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British Royal News: Is Thomas Markle Done Talking To The Press?

British Royal News says that everyone is asking the same question: is Thomas Markle done talking to the press? Maybe, maybe not. Here’s what you need to know.

British Royal News: Is Thomas Markle Done Talking To The Press?

Back in July, and according to royal biographer Tom Bower, he says that Thomas Markle was left hurt by the way that he was portrayed by the media ahead of the royal wedding. “Thomas Markle had become upset by the portrayal of him online and in newspapers across the world as a scruffy, obese, alcoholic hermit,” he said.

What’s more, it seems like Thomas had plans to pay tribute to his daughter Meghan and her new husband at the wedding, but was told that it wouldn’t be possible for him to do so. Bower said, “In a rare telephone call, Thomas told Harry he wanted to make a short speech at the wedding reception. Shortly after this, Meghan called to say this was not possible.”

In his new column for Yahoo UK in June, Omid clarified why the Duchess of Sussex cut off her father in the first place. He wrote, “Breaking away from a toxic parent is one of the most difficult decisions a child can make. But when that family member has a history of creating stress, anxiety and pain through abusive behavior and manipulative tactics, ending the relationship is often the only way to break the cycle….When Thomas responded to Meghan’s hand-written plea in late 2018 to stop airing their private business to the press, the solution he replied with was to stage a media-friendly photo call to show the world they have moved on. It was a suggestion that led Meghan to reluctantly acknowledge she was approaching the end of the road with her father.”

British Royal News: What’s Next For Thomas?

In March, and in one of his YouTube videos, Thomas Markle says that he’s willing to give evidence in his daughter Samantha Markle’s lawsuit against Meghan. Samantha is suing the Duchess of Sussex for the apparently false claims that she made in her bombshell of an interview with Oprah Winfrey last year. Among one of the many so-called ‘lies’ that Samantha told was that she was raised as a single child and that she paid her own way through college. If that weren’t enough, Samantha also says that she can provide forensic evidence to prove that her estranged sister has been lying about her supposed “rags to riches” story to the press.

Thomas put it this way, “I would be more than happy to. I’ve been trying for almost four years to get to see my daughter and her ginger husband in a courtroom face-to-face. I’d be thrilled to defend my oldest daughter.”

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