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Is The House of Cards Falling For The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex?

Let’s just say that 2023 is not going to go down as the best year on record for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. That’s because anything that could have gone wrong has certainly gone wrong already. There’s a lot of speculation that suggests the House of Cards might be falling for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as they are dealing with one blow after another. And to make things worse, there are more and more whispers suggesting that because of all the stress they are dealing with, there’s a very good chance that Harry and Meghan might pull the plug on their marriage next. Here’s what you need to know.

Is The House of Cards Falling For The Duke And Duchess Of Sussex?

Clearly, things just aren’t working out for Harry and Meghan lately. Their bizarre car chase story through the streets of New York City has managed to raise more eyebrows over the validity of their claims than anything else. Prince Harry’s ongoing court case with the British tabloid has also given him more negative headlines than positive ones. That’s because a lot of people believe that Harry must still be obsessed with his ex Chelsy Davy seeing how he mentioned her name dozens of times more than his own wife, Meghan Markle. Harry alleges that the British tabloids only knew about his relationship troubles with Chelsy because they were hacking his phone at the time.If that weren’t enough, a new report from the Wall Street Journal says that Meghan Markle has lost her $20 million payout from Spotify as they have decided to part ways with her and her Archtypes podcast. Clearly, whatever could be going wrong for Harry and Meghan have been going wrong so far.

What’s Next For Harry and Meghan?

So, what does this mean for Harry and Meghan and their future? Do they need to rebrand? Or maybe step out of the spotlight for sometime? Or rethink this whole financially independent royal schtick before things really begin to fall apart for them? That’s what a lot of fans are wondering, seeing how Harry and Meghan might be in for some major trouble if they don’t act fast. Watch this space.

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