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General Hospital Spoilers: Here’s What Fans Really Think Of Nancy Lee Grahn

General Hospital spoilers say that Nancy Lee Gran will be taking a break from the hit ABC soap. And for those who might seem worried about her sudden departure, there’s no need to. The actress is being temporarily replaced by Stephanie Erb, who will be filling in for her shoes as Alexis Davis as she continues to recover from surgery. And while a lot of General Hospital fans would never want anything horrible to happen to their beloved Alexis Davis, they’ve also been sharing some interesting comments about her portrayer, too. Here’s what you need to know.

General Hospital Spoilers: Here’s What Fans Really Think Of Nancy Lee Grahn

Nancy Lee Grahn is clearly a very controversial person off screen as much as she is on screen. In fact, she is one person who is never worried about sharing her opinion, whether it’s about politics or personal matters or even those co-stars who have refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Nancy made waves last year when she supposedly announced Ingo Rademacher’s departure from the show before producers even got a chance to do it themselves. Ingo was let go for refusing to comply with the ABC network’s vaccine mandate.

And now that Nancy is taking a break from the show, a lot of fans have taken to social media to share their true thoughts about the actress. After it was announced that Stephanie Erb would be taking over, some comments from fans and critics alike have included, “Not leaving permanently??? Dang!! Hopes dashed!! Maybe her stand in will blow the producers away and they will keep her…I WISHED!!” along with, “Please don’t have her come back Nancy Lee Grahn is a huge bully n a hatful person ! I stop liking her after she start being hatful to so many people ! Shame on her.”

General Hospital Spoilers: What’s Next For Nancy?

Another critic wrote, “No loss there. Lost all respect for Nancy Grahn when she involved herself in politics and started running her mouth about people not wanted to be FORCED to get vaccinated. Especially since it doesn’t even prevent people getting Covid. Much respect for Steve Burton and Ingo R. for standing their ground. Nobody should be mandated to put anything in their body hey don’t want to!!!”

That said, fans will have to tune in to General Hospital each and every day to find out what’s in store for Alexis’s future. Until then, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. General Hospital airs weekdays on the ABC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.



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2 years ago

I stopped watching because of nlg. She’s irrelevant. I will however watch when her replacement takes over and hope that it turns into a permanent job for the person replacing her. If you don’t agree with nasty Nancy she blocks you. I’m a proud member of that club and on Facebook at #firenancyleegrahn.

2 years ago

She is a nasty bully. Roseanne was fired for much less. She insults half of her fan base with her vile remarks. I do not mind people having different opinions, but she has no tolerance for anyone unless they agree with her.

2 years ago

No Nancy fan here. FF all her scenes. Too political and mean for me.

Maureen Smith
Maureen Smith
2 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Had enough of her nasty mouth, she days awful things about people who don’t agree with her. Her research is very poor making her even worse. I leave the room when she comes on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim

One word BORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

This writer really should get the facts before writing an article. She did let everyone know about Ingo before he or the show announced his leaving. It wasn’t her place to say anything. She’s a bully to anyone who disagrees with her way of thinking, she wishes death on people. Tells people they don’t deserve to breathe the same air as her. Maybe if we’re lucky her air will poison her, then we will never have to see or hear from this vile filthy mouthed ugly person. She actually jokes about all the fans she’s lost over her posts. She’s nothing but a filthy mouthed drunk. I hope they don’t bring her back. Producers of the show need to realize who puts that paycheck in their wallets. Without the fans of the show there would be no show. Get rid of Nancy Lee Graham.

2 years ago

I pray GH will get rid of NLG. Her mean spirited big mouth, bullying, hateful tweets, and just plain nastiness is running fans away from the show. Because of her and GH/Disney forcing an unproven untested vaccine drug which ended two two beloved actors GH careers, after 58 years of watching…I QUIT. It’s been painful. I love the show. But I refuse to participate in it with that nasty mouthed bully. Until you #firenancyleegrahn, I’m by done.

Williams Jessie
Williams Jessie
2 years ago

I fast forward through every scene with her and with Nina

2 years ago

Getting rid of Grahn wouldn’t be any kind of hardship Flor GH.

Sharon Weir
Sharon Weir
2 years ago

I love her, Nancy
Get well soon. Excited for you to come back. Can’t wait for you to revail Hatmony as Neil’s killer and why she did it.

2 years ago

I simply cannot watch Nancy’s scenes any more and I hit Fast Forward during her performances on General Hospital. She simply makes too many nasty, insulting statements about people who don’t share her beliefs. I feel sorry for the actors who have to work with her. I would be so happy if ABC replaced her with another actor permanently on General Hospital.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda

This fan loves her and I applaud her speaking out on matters as a private citizen that she feels strongly about. As to Steve and Ingo leaving.. that was their choice. They couldn’t follow work rules so they left. Bye! As to the vaccine not working. It does work. IT PREVENTS DEATH AND SEVERITY of the virus. It should be a no brainer to Steve and Ingo but I guess they think they are invincible and basic say screw my co-workers. Again, if Nancy isn’t your cup of tea, scroll on by her tweets or FF her scenes. She has a right to speak her mid and block trolls who are nasty. That said, she is a fine actress no matter what and has Emmy to prove it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cat

Not true. It does not stop severity. Many patients that had the shit were on life support for the virus. Check your facts. Check the records call the hospitals.

Wendy L
Wendy L
2 years ago

NLG is a hateful bully. She belongs on The View with all the other misguided morons. Seriously what a waste of talent God gave her.

2 years ago

I lost all respect for her when she said she wished that Trump would fall down the stairs of Air Force One and die. And then she gushed about Biden walking up those same stairs and tripping three times. She is a bigot. Plain and simple. And it’s a shame that she feels she has to spread her hate and vile. I used to enjoy the character of Alexis very much but Nancy and her very vocal personal beliefs has ruined that. She may be a great actress but her mean spirit and glee in others pain has destroyed that for many of us. She doesn’t need even read her own Twitter feed. She throws the bombs and let’s them burn. Can’t even debate the issues

2 years ago

No fan! I wish no ill will against her, But she is off the charts with critical comments on her follow co- workers! Because they didn’t get the vaccine, we live in country where people have every right to choose for themselves, nothing keeps you from getting COVID it’s a virus! The Vaccine helps just like the flu shot from a critical out come. Wearing a Mask, washing your hands etc, is very effective to help stop the spread, She got the vaccine okay she helping herself and that’s her choice, but if she still gets it covid because she thinks she’s safe cause of the Vaccines she can spread it, kind of a false sense of security. ( and yes I’ve had all three Vaccines) but to be so anger at other people and spread venom on social media is totally unprofessional! She wants to have her freedom but if anyone goes against her opinion and has there own opinion that’s not hers! Wow the Nasty comes rolling out!!

2 years ago

Used to love her , always said she had chemistry with anyone they put her with . Then saw what a hateful person she really is . The immediate way she turned on and badmouthed her longtime coworkers and supposed friends was shameful and wrong . She doesn’t need to come back , can easily be replaced .

2 years ago

I do love Nancy Grahn as Alexis. I do I just love her! Now I didn’t know about that with Ingo R. and Steve Burton had happened. I do love Steve and Ingo sooo very much and I really miss them!! I wished GH would get smart and bring back Steve and Ingo because we all watch and we are a big part of the reason GH is on the air!! So please bring back Steve Burton and Ingo R. PLEASE!!!
As far as Nancy G. I love her but she needs to be stopped about bulling people on the show!! As far as replacement I love her playing Alexis Davis but again NO BULLYING!!!

Linda Shook
Linda Shook
2 years ago

I LOVE Nancy, she is a great actor. All of you may not like the character she plays, but separate that from the actor.
I love both the actor and the character!!!
Keep Nancy!!!

2 years ago

Love Nancy Lee Graham…wishing her a speedy recovery ❤️hurry back Nancy we’ll be missing you. Don’t worry about the haters they’re always gonna hate… It says so much more about them than it ever did about you! Always lead with love and gratefulness! Thank you for your faithfulness to GH!

2 years ago

Disgusting, hateful person! How Disney has not let her go already is beyond me with the kind of language she uses online, and her hateful, toxic social media posts. Anyone who disagrees with her is automatically blocked. Her hate and the poison she spews toward Republicans is appalling. She is not a politician, not a leader, not anything at all of real importance – except in her own head. She should stay in her lane and stick to ‘acting’ – I fast forward through every one of her scenes, she definitely would not be missed.

2 years ago

I can’t stand her she will not be missed kinda hope she decides to not come back 👍🏻She is a hateful person

2 years ago
Reply to  Kim

I’m soo happy she is being replaced! I just wish it was permanently. I use to like her as Alexis until I see how she is in real life. She is soo rude and cruel to people who are her fans. If you don’t believe and think just like her, she gets really mean to them. Nasty Rude Bully. Please don’t let her come back.

Sue Green
Sue Green
2 years ago

Can’t stand her. Please don’t bring her back. Such a hateful person. I FF every scene of hers

2 years ago

I FF through her scenes also. I don’t see Alexis anymore I only see hateful Nancy. She really should have kept her opinions to herself.

2 years ago

Get rid of Nasty Nancy. I have alot of responsibilities and I watch GH as my get away. Now that a FF that nasty vile
person my rest time is cut short.

Trish Fletcher
Trish Fletcher
2 years ago

She became a disappointment. Steve Burton played a far more important and beloved role on GH than she. I once liked her but running at the mouth is very unbecoming. I wouldn’t miss her if she didn’t come back.

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