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British Royal News: The Monarchy Is Giving Prince Harry A Chance To Come Back – Without Meghan Markle

British Royal News suggests that the royal family would like to welcome Prince Harry back into the fold, but just under a few stipulations. Apparently, they want him to come back as a full-time working royal, but without his wife, Meghan Markle. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.

British Royal News: The Monarchy Is Giving Prince Harry A Chance To Come Back – Without Meghan Markle

The Daily Mail royal columnist Richard Kay, who once had close ties to Princess Diana, suggested in his latest column that the royals do want Harry back, but only if he stops behavior the way that he has with Meghan Markle. In other words, they don’t want him throwing the royals under the bus anymore. 

Kay put it this way, “There is a pragmatism here on Charles’s and William’s part: they need him. Slimming down the Royal Family is all very well, but in just two years it has lost much of its firepower: the disgraced Andrew, the absent Harry and Meghan, and now the Queen. Soon those royal cousins, the Gloucesters and Kents, who did much of the unsung heavy lifting are likely to retire. There will be a need for more working royals, not fewer.”

British Royal News: Will Harry Come Back?

He also suggested that in order for this to happen, the Duchess of Sussex must have more of a detached role in her husband’s life. Kay put it this way, “Just suppose some form of reconciliation came to pass, and Harry was prepared to resume his life here, where would that leave Meghan? Could they find a new royal model that allows Harry to rejoin ‘The Firm’ and his wife to have a semi-detached role? It could be done. A role of this sort developed over time for Princess Diana, who continued to support Charles at national events throughout their separation but followed her own path in terms of duties. The difference of course is that Diana did not commercialize her life as Meghan and Harry have done. And it is for this reason, tragically, that for all the positive signs the couple’s presence have triggered, not even the most optimistic of courtiers truly believe there is any way back for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex….In the years ahead, failing to recognise the possibilities presented to them this week may turn out to be the couple’s biggest error yet.”

So far Prince Harry himself has not made any comments about the matter.

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