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GH Spoilers Update Thursday, November 23: Presumptuous Children, Considerate Surprises, Intervention Needed

GH Spoilers Update Thursday, November 23: Presumptuous Children, Considerate Surprises, Intervention Needed

General Hospital spoilers and updates for Thursday, November 23 tease presumptuous children, considerate surprises, and intervention needed.

Leo Quartermaine (Easton Rocket Sweda) makes a presumptuous remark, Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) delivers a considerate surprise, and Valentin Cassadine’s (James Patrick Stuart) is told intervention is needed stat!

General Hospital Spoilers: Family Gathering

At Alexis Davis’ (Nancy Lee Grahn) house, family is gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving, and several members raise a toast. Alexis, Sam McCall, (Kelly Monaco) Kristina Corinthos-Davis (Kate Mansi) and Molly Lansing-Davis (Kristen Vaganos) are there along with TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) and his mother Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper).

It’s been a rough year for some of the Davis girls, with Molly and TJ’s surrogate losing their baby.

It’s been rough for TJ as well, with his uncle Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) having been shot. Perhaps, albeit a couple of holidays early, they’re toasting to a better new year!

GH Spoilers: Presumptuous Children

Meanwhile, at the Quartermaine mansion, Leo presumptuously tells Cody Bell (Josh Kelly) it’s his girlfriend, as Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) is at the door.

This won’t be the only time Cody and Sasha will be assumed to be dating, as they’ll be asked again. Right now they wouldn’t say they are dating although they enjoy each other’s company. Sasha just doesn’t want to move too fast, she’s still grieving her late husband and their baby.

General Hospital Spoilers: Considerate Surprises

Robert shows up at Anna Devane’s (Finola Hughes) apartment, and she looks like she was crying all night and hasn’t slept. No wonder, considering the events of the previous day, fighting with Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) and identifying Jamison Forsyth’s (uncast) body.

Robert promises he has something that’s going to get her out of her funk, and apparently the something is behind him or beside him in the hallway.

Perhaps Emma Scorpio-Drake (Brooklyn Rae Silzer) is there for a visit-Anna hasn’t seen her granddaughter for years. It would be even better if her mom, dad and brother were there as well!

GH Spoilers: Intervention Needed

Meanwhile, Laura Collins (Genie Francis) tells Valentin they have to intervene now with Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) who was further traumatized over Anna’s visit to her hospital room.

They’ll need to deal with Charlotte’s brainwashing by Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) but they’ll also need to deal with her emotional trauma.

Charlotte was frightened and screaming when Anna came into her room, trying to explain to her she wouldn’t have shot had she known it was her. She’s convinced that Anna came to shoot her on purpose, and for all she knew was there to finish her off!

General Hospital Spoilers: Valentin Cassadine Tries To Gently Confront His Daughter

In the intervention, Charlotte is no longer in her hospital room, and it may be in Kevin Collins’ (Jon Lindstrom) office. She sits on a couch and as Valentin tells her he knows what she’s been up to, and she won’t be able to lie about it.

She’d told Nina Reeves Corinthos (Cynthia Watros) everything she did except she said she didn’t set Anna’ house on fire, and Nina told Valentin.

Charlotte is upset and in denial, as she shouts and demands answers from her father. She doesn’t understand how he could even think that of her.

GH Spoilers Update Thursday, November 23: Presumptuous Children, Considerate Surprises, Intervention Needed

GH Spoilers: Surprise, Surprise

Meanwhile, back at the Quartermaine mansion, Lois Cerullo (Rena Sofer) announces to Olivia Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero) that the surprise has arrived! The surprise is Lois’ mother, Gloria Cerullo (Ellen Travolta) and they’re all happy to see each other.

Gloria has plans to help with the Thanksgiving turkey, and considering this Thanksgiving is forecast to be one for the books, maybe there’ll be a turkey!

The long run of Quartermaine Thanksgiving turkey disasters started in 1996 when Lila Quartermaine’s (Anna Lee) dog Annabelle stole the turkey to share on her date with Laura’s dog Foster!

Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) suggested they order pizza, and it’s been pizza every Thanksgiving since.

General Hospital Spoilers: Confusion And Shock

Elsewhere, Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) is confused and shocked when Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) asks him out of the blue if he wants her to move out!

It’s plain he’s blindsided and knocked for a loop, and doesn’t know what would bring up that question. Perhaps she thinks she did something wrong that he’s going to find out about and won’t like?

For the first time since they’ve had a romantic relationship Brook Lynn and Chase have seemed to be stable. What could have happened?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.


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