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The Young and the Restless: Tragic Details About Eric Braeden

The Young and the Restless star Eric Braeden (Victor Newman) is one of the most open and honest daytime television stars. He’s not afraid to tell the truth – even if it’s his truth – to his millions of adoring fans. He’s also not afraid to hit it where it hurts, at least verbally speaking. But the actor has gone through some tough times, too. Here are some tragic details about Eric Braeden.

The Young and the Restless: Tragic Details About Eric Braeden

Back in in 2010, the actor had to pull out from his How I Met Your Mother gig simply because he was feeling overworked over at the hit CBS soap. His decision even caused a bit of a stir with his co-star Neil Patrick Harris at the time. During that year, NPH blasted Eric for failing to honor a commitment that he had to appear on How I Met Your Mother as Robins’ dad. Apparently, Eric said that the part wasn’t “substantial enough” for him. This prompted Neil Patrick Harris to take to his Twitter account to write, “Eric Braeden is a D-Bag.” 

If that weren’t enough, Eric also admitted that he had his reasons for not wanting to be on the show. “I didn’t want to do it, to be quite frank with you,” he said. “I have had a longstanding antipathy toward guest-starring on nighttime television because I’d done that an enormous amount in the ’60s and ’70s. I was infuriated by the singular decision by a former head of Universal Studios to lower guest-star salaries by 75 percent — from $7,500 per show to $2,500. At that time, Universal was the only game in town. So I swore I would not do that again.”

The Young and the Restless: What’s Next For Eric Braeden?

Back in 2022, Eric took to Twitter to write, “The pictures I see on our tv screens about what’s happening in UKRAINE REMIND ME OF MY EARLY CHILDHOOD IN GERMANY! We were bombed every night& then every day&night! KIEL was 96% destroyed, 500 000 bombs had been dropped on that town alone! The cacophony was unimaginable!”

The actor then had a direct message to Russia’s president Vladimir Putin. He wrote, “Putin was too young to remember that time! RUSSIA suffered terribly under Nazi aggression!! WAR IS UNIMAGINABLY DREADFUL! After that orgy of war, started by a dictator, altogether about 50 million people had died! VLADIMIR, you don’t know wtf you are getting into! If, and God forbid you accidentally or intentionally attack NATO TROOPS YOU WILL UNLEASH A RESPONSE THAT COULD POTENTIALLY DESTROY THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT! That’s not hyperbole, it’s tragically in the realm of possibility! VLADIMIR, come to your senses! The beginnings of war have unintended.”

In April 2023, Eric shared his cancer diagnosis. said that he experienced a lot of pain when he was working and often went to the hospital for frequent urination. After several tries with a few different doctors, he found out that he has cancer. And while he’s already had surgery to remove the cancer, unfortunately, Eric also found out that he had high-grade and low-grade cancer cells, too. 

In August, Eric told his fans, “The reason I want to talk to you tonight is I want to tell you I’m grateful [for] all of your good thoughts and your prayers. It’s meant a great deal to me, and I can tell you it obviously has helped, because I had my last cystoscopy two days ago — that’s when they thread a camera into your bladder — and I’m cancer-free. They couldn’t find a damn thing. Isn’t that nice?”

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Beryl girl Bev
Beryl girl Bev
8 months ago

I have watched the Y&R since the beginning. Eric has been The Man always. My heart and prayers go to God for Eric. I saw him on The Talk yesterday and was thrilled I caught it by chance! Love all of he actors! Please bring Paul back and protect Adam! He is awesome❗️

Melinda Larson-Bopp
Melinda Larson-Bopp
8 months ago

I just LOVE watching Y & R, I’ve been watching for 4 decades+ Eric Braeden.

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