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Queen Camilla Nervous And Visibly Shaking During This Moment Of The Coronation

Well, she certainly had a reason to be nervous. Some eagle-eyed fans have noticed that Queen Camilla looked quite nervous while she was being crowned as the new Queen of England. In fact, many people even noticed that Camilla’s hands were shaking and that her lips might have been trembling during that very moment, too. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

Queen Camilla Nervous And Visibly Shaking During This Moment Of The Coronation

Millions of people from all over the world watched the moment Queen Camilla was crowned for the very first time. And it’s a moment that will sure go down in history, too. At one point Camilla even looked a little uncomfortable as her crown was being placed on her head. Could it be because it was either too big or too heavy? We might never know. Either way, Camilla looked like she was doing everything she could to stay upright and balanced at that very moment.

Of course, many royal fans and critics alike did have a lot to say about the matter on social media. Some of them commented with, “I feel that I liked & respected our Queen but feel that I don’t at all Charles & Camilla. Not really interested anymore. But then i think if it where William & Kate the people would have really celebrated and like & have more respect for the royals. They would have been a new era and a new Royal family to take us into the future. Just not feeling this at all,” along with, “When Queen Elizabeth II died the monarchy should have been dissolved, there’s enough British history for the tourists or spend the money and make Britain worth visiting for other reasons, we don’t need all this anymore.”

Camilla Is Now Officially The Queen of England

Another critic wrote, “Queen Camilla does not deserve this. It should have been Diana there. Why does she need to be crowned a queen, THE LATE QUEEN gave her a title so that is what she should remain just queen consort.”

So far Buckingham Palace has not made any comments about the matter.

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