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Kristen Stewart Had No Idea Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Live In California

It might be hard to believe, but it looks like not everyone is keeping up with the British Royal Family. As a matter of fact, actress Kristen Stewart, who plays Princess Diana in the hit film “Spencer” was surprised to hear that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle moved to California a full two years ago. That’s because Kristen says that she doesn’t keep up with the royal family at all. Here’s what she has to say.

British Royal Family News: Kristen Stewart Had No Idea Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Live In California

Apparently, Kristen only learned about ‘Megxit’ from an interview with Vanity Fair even though she did some extensive research about the royal family prior to filming “Spencer.” She had also just watched snippets of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s explosive interview with Oprah, which aired back in March of last year.

“It was almost too hot to touch in terms of how personal it was for me at that time,” Kristen said about the Oprah interview to Vanity Fair.

Strangely enough, Kristen also didn’t know that Harry and Meghan live so close to her. When she found out that they now live in California, she responded with, “That’s so funny. I wonder where. I’m no better than anyone! Of course I want to know.”

That said, Kristen also added some of her own observations about the royal family in a separate interview with Town and Country.

British Royal Family News: Kristen Stewart Opens Up About The Royal Family

She said, “People’s inner lives are so incommunicable, and one thing that movies allow us to do is translate that in a way that does feel reflective of a true experience. They’re a real family, and I am sure there’s love and warmth. I’m a total outsider here and I’m not trying to be presumptive, but we do have reflections right from the horse’s mouth, so it’s an attempt to take someone and turn them inside out. It’s not literal, but it’s true.” 

Maybe now Kristen will invite Harry and Meghan for a cup of tea to talk all things royal? Here’s hoping!

In the meantime, let us know what you think with your thoughts in our comments section again. Be sure to catch up with everything on the British Royal Family right now. Come back here often for the British Royal Family news and updates.


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