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General Hospital Spoilers: Felicia’s Spy Suspicions, Pulls Mac And Cody’s DNA Test, Outs Cody As Mac’s Son?

General Hospital Spoilers: Felicia’s Spy Suspicions, Pulls Mac And Cody’s DNA Test, Outs Cody As Mac’s Son?

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease just because Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) has embarked upon a new career, it doesn’t mean her spy-dey senses no longer work!

Seeing how Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) and her grandson James West (Gary James Fuller) interacted and how Cody was ready to help her daughter, she’s got her spy suspicions!

General Hospital Spoilers: Acting Like A Brother And An Uncle

Even though Mac Scorpio (John J. York) is a stepfather and step grandfather to Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and James, it may as well be by blood.

He stepped up to raise Felicia’s girls after her divorce from their absentee father Frisco Jones (Jack Wagner). Felicia senses vibes in Cody that he’s stepping up just like Mac did, like a brother to Maxie and uncle to James and her other children.

Now that she’s around Cody a lot more and getting to know him better, he’s reminding her of Mac at around that age. Now that she works at GH, she can do a little spy work around the lab and pull that DNA report, she’s suspicious Cody lied about the paternity results.

GH Spoilers: Cody Bell’s Done Things In The Past He’s Now Embarrassed About

Felicia knows that Cody grew up with Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) but he’s done some things in his past he’s now embarrassed about.

Talk gets around when so many people know each other, and she’s heard Cody doesn’t think he’s good enough to be Mac’s son, even though Mac would be forgiving. With Cody’s past being what it was, he didn’t have the best raising up or guidance when he was younger and he’s not the only one who’s pulled past cons.

General Hospital Spoilers: Felicia’s Spy Suspicions, Pulls Mac And Cody’s DNA Test, Outs Cody As Mac’s Son?

He grew up kind of poor and aspired to a better life, and didn’t always go about his aspirations legally.

General Hospital Spoilers: Felicia Scorpio Snoops Into The Paternity Test

Felicia probably isn’t supposed to snoop into the lab and pull paternity test results as a patient advocate, but sometimes she’s called on to access certain records.

So, she can go into the GH computer systems when she has to-and she finds an occasion to pull the paternity test record. She prints it out and finds out her spy suspicions are right-Cody and Mac are father and son.

But now she must decide how to handle this information and what to do about this situation-she can’t just flash it in front of Cody’s or Mac’s eyes! She doesn’t want it to be an “I told you so” situation-so she’s got to find a way to coax an admission out of Cody!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.


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