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Prince Andrew Doesn’t Want To Move To Frogmore Cottage: Too Much Of A Downgrade From The Royal Lodge?

It looks like King Charles didn’t really give anyone a heads up when he decided to do a little reshuffling at the royal residences. There’s a new report that says the King of England has evicted Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from Frogmore Cottage and has decided to give it to his little brother Prince Andrew instead. However, it looks like the Duke of York is hesitant to accept the offer as he himself doesn’t want to move from The Royal Lodge. Clearly, Frogmore Cottage would be more than just a little downgrade for him. Here’s what you need to know.

Prince Andrew Doesn’t Want To Move To Frogmore Cottage: Too Much Of A Downgrade From The Royal Lodge?

According to the Mirror, Charles’ plan isn’t going so well as Andrew isn’t in a hurry to pack up his belongings and move just yet. One source close to the situation even said, “This eviction surely spells the end of Harry and Meghan’s time in the UK. Andrew is resisting the idea of moving into Frogmore Cottage after he was offered it last week. But it shows Harry and Meghan are powerless to stop the eviction.”

Similarly, it seems like Harry and Meghan don’t want to give up Frogmore Cottage because it’s the one place that they can call home in the UK. Seeing how the couple have their security concerns, Frogmore Cottage was the one place that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex felt safe while they were at Windsor Castle. But now that it’s gone, Harry and Meghan have no reason to go back to the UK at all.

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One source close to the situation even said, “Harry and Meghan have until early summer to vacate. Initially they were given just weeks, but now they have at least until after the coronation.” 

So far the Sussexes have not made any comments about the matter. Now, whether or not Prince Andrew ends up moving to Frogmore Cottage remains to be seen.

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