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Meghan Markle Is Ignoring Her Marriage Problems By Partying In Hollywood

It looks like the rumors are heating up. There are new reports that say Meghan Markle is living her best life – or at least a version of her best life – by partying it up with the rich and famous in Hollywood. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about her husband, Prince Harry, who is being left behind at home. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Meghan Markle Is Ignoring Her Marriage Problems By Partying In Hollywood

According to Page Six, one source close to the situation says that Meghan Markle has been spending more time away from her Montecito mansion and unfortunately, apart from her husband, too. Royal journalist Petronella Wyatt, who seems to have the inside scoop, took to her Twitter account to write, “Friends of mine who live near Harry and Meghan are always bumping into Meghan at parties these days. Strangely, she tends to leave Harry at home,” while also adding, “La Megs has become pally with someone from a very famous American family, whose wealth surpasses that of the Windsors.”

Now, as far as who that family is, could be anyone’s guess. But that sure hasn’t stopped the internet from doing what it does the best, and that’s to speculate on the matter. Some comments have included, “If they do divorce, I am sure the Crown is well protected.  KCIII will not have to pay divorce settlement.  That will surely only come from what H owns and I think she has already sucked the well dry,” along with, “He needs a hard and lasting lesson in actions having consequences. So does she. Unfortunately, I have not seen any indication that either have the capability of learning from their actions.”

Royal Family News: What’s Next For Prince Harry And Meghan Markle?

Another critic wrote, “I doubt there will be many tears shed when Prince Harry finally leaves America with his tail between his legs. Unfortunately his dipshit wife will still be here doing her best to be a Diana-like victim grifting for more money from her dipshit husband.”

Tell us celebrity gossip fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. Also, come back here for all the latest news about your favorite Hollywood and reality television stars right here.



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