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Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Allie Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands With Johnny

Days of Our Lives spoilers say that someone’s got to the job, right? It looks like Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold) is about to take matters into her hands when it comes to Johnny DiMera (Carson Boatman). And let’s just say that the devil is going to have a hard time with this one. Keep reading below for all of the spoilers you need to know.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Allie Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands With Johnny

According to the latest edition of Soap Opera Digest, Alle finally realizes that Johnny is possessed by the devil and knows that if there’s one person that can help him, it would be her. Speaking to the publication in a new interview, her portrayer Lindsay Arnold puts it this way, “Alle immediately tries to connect with her brother, really emphasizing memories and the bond they both have being twins.”

However, Days of Our Lives spoilers say that after Abigail comes in and finds Allie alone and unharmed, Allie becomes possessed herself! She drags Johnny off to the DiMera crypt. Simply put, Allie doesn’t want Johnny in her way.

Lindsay continued, “She also does not want him remembering any of their encounters and going and telling someone. Until her business is taken care of, she can’t have Johnny out and about ruining anything and sharing information. The easiest thing for her to do as the devil is to get rid of him.”

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: What’s Next For Allie?

Days of Our Lives spoilers also say that when Chanel runs to try and find Johnny, she finds a very cold Allie instead. Lindsay says, “She shuts her down and keeps things as short as possible. Again, she can’t have anyone who’s close to Allie around, becaus the devil is in her and there’s work to be done.”

So, does this mean that Johnny is now in trouble while in the hands of Allie? Needless to say, Days of Our Lives fans will have to tune in to find out what will happen next. In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. Days of Our Lives airs weekdays on the NBC network. Check your local listings for times.

Be sure to catch up with everything on DOOL right now. Come back here often for Days of Our Lives spoilers, news and updates.


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2 years ago

This story line is getting more ridiculous everyday….Cieras baby bump grew in 24 hrs….none of the children are allowed in public, go to school, eat, go for walks with parents…cripes no one even works or eats…..need to get a “tad” more realistic is you want to start winning awards again!

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