off into the sunset Manny on Guiding Light style.”

And then there was this comment as well: “I’m sick of GH newbies and recasts. Martin isn’t needed. Recasts for Nikolas, Molly, Kristina are disasters. Billy’s Drew was great; CM is terrible. I see Drew and Nikolas and think if FV had given Tyler and Billy another chance they might still be here and be better. Despite FV!”

Of course, GH fans will have to tune in each and every day to find out what will happen next. General Hospital airs on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.


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[…] Also Read – General Hospital Spoilers: Spencer Cassadine Recast In The Works? […]

Diane O
Diane O
1 year ago


1 year ago

Let’s leave Spencer among the missing don’t recast him!! Afterall Curtis, Curtis’s Dad are going to try and find him for Trina!! So that’s a new Storyline that can bide time for when Spencer is done with his movie! There’s a bunch of things that GH can do to stall time so they don’t have to recast !! I just hate seeing someone else being Spencer it doesn’t work well, We love the real Spence & Trina acting out their Romance don’t ya think??

11 months ago
Reply to  gammalinda48

I feel exactly the same way! Nick Chavez is Spencer period! I love him and Trina together! Write a story line that brings him back to her when his Monsters show is over!

1 year ago

I was wondering myself why not a temporary recast for Spencer until Nicholas comes back. But I do hope he comes back! He’s a good actor and very handsome. If the Monsters role is a big success, I suppose he may move on to bigger things, however. 😥

1 year ago

I like Spencer & depending on how long he’ll be gone, I’d suggest they find him & he’s in a coma( Lulu’s been in a coma for 3 years?), so he can be in a coma for a year instead of having someone fill in. We don’t need Esme back, tired of all the evil things going on, need more happiness. Why is Jason shooting at Sonny? Has he lost his mind? Looks like another sad story line

1 year ago

I feel that Spencer’s character is too vital to the show and all that’s going on right now with Trina, Nikolas and Ace, for him to be gone for months. As long as we know it’s temporary and that Chavez will return asap, I think a recast would be good – as long as they choose the right actor!

11 months ago

Ecstatic to hear… Adam Huss is not coming back! Best News! Avery not so much.

11 months ago

Don’t know about a Spencer recast, GH’s recent recasts haven’t been so great lately.
What is going on with the Nikolas storyline? He’s back then he’s gone again. Is Adam Huss not going to continue in the role? Bring back Marcus Coloma. I like him as Prince Nikolas much better than Adam. To the ‘Powers that be’, are you forgetting that we as the fans who watch every day of every year are the ones who keep the show going. We have put up with your messing around with the history of some of the characters and some good but some awful recasts. So let’s get back on track with GH.

11 months ago

If they are going to recast the Spencer character I hope it is someone that is tolerable to the fans. I have a suspicion that after Nicolas Chavez finishes his movie, he’ll realize he can earn more money and work way less hours if he can get a movie deal at least once a year. I will miss him if he decides not to come back to GH.

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